HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Thank you so much for the kind words! :hugs: :tada:

Can you send us some of that heat? The weather has been shitty lately, nothing but rain and grey skies. In July! :crazy_face:

Have a great Sunday everybody, and make sure to re-energize yourselves for the new week ahead. Cheers!


It’s the same as usual. Buried with work and exams are coming up as well.


Hahah, thank you love! :heart:
Yeah step by step.

This weekend was good. Saturday evening/night i spend time with friends. We had dinner together and after that the alcohol and music came and we dance till midnight/early in the morning. When i woke up my feet were killing me :rofl: i dance to much :sweat_smile: but i was nice and i really enjoy it! :grin:
Today i had a babyshower, my sister in law is pregnant again! So I’m gonna be a uncle again!!! :grin: :grin: I was happy to see my niece again!! She was so happy and the energy she has
 damn! She is growing and she begins to talk now!!! She calling me uny! Can’t say uncle, baby language :rofl:

Nice! Good to hear you liked it! :smiley:

Aaai that doesn’t sound nice
 how are you holding up? :hushed:

Aman! :pray: you say what i think! :pray:

I did! Read upbove :arrow_up: :kissing_heart:

 typical Dutch weather
 :neutral_face: :unamused: its facking lovely :unamused:

Tomorrow is another work day for me!
Hope you all have a good week!
Much love :v:



Hey guys! Hope you had a great Sunday :slight_smile:

We spent the day at the day beach today surfing and chilling. It was pretty great, quite hot too! It’s weird cause the forecast said it was only 18 degrees but felt like 23-25. We had a quiet evening at home, decided to do a BBQ instead of going out to eat. We played some board games and FIFA on PS4. It was so so so fun! I hadn’t played PlayStation in YEARS! (I won all matches by the way :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Tomorrow is supposed to be raining so we said we’ll stay in, have a late breakfast and maybe wander around town. Let’s see

Have a good start to your week guys :slight_smile:


What a gorgeous night. I just went for a bike ride, and now I’m relaxing ahead of what I’m sure will be another thrilling work week.


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: had a quiet good weekend :blush: at least I feel ready for the “pre last school week” of the schoolyear 2019/20. It’s one that will write history- anyway, outlook on holidays/ vacation and tidying the garage :joy: my plans for these holidays :grin:

On another note: our flight to Hamburg can’t be rescheduled :expressionless: hoorays for flexible booking options sucking you 50 euro out of the poket for literally nothing. The good in the bad: the operator was LOVELY :heart_eyes: she was patient, helpful and ite finally solving my case
 that’s normal you‘d say?? Nope
 definitely NOT
 so however- we decided to stay the 3 days from Sunday - Wednesday sightseeing and shopping :shopping: in Hamburg :crazy_face::crazy_face::joy::sweat_smile: so what?!! Jackpot :tada::joy:

Have a good start of the week guys :muscle:t2::hugs::yellow_heart::sunny: Stay strong :muscle:t2: and always remember: we stand together in this!!

@evooba congratulations :balloon::confetti_ball: a penny for seeing their faces :joy: and the coast looks absolutely awesome wild and silent!! Enjoy :hugs::sunny::yellow_heart:

@alz89 and @Linkineli congratulations :champagne::tada: you both fit so wonderful in Mikes pic! So happy for you guys- enjoy :hugs::yellow_heart:

@drounzer meeeeh - but it’s nice to see you’re back !

@anna834 :hugs::heart::kissing_heart: sending you sunshine :sunny: directly into your mind! Hope you can feel it!! :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: stay strong dear :hugs: you’re not alone!

@HakManLP oh man, sorry budear just realized that I haven’t checked the WEP - :open_mouth: :exploding_head:
 shame on me :see_no_evil: doing it tonight- meanwhile I check your pics :grin:

And as always love and hugs to @everyone - need to leave

Ot: :shower:

@LP13413 I’m a bit confused :upside_down_face: is this sarcastic? I thought you already have holidays?! However- sleep good Andy and cuddles to our cutie :cat2:


hello everybody and it’s monday again :expressionless: :rofl:

hello buddy :grimacing: :hugs: :relaxed: I like these kind of jokes :joy: Yeh, maybe sometimes I need this :nerd_face: Hopefully this week it’s gonna be better. Do you use fb live for online classes?
Also: Exactly this. We have so many younger people, which give a a damn about the rules :triumph:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that sounds amazing, I’m looking forward to it - I think a new album will be awesome, but I a tour with two new albums could be a little bit heavy, bc there are so much new songs to play.
I’m still thinking, what’s next about Rammstein :grimacing:

hello dear :kissing_heart: Hopefully you’ve readed my answer? :pray:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: we hadn’t our ‘food exchange’ on the weekend, so I think you’re too busy. Damn, but don’t worry :relaxed: :hugs: Weather around here turned into better and we’ve got +22-24 degree, what about sylt?

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: no problem and sure - you deserve to get rid of this shit! Hopefully it’s over as soon as possible and you can look into better future. Also, you haven’t check the WEP? :scream: :joy: That’s evil (just kidding) - but I think you’ll laugh about the oldschool paper :joy: :raised_hands:t2:

hello and good to read from you some update :relaxed: What kinda bad news?

hello dear :kissing_heart: that’s great, that you got so much fun and joy in here. And you’re english is doing better, so be proud of yourself. What did you do on the weekend?

hello :kissing_heart: :relaxed: over +45 degree? :scream: That’s like ‘you’re living in a vulcano’ , maybe wear a ice bucket shirt :sweat_smile:- but it’s great to read from you and sending the strength and the hugs back to you :kissing_heart: :pray:t2: :grimacing:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that sounds great. I also love countryside places, take some pictures for us :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart: so great to read this from you and that you’re enjoying these times! Also saw you pictures and they’re so beautiful, and just saying ->‘there can’t be to much beer and food’ :crazy_face:
Enjoy the time - you deserve it!
Also Fifa with friends is alwas good, but online games are shit
 and make me very angry :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I saw the collage and some of my friends are also in it - where are you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
creepy? You know ‘Rob and Brad’ are always the ‘creepy guys’ (hahaha, just kidding) :rofl: :joy:
Thank you for this feedback, I’m gonna continue this every week to spread some love :heart:

hello buddy, sunday was good :sunglasses: But I need more energy, so maybe more coffee.
How about you? Do you got your power back after the exams? :partying_face:

good luck and the best wishes for that :partying_face: :muscle:t2:

Hello buddy :kissing_heart: that’s so good, that you’ve got so much enjoyable things on the weekend and take some positive vibes and energy back. I meant exactly things like this. You’re doing great buddy, keep going - and you’ll feel better soon!
dance music or some music to do some ‘mosh pits’ :sunglasses:?

Hello andy, best wishes for the thrilling work week :muscle:t2: :sunglasses: It’s still hot around your region → pool time weather?

10 powerful tags to @zanybelle @Honey8 @justinkilmer @lplove @anomalia @anngelenee @chigokurosaki @lpfan61 @alz89 @amitrish :heart:

coffee, coffee, coffee - weather is better, but I have to do the garden today or tomorrow :expressionless: Maybe I’m gonna a nice long run/walk later

Wishing everyone a good start into the new week - stay safe and healthy #LPUFAMILY :heart: :muscle:t2:


I know right :joy: Today’s already better though

I do! Though I’m hanging low for a while, because I need a reset to see which path to take next.


I had dinner outside last weekend. I haven’t been eating out for a long time :joy: :joy:
I couldn’t find anything to do this weekend, so I played online games and
I played the guitar :joy:
How was it for you my friend ?

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Watching TV.
 celebrated my niece’s 21st birthday yesterday.


It’s really pretty here, I’m honestly stunned! The coastline is incredible! The water is very cold for me though so I only managed to go in up to my waist.
Hadn’t played in years so it was so fun!

OT: It’s raining all day today, quite heavily at times, so we had a slow morning at the house and then ventured out for a small hike and some shopping. We came home about 20min before it started to pour and spent the afternoon and evening playing PS4 (more fifa!) and card games. Ordered pizza for dinner and had a few more beers. Not sure what we’re going to do tomorrow, we’ll decide in the morning.


Yes. Thank you! Can’t say I’m surprised. He said right away he didn’t know what was going to happen with it. Still is sad though. I would like a finalized version.

OT: Watching Hamilton on Disney+


After another busy Monday at work


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: quick check in- I’m already late! Hugs to @everybody and let’s make him proud once again today :heart::heart::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::kissing_closed_eyes::hugs:

Ot: starting my routines

Gotcha :joy::sweat_smile: @lp13413. Stay tumed and maybe it’s time for any kind of “project” yourside? Maybe you can learn Thurman some artistic feat?! However good goodnight my friend :sleeping:


It will :smile:

No. Zoom or Google Meet. Also for homework we have our own virtual campus.

On topic: Going to sleep goodnight.


Just gone for a blood test now waiting to start working
finally finish this job on Thursday
can’t wait!! Sorry I haven’t been on here much guys!

Hugs to @HakManLP @lpfan61 @theearlywalker @melisLP


Today’s our last day here, had a big breakfast and then spent the morning strolling around town And chilling a bit at the beach, grabbed some coffee and food and we’re now chilling in the hot tub back at the house.
We’re going to have a quiet night and pack and all and get ready to head back tomorrow morning.


Hey all! Happy Tuesday!

Had a long busy weekend but was able to relax for the most part
 I think? haha

Friday I went to a different state with the miss lovely Brianna and she got her dream tattoo!


We’ve been designing it for almost a year now lol. The tattoo artist made a few changes but I wasn’t mad because they know what’s best for the client lol, needless to say I think it turned out beautiful and I’m happy she liked it.
Saturday and Sunday mostly consisted of helping around my parents house (My dad came home yesterday yay!!), I mostly kept their dogs company and did a few house chores for them so they wouldn’t have to worry when they got back.

and yesterday I had off well
 just because lol. Did a few things around the house but also got to relax and just catch my breath!

I mean it was a HUGE burden!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Glad you could handle it!
Thank you! I hope your weekend was good as well!! :hugs: :hugs:

Thank you! :hugs: :grin:

Hopefully you’ll get to see them! I’m sure there will be other opportunities but still I just want a concert damnit :triumph: :triumph: :joy:

as for my favorite song on the new album :thinking:
“Father of All
” is probably my top and then I’d have to say “Oh Yeah!” is my next favorite. how about you?

OT: Well getting back into work
 one cup o’ coffee down
 who knows how many more to go :rofl: Starting with just some random rock music today, turned on the “From Ashes to New - Station” so starting out with the song “Crazy” by them and we will see where it goes from there!

I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Positive vibes to everyone! :hugs:


Good luck with everything! I haven’t been aroud much to. Don’t blame. We all have our busy moments.
How are you today?

Sounds like a nice day! :hugs:

Its beautiful! Wauw! Well done. Absolutely beautiful :heart: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

What kind of games do you play? :video_game:

Hahahahah :laughing: :rofl: how do you feel today?!

Hahha some dance music. But when i got the chance i tried to bump into my friends! To challenge them to do a mosh pit version of dancing! :rofl:

How are you today buddy? What is the plan for today? :kissing_heart:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

@framos1792 where are you Bat? How are you?! :kissing_heart:

@zanybelle how are you dear? :hugs: what are you doing? :hugs:



hello everybody, good morning :grimacing:

hello there buddy :hugs: :relaxed:, that’s really good - do the reset and take step by step. After exams it’s just a normal thing. Are you gonna do a journey maybe?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, weekend was very good - Maybe you’ll have this weekend more plans? Also: What games are you playing online?

hello there :relaxed:, can we change places? Your places looks so beautiful :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that sounds awesome but you have to be “tough” - do some swimming, It’s never ‘too cold’ for that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :laughing:
Also I want some pizza too, right now :sob: - so after the holidays: what’s next for you?

hello dear :kissing_heart: you’re welcome - thinking the same way but on the otherside, maybe it’s good. This song is very emotional.
So, you’re using Disney+ too? What are you watching also on it?

hello andy :relaxed: :hugs: that’s me from monday - friday. :joy: How are you doing these days?

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: exactly this, hopefully you’re doing good and the stuff is nearly at the end! Weather was great the last two days, but now it sucks again. How about weather in the south?

hello buddy :hugs: :relaxed: we do the same with zoom. It’s very good, but we’re going to another online semester I think :sob:
How about today? Better?

hello dear :kissing_heart: don’t worry and hopefully you’ll feeling better soon! fingers are crossed - how long do you have to wait?

hello buddy :relaxed: :hugs: I think I’m going for “father of all
”, “fire, ready, aim” and “stab you in the heart” (very catchy) - “Oh yeah” is also good. But I miss the times off “American Idiot” + “Dookie” :sob:

hello buddy :hugs: :metal:t2: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
urgh, dance music
 hahaha. Maybe you should change the music to some ‘nu metal oldschool stuff’ to mosh around :grimacing: :sunglasses:
Also I’m doing quite good and had one assignment today and passed it and did a great job with my group mates :muscle:t2: :pray:t2: :sunglasses: :muscle:t2:
How about you?

10 powerful tags to @anomalia @anngelenee @lpfan61 @raz7 @lplove @Lilyope @Linkineli @Lilyope :hugs:
@anna834 (Are you still alive on sylt dear? :sweat_smile: :kissing_heart:)
@zanybelle (are you still around here twindear?)

OT: online seminars, passed another assignment :muscle:t2: but It’s a very rainy and shitty day - urgh :unamused:

wishing everyone a good wednesday and stay safe & healthy #LPUFAMILY :hugs: :heart: