HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

The heat and humidity are relentless this week. After another long day at work, I’m relaxing by the pool. I might go for a ride later, but this feels really great at the moment.

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Ja. BTW I didn’t understand Tag dir :grimacing:

This week I didn’t have any class. Maybe next week I do :roll_eyes:

I can’t wait for this week is over. Long days at work.


Who’s got a Onesie for later???


On Discord and working


Hey lovely fam! :heart:

Join in quickly! How are you all doing?
I’ve been busy sorry for not beeing around that much! :heart:
I’ve been in therapy. A lot off talking and finding out shit. Baby steps in these kind of months. Taking it very easy and slowly, need to find peace in myself and that’s not coming very soon. :frowning_face:

Hope you all are good? Some have vacation already? Some still on school? How is quarantine time for some off you? :v: still in lockdown?

Love you all! Stay safe and healthy :heart:



Another work week down. Now, I’m listening to Mike Shinoda.


hello everybody - happy friday :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart: wait, what? Ramm 4 new version? Where did you read that? :heart_eyes:

hello buddy :relaxed:, sorry still got these concentration problem and I just overread that - damn it. Sorry. But stay positive, maybe next week?
My online seminars are still working and making me very tired - A break would be good :sweat_smile: Also: Are you allowed to do some sports outside?

hello dear :kissing_heart: still the bad weather around here, so if you got any better - give it to us :rofl: Also wishing you a good weekend and nice holidays. Please take more pictures, I’m excited :heart_eyes: Now I’ve to buy the hoodie too right? Damn, I’m so weak :rofl: Also: Do you got any updates on your assignments?

hello dear and thank you :kissing_heart: And exactly this: After 2 - over 4 hours of online seminars I’m like: I must go outside to see the real world. Take care of yourself too. Do you got plans for the weekend → new puzzles? :star_struck:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: sending these vibes back to you and bonus strength for your lawyer stuff. Hopefully you’re as soon as possible done with that. Maybe do something sepcial on the weekend for regaining your power back? :hugs:

damn, thanks for the ‘earworm’ - I’ve also laughed right now :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart: weather still sucks right? The weather in the south is so good and then look above Kassel… :roll_eyes: :expressionless: Hopefully you’re doing everything to stay warm! Some extra squishys to Sylt :kissing_heart:

Hello buddy and sure I’ll do that :relaxed:
I’m also still into Green Day and I think I’ll be forever a fan of this band. Also I think the new album isn’t that bad, some songs are really catchy (By the way: you’re favorite song of the new album?). Maybe I’ve got another chance to get Rock am Ring tickets to see Green Day live next year :heart_eyes:

hello andy :relaxed: :grimacing: :hugs: I want to do the same, but weather isn’t good enough for (whirl) pool time - maybe wanna change places like Son Goku does with his ‘teleportation’? :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I’ve watched a few minutes but then I had to go. What are your thoughts on the new Äabum’ - I’m a little bit disappointed that OD is the only track with vocals :slightly_frowning_face:

hello buddy :heart: :muscle:t2: don’t apologize. It’s just good that we got a new update from you. Also sending some extra strength and positive vibes to you for your therapy. YOU’RE DOING GOOD AND IT’S WORTHY. You’ll feel better soon, trust me :relaxed:
Also I’ve got still my online seminars till mid august and so much stuff to do :expressionless:
Maybe do something for you positive mood on the weekend? special food? special activities?

I include you two in here to don’t spam around here :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I’m doing a little bit better and feeling also better. I think the days gonna be much easier and the new things for the next week are gonna be not that tough.
Also nice pictures and thank you for asking:
How about you?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, I also answer here to you:
Mike said that there won’t be a release of a studio version of ‘Looking for an answer’ from the Hollywood Bowl tribut concert. The studio version isn’t that good and it’s not the quality and impact like the live version.

10 powerful tags to @zanybelle @Linkineli @chigokurosaki @lplove @anomalia @anngelenee @Honey8 @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel @lpfan61 :hugs: :heart: :kissing_heart:

Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (37)
Let’s start with this one - I know it isn’t the best quality and you’re just see one eye from Rob (lol :joy: ) but just look at Chester’s, Mike’s and Joe’s actions and smiling. It’s just got me into better and smiling mood. Damn these days - I think it’s agfter Papercut? (Chetser’s hairstyle) - Also c’mon dave… DAVE! Everytime Dave :joy:
Chester Bleistift (2)
The art picture for this week is this one. I know, maybe some colour is missing but I really like the mix of grey and white + the pieces & Chester’s scream. Exactly these screams, which I needed and need this week, to get into better mood again :muscle:t2: :heart: Maybe you’re thinking the same way or just love the art :yum:
I know that this isn’t the typical lyric picture and maybe you already see it on my Instagram account. I put this together for this week, bc of these lyrics:
Rebellion, rebellion
We lost before the start
Rebellion, rebellion
One by one we fall apart
We fell apart, we fell apart, we fell apart

My thoughts on this: If you are not working together in harmony, you’ll lose the war before it even started!
We’re still in a war against Covid-19, populist movements, populist people, racism, hate, the ‘taboo of speaking about mental health’ and so many other things. If we aren’t on the same page, we’ll lose. Point. So we should stand together :heart: :pray:t2:

I don’t have special plans for the weekend, bc all of my friends haven’t time for me - sadly :sweat_smile: But I will spent the weekend with my parents, some good food and many snacks, a couple of beers, maybe better weather and a lots of good music to get in better mood again :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wishing everyone a good start into the weekend. Stay safe & healthy and don’t forget: YOU MATTER, YOUR LIFE MATTERS, YOUR HEALTH MATTERS and YOU’RE GREAT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE :heart: :metal:t2:


NP, man.

I hope so, if not I’ll have to burn something :fire: jaja jk.

Here it is:
just kidding, man. Maybe this weekend you can do it.

No, but some people here never listens to, so they play anyway :roll_eyes:

OT: Preparing myself for a fb live today.


It’s what the fans have been craving for… a studio version of Ramm 4 and they wanted it since they played it in concerts a few years ago… but it’s up to Rammstein to decide


What did he say about it? I work when he’s doing the streams so, haven’t really been able to watch/join any.


Good morning and of course good night!


It’s not really… sigh…no… too much blaming myself.

Take care you all!


:sunny: :sunny: good morning family :sunny: :sunny: it´s unfortunately rainy over here, so I spent my morning once again in filling out forms, writing emails and searching for documents needed for the divorce… I can imagine a more satisfying Saturday morning- but it´s done for now again… waiting for the next strike from [spoiler]asshole[/spoiler] man.

:smiley: :hugs: :yellow_heart: thanx for having my back @HakManLP and @anna834 - feels good :smiley: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

:smiley: :hugs: :yellow_heart: hugs and strenght and love to you all… I need a relaxing bath now, showing up later again.

…and @anna834 be lovely with yourself- try to :hugs: nobody is perfect- I know it from my own life how it feels to be the blamed scape goat… but always be aware: you are wonderful just the way you are- don´t blame yourself- try to ! We love you :heart:

ot: :bathtub:

quick tags to @evooba what a great coast!! @justinkilmer happy everthing went well with your dad @lp13413 your oppinion to the music? @drounzer great that you show up buddy :hugs: :muscle: @Linkineli @raz7 and @anomalia have a good time ladies :smiley: :hugs:


I forgot to add photos, my friend . :relaxed: I think I have to go to the forum more often :smiley:

How have you been?

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Good morning lp family just getting ready for work. Eating breakfast and watching TV. I don’t like the news in the morning too much bad news. I hope everyone have a good weekend. I have to work this weekend. Stay safe


@hilaryfol Then I wish you good work, my friend. I don’t like watching the news and I stopped watching. I wish you a pleasant weekend :blush:

I would have access to the chords of the songs that I wanted to play on the Internet, but now I created myself without looking at the internet. I’m learning slowly. I’m new at this job :joy: :joy: In fact, making copies from the internet was not enjoyable. Even more enjoyable when you are in touch with music and do everything yourself

Now I’ll look at the chords again :hugs:

I entered the forum and I feel great. The Linkin Park family and what’s written here always gives strength. We are lively people :smiley: :100:


@rickvanmeijel Congratulations! This is such great news! Starting a new chapter in life, you are going to be an awesome asset to your community! You should be so so so proud of yourself! I’m celebrating halfway across the world for you!

I don’t have many updates for all of you! Still stuck indoors, and now it’s 45 degrees outside! Realistically, with the virus or not, we probably still would have been stuck indoors given the temperature :joy:

I hope you all are managing to have some peace and enjoyment!

Missing you all! Sending strength and virtual hugs to @anna834 @theearlywalker @evooba @lpfan61 @HakManLP @LP13413 @framos1792 @Lilyope and all (10 tags only)!

@the_termin8r I know you don’t like hugs, so just going to say that I hope all is well with you. My usual meeting with you and @evooba is way overdue! Hopefully we get a chance again when all this craziness is over.


Going to my sister house, in the countryside with cousins for the next 4 days. Long weekend because of national day on Tuesday ! :partying_face:

@AJ_7 Thank you , sending you strength too :hugs::purple_heart:


Dropping in to say a quick hello to everyone! :slight_smile: I hope you’re all well and enjoying your weekend!

It’s crazy over here in Cornwall, I’m in love with this place, it’s so damn beautiful! And spending time with friends is really what we all needed right now.


Hellooooo guys​:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:(i better should be saying goodnight it’s 2 am here but well i can’t sleep i’m hyper​:joy::rocket:)so, good time to check in here hehe
Mike knows my face​:sob::sob::sob::sob:ok sorry for freaking out.
(But it’s my phone wallpaper now and i am amazed by this wonderful sweet collage everytime i see it​:grin::sob::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pleading_face:)


:joy::joy::joy:haha omg

Oh, need to do that too. 1 hour of Mike talking yayy​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::joy:

Omg creepy i never really saw him in that pic​:joy::joy::joy:

Thanks for making me smile buddy​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:you’re awesome​:hugs::hugs::raised_hands:

Hi! Nice to read that!:heart::heart::hugs:

@anna834 i hope you can find peace also within yourself while tending the island sheep​:hugs::heart::kissing_heart:sending you much love, you can do it! You’re strong and amazing!
@drounzer your posts always bring a smile to my face- good to hear from you! Every step, even a small small step will lead you to your goal, or will be a part of your journey in life. Don’t give up!:heart::heart::heart:

Ot: today was the first time i really went into the city and shopping again. My best friend and i went to a second hand store that just opened, found some very nice clothes and belts!:blush:
Anyways, (i hope i’m) gonna sleep now, so i wish you a great weekend! Lots of love to you all!:heart::heart::heart::heart: