[insert totally nifty topic here]

No, he does have an official YouTube, but it’s dead. I’m curious where that came from, though. I don’t remember that song being in any games recently to have multitracks. That is way too clean to be fanmade

Also, yeah, @the_termin8r1, like @EvoOba said, there’s official Hybrid Theory instrumentals out there, I think on LPLive, along with Meteora. I think M2M and ATS are the only ones we don’t have


LPL still has HT’s? I just remember a huge fight a few years ago over the files being taken down cause they weren’t obtained legally in the first place and LPL wanted to be safe.

But yeah, ATS and MTM we’re missing. I wish we had ATS actually, super cool tracks.

I guess I never looked into it past the original release of them

Edit: Found this in a search, so I guess it’s true

Kinda odd considering the whole thing about them posting the LPU15 track late last year, and that obviously was from an official source, and the instrumentals’ source are just unknown.

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Interesting… They are legit tracks but source is unknown.

Things change… I still find it really hard to believe that they don’t consider LPU tracks “official” or anything and just release them for everyone.

To not fill *** Do not post any official Linkin Park releases *** with unreleated posts, I’ll continue here

I’ve been busy with school stuff and work. And staying up until 5am watching people play Super Mario Maker on Twitch. Even if I don’t say much or anything, I still check the forums a lot throughout the day

@evooba I have meant to ask you for long, but I always forgot. Have you seen the Meteora monastery? Was it before or after you came to know about the album release? :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of random questions to ask @EvoOba , I’ve got one of my own.

How is you first name pronounced? Is it ‘eeva’ , ‘ayva’ or ‘ehva’ or something completely different. Strange question, I know, but I had nothing else to post :stuck_out_tongue:

My question is not specific to her for some random reason. This is a LP related question :smiley: , and she’s the only one of Greek nationality that I am aware of.
Also, everyone’s talking about HT instrumentals and I am tempted to post a open link for all to download, and this is the only way to distract myself.

Its pronunced Bob

So, I found this. Can anyone confirm if this is real?


You called me?

No you are Meowsy McDermott.

  1. WTF is wrong with the forums?

  2. @amitrish I knew about Meteora before LP (it’s a pretty popular place to visit) but I’ve only been there once and that was 5 or so years ago. (I didn’t go up though).

  3. @the_termin8r1 Thanks for asking this! Most people tend to pronounce it like Eva from Wall-E but it’s actually pronounced like the first e in the word “everything”. (does that make sense?)

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Yes, that’s what I was trying to type out with my last example

Is that a Family Guy reference?

Aww good then. It’s funny cause not a lot of people pronounce it like that. I guess Eva (as in Wall-E Eva) is the way to say it in every other language but Greek.

Meowsy is real!


No I didn’t. I was asleep at the time. I’ll watch it when I get home from work.



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Someone (@Derek) lucked out