Would you rather...?

I’d rather die

So you want to keep both?

Kill Bieber

WYR: Get severe frost bite (to the point where your fingers look like the image below- be warned, it’s what most would call gross) or extreme burns to the same extent in the same place?



Oh holy shinoda I think the gross wine is getting to me cause I misread the question.
I rather have them all die, that’d be a better sollution.

As for the severely damaged hand. I uh…

Go for the extreme burns because why the shinoda not

oh and


Eat booger nose with gross wine


Bunny droppings in your soup but not knowing it is droppings of bunny

bunnie droppings, lol holy shinoda lol @Gatsie :relaxed:
WYR sleep andhang in ya bed (with all “services” needed or never ever have a bed for sleeping? :scream:

I’m fine with either. My bed is not the greatest and the floor is much comfier to be honest.

Would you rather get your fingers caught in a sink’s compost system or in a mixer?


kill a bear or kill a panter? [@evooba you saw Mike last night also???]

A bear

WYR make Mike jealous or make Chester jealous?

Mike of course cause holy shinoda


1 or 2


kill or die?


Would you rather be alive but not able to do anything on your own or half dead, with the ability to do stuff but you couldn’t due to severe illness? (this is probably grammatically and whatever else incorrect, but I can’t grammar this early in the morning, sorry)

I feel this way.

WYR go take a car ride up the mountains to go sightseeing, or climb the mountains using only your climbing equipment.

car ride

WYR enjoy only the car ride or even climbing too?


WYR visit someone’s house or have that somebody visit you in your house?

Depends. I like having friends over to do our thing but now with the parents around it’s not fun, same goes for going to other people’s houses.

Would you rather lose your wallet with everything in it (id, student/work id, money, credit cards, all that stuff) or your phone (again, codes, id/credit card info, all in there)?

the case of my phone is also a wallet.


live without hair


live without any pigment

Phone, I’ve got nothing important in it. Not that I have anything important in my wallet either. I only have one bank card, a costa coffee card and a subway card. ATM I don’t even have any cash in the form of bank notes, only a couple of pounds in coins.

wyr rather lie/say nothing then telling he/shes stinks out of her/his mouth?

Say nothing.

Wyr nap or make the other person wait for no end @The_early_walker?


WYR waittill I´m back or NAP yaself?

I have been trying not to nap, but obviously that’s failing.
(This question was for me all along)

Wyr deal with your husband or me?