HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

:sunny::sunny: Good morning familily :sunny::sunny: Tuesday again…

:o: I live kinda in circles- 3 weeks now until the holidays start- since I work at a school- I have this positive holidays circle too - that’s one of the positive circles in my life :o: :yellow_heart::sunny: Have a good day everybody and try to see the positive sides more than the negative ones :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:

@evooba yaay :tada: show tickets :crossed_fingers:t2: good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:t2:

@justinkilmer Brianna can only be an awesome woman :tada: she inspires you ! :blush: Only cuddles to her :hugs::yellow_heart: I’m so happy for you both :hugs:

@HakManLP Bremen made it?!!! :tada::tada: yaay :confetti_ball: real fighters Congratulations :champagne: again :crazy_face:

@IronSoldier16 sending strength and these technical issues suck!! :yellow_heart::hugs: Everthing will work out :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Beautiful pics @anna834 Take care! :hugs::yellow_heart:

Ot: :coffee:

@LP13413 good goodnight Andy :sleeping:

Stay strong :muscle:t2: soldiers


Good morning everyone!

Summarizing my day yesterday:
There was not class because the professors had a meeting so now I have to wait until Thursday for the next class.

Hopefully everything will be ok. Stay strong, Soldiers :hugs:


Hi everyone!
Another week of homeschooling again, today i’m having a lazy day (yesterday i was writing my “graecum”, big test for the old greek language, i had to actually study again and i was not used to that anymore​:joy::confounded:so today i’m doing nothing for school)and in the evening my aunt invites me to a dinner on a roof terrace (we do that every year in summer, every time we’re going to another roof terrace we don’t know yet), so looking forward to that​:blush:.

Unfortunately we didn’t do the presentations… we talked too much about other things so no time was left​:sob::sweat_smile:
And yeeah Lord of the rings is amazing, i admire Tolkien so much! He just created that whole magical world, he’s a genius.
And saw you typing(now you’re hiding again, come show yourself :hugs::hugs::joy:i’m usually the one who never shows up and needs a looot of time to get a post done​:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Will do it!:blush::blush:(actually i just wanted to post an allianz arena pic in when and where haha)
And i’m only getting started with LOTR, i watched the hobbit and before i’m watching the other films i wanna read it.(yeah i’m kinda late i should’v started reading it a long time ago😁)

Love this!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart:


Awww :heart::heart::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
@Himan10 nice to hear from you with your uplifting post​:hugs::hugs:makes me feel better!

I love people appreciating such things! And yeah detailed artwork is so cool, you find more and more things in it and your joy gets bigger with finding more details​:grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Like this​:joy::blush:(now i wanna have something to eat tho)
hope you’re better when you read this​:hugs::hugs::hugs:

On sunday i was with the horses again. They trust me more with every visit and i also notice for myself that i’m more natural around them now, there’s a slightly wilder horse too but i kinda became friends with him now too (when i was cleaning the stable, he followed me and put his head on my shoulder🥺). And being with them is better than anything i can imagine to make me calm down and to be peaceful. I even still felt it on monday, while writing my test.
Just thinking about them makes me feel better❤
I felt not so great today, not even sad but more like … nothing and idk what’s worse. So i came here and yeah the lpfamily is just amazing​:heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:feels like a second home here, but a home thats better at understanding and caring sometimes. Love you all​:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Hey you all :green_heart:

:expressionless: not true so! There is no better, just different. :hugs: :green_heart:
Ok, maybe, when your balloons would float over the flock :joy:

Enjoyed watching you on ig. :heart_eyes: It seemed you all really sunk into the music :relaxed: and, a band name? :kissing_heart: :joy:

Saw you too :hugs: :green_heart: but didn’t finish mine :upside_down_face: happy to see you :notes:

No problem, on the contrary. I so enjoy listening to peoples passion.
All the best for your fathers op, fast recovery and that it will do a lot! Strength to your whole family! :muscle: :hugs: :orange_heart:

Yeah, good luck for this dream comes true! :metal:

:joy: sounded like you did nothing. I think, hiking counts for something. :kissing_heart:

:grin: hope its better today :hugs: :purple_heart:

:notes:It’s the circle of life :notes: :flushed: you make me sing Disney songs :crazy_face: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! :partying_face: :tada: We did it!!! And oh my god! Couldn’t be any more nerv racking! :scream:
@HakManLP and? Did your Dad recovered from this excitement? :crazy_face: Big hug to all of your family :hugs: :heart:

:joy: saw you too :eyes: I tend sheep while doing this, so I can’t loose myself totally in writing, keep in contact with the flock and the dern dogs, who would prefer chasing rabbits over doing their job. :angry: :crazy_face:

:heart_eyes: :star_struck: You are just awesome! :heart: and if you like to discuss LOTR im totally in. :laughing:

Biiig hug to @drounzer :revolving_hearts: and @AJ_7 :two_hearts:

Hi @IronSoldier16 alles wird gut!!! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@lpfan61 :hugs: one night of sleep :partying_face: not much flowers here :confused:


I’m in a peculiar mood, don’t know. Changes fast. Hm.
Right now:


:hugs: :heart:


Really??? I am Greek and that sh*t was horrible even for me. Damn! Good luck :confused:

Thanks! It’s so weird for me because I’ve never played with anyone like this before besides my cousins (they all play music since a very young age) and to be honest, I wish I could upload the whole videos cause they’re actually good (and I didn’t f*ck up on the piano, ha! Cause I’m still not comfortable playing it under pressure, guitar is my main instrument). But yeah, I appreciate the good vibes :slight_smile:

OT: Had a pretty decent day at work today, was busy and all but nothing we couldn’t handle. My manager has decided to work on Sunday cause the weather has changed and it says it’s going to be very hot and sunny from Friday till Wednesday next week (literally all the days I’m away) so he needs to be there to help and monitor things. He did tell me though that he knows I care and that it’s at the back of my mind that I’m away during this time and told me to just relax and forget about it and enjoy my time off, which I really appreciate. (Maybe I just needed to hear it from him?) So all is good, we’re on full holidays prep mode at the house, exciting :smiley:


Yeah! I am really better today :smile:

everything … good ?

So, lately I’ve working on the magazine and learning a bit of German in the afternoons while I work and study in the mornings. I’ve been very happy with those projects and even I had a hard day yesterday it doesn’t matter when you know that in the end there will be a reason to smile.

Have a great day guys.


After yet another long, humid day at work, I just enjoyed some time with my bike. I didn’t actually go out last night after all…I got caught up watching a brand new episode of one of my favorite shows on the tube.


Morning guys :sunny::sunny: quick check in to wish you all a good humpday

Ot :coffee:

@LP13413 sleep good Andy :crescent_moon:


hello everyone, happy hump day :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, did you hear the sad news about ‘looking for an answer’ in the streams? That’s so sad :sob:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, but it was a beautiful mistake :heart_eyes:
ok, kinda ‘non-motivation’ explanation :joy: hope you’redoing good these days

hello buddy :hugs:
the clothes from chester are similiar, but he had sunglasses on the live in Texas gig. I think the original pictures is older than Live in Texas.
About Tom Hardy: I really like him as an actor, but I’m not a fan of Mad Max fury road. That movie wasn’t good for me. The older ones with Mel Gibson were better.

hello buddy and thank you for answering :hugs: :relaxed:, maybe I’ll try something kinda. Best wishes for your dad and your family!
Also: I’m doing the same with LP albums, but I’m again at ‘Hybrid Theory EP’ :rofl: what’s for you next?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, check up wasn’t that good, but the talk with the doc was even better. Just needed this and I’m feeling a little bit better today. I’m staying strong.

Do you also got these times, were you won’t play video games? I’ve so many left and I’m not motivated for it :rofl:

hello dear :kissing_heart: I’ve got front row seats with one of my best friends for next year Rammstein, so it would be so awesome to see another support act.
Also: Do you already know, that Rammstein is working on new music? :star_struck:

hello buddy :hugs: :relaxed:, sending some good vibes and strength to you. Do you got internet problems in your region or why isn’t there online classes?
Hope today is better for you - keep staying positive :pray:t2: :muscle:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thank you for your up-cheering words and support. Give them back at you! You also can do it - we can do it! We’re smart enough! :sunglasses: :grimacing: :nerd_face:
Did some of my assignments yesterday and today, but now I need a break. It’s really nice to read, that you’re keeping your ‘pre holiday mood’ even with these news! That’s inspiring. If you want, send us some good weather to germany :rofl:

hello andy :relaxed: :hugs:
I’m begging for hot water, the weather around here makes me a little bit sad. Not the best weather for runs/walks. Wishing you a good day :grimacing:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart: yes, they made it. My father’s club made it - and maybe made him look 10 years older :rofl: Damn, what a game. I’m so happy that we can both watch Bundesliga next season together again. Hopefully Bremen’s next season will be better.
Sending some good vibes - do you got good weather?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, thnak you for the picture - Hopefully you’re watching the extended versions of LOTR, they’re so much better.

Also: you’re doing the ‘graecum’ - I made my ‘big Latinum’ when I was in the 10th class back in days (yeah, long time ago) :joy:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, yeah! EXACTLY THIS! YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAH! Yes, my father’s doing better, but we can despense for the next season :joy: Sadly Pizarro had his retirement :sob:
Sending these vibes back and much strength for the work at Sylt :heart:

10 powerful tags to @drounzer @zanybelle @lpfan61 @melisLP @lplove @anngelenee @Honey8 @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel @chigokurosaki :heart:

OT: doing a little bit better today, finished some assignments and maybe going for a walk/run even with this shitty weather :sweat_smile:

Stay safe and healty everyone #LPUFAMILY :heart:


Oh yeah, I heard that straight away from one of the Facebook groups, so excited! I wonder if it’s a studio version of Ramm 4

OT - on Discord and decorating

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Didn’t I say? There was no class that day, the professor had a meeting so I have to wait until tomorrow to receive the first clase.

On topic:
Listening to the LPU 1 from 16 and getting up.


Haha definitely! You can have some good weather. it’s been pretty miserable and rainy these last few days here actually.

OT: Had a very chill day at work, it was just me and my manager (the dream team, ha!) and got loads of things done, had a quick zoom meeting with our director as well, he finally admitted we did really bloody well this last month and acknowledged our efforts and said we are getting a bonus this month (whoop whoop!! :smiley: ). Tomorrow is my last day and then it’s full on holidays mode, I literally cannot wait! We’ve started packing already with my flatmate, making sure we won’t forget anything.
I’ve also caught up and listened to all my new vinyls (which I’m very happy about) and can relax and read some before calling it a night.

Hope you’re all well, the weekend is almost here guys :slight_smile:

PS: I’m in love with this



Of course. I have times when i just want to stay away from screens and just want to enjoy what’s going on around me, “in real life”. Good that you had a good talk, take care of yourself. :blush:

OT: Tired, having a beer and watching TV.

Have a good day / evening all :hugs::hugs::hugs:


I just worked another long, slow day, and now enjoying some down time before dinner.

Later tonight, we’re going to visit my grandparents and celebrate my grandpa’s 93rd birthday!


Good morning family :sunny::sunny:

Busy morning already - have to mail to my lawyer ( the divorce becomes a big deal in the moment- lots of certificates and questionnaires - phone calls- issues - a waste of time kinda business :roll_eyes::grimacing::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::crazy_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:) so only short check in…

@evooba your post is pure SUNSHINE :sunny: thanx for sharing and we all feel the joy and excitement with you :tada::confetti_ball: eeeenjoyyiiieeeee​:smiley::tada::sunny::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue::laughing: have a great time music :notes: :guitar: :man_dancing:t2:

:heart::muscle:t2:To all the wonderful bunch of people inhere: stay strong soldiers :muscle:t2::heart: we walk together in our circles :heart::heart:

@anna834 :hugs::yellow_heart: @HakManLP :yellow_heart::hugs::hugs:@Linkineli :hugs::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart: @AJ_7 @IronSoldier16 :hugs::yellow_heart::sunny:@lpfan61 and :balloon: @Honey8 :blush::hugs::yellow_heart: hugs to you guys- happy to read your updates. Need to leave

Ot :shower:

@lp13413 good goodnight :crescent_moon:


Chester : That sound english to me though

Benjaminnnnn!! Hahaha that was epic

Good morning :sunny:
Sleep tight other side :star2:

:joy: my auto proposal knows this words already.

Oh, yeah! :partying_face:
Ok, actually didn’t watch the new one :laughing:
I mentioned, I love apocalypse storys, and also Mel Gibson movies, even so he seems such an :woman_facepalming: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
@HakManLP take a big hug :hugs: :green_heart: one more day and it’s weekend :pizza: :poultry_leg: :ice_cream:

OMG :scream: It’s so f** awesome :joy: congrats :star_struck: and no, not in the least jelly :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :unamused:
Last day! :muscle: holiday :partying_face: :partying_face:

:expressionless: read this and had no beer in the house :sob: put it on my shopping list, thank you so much :crazy_face: :hugs: :purple_heart:

Oh, congratulations for him! Wish a nice day and all the best for your grandparents. :heartbeat:
My grandma turns 92 in two week. :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably repeat myself :grimacing: but I remember how surprisingly annoying and emotional troubling this was.
We should start marriage with divorce, if you can go through this together, you weather everything. :laughing:
You are not alone in this, we are right behind you, holding your back! :muscle: :hugs: :yellow_heart:

@justinkilmer :hugs: :green_heart: how is it going? :muscle: :muscle:

@IronSoldier16 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hast du gut geschlafen? Einen schönen Tag dir! :kissing_heart:

@anomalia :hugs: :revolving_hearts: saw your tag, will look at it as soon, as I finished here :kissing_heart:

It’s July!!! For crying out loud! :triumph: what’s with 14°C :tired_face: I for sure am not a heat person. And if I have to choose, I prefer this over Californian temperatures every day. Buuut, it could just have some nice 21°C or 25°C ? :cold_face: I actually wearing my December outfit, even the woolen underwear.
It makes me constantly exhausted. :woman_shrugging:

Right this moment


:hugs: :green_heart:


Hey all! Happy Thursday (Friday for me)

Just “back” to work the power was off for 2 hours and they had just called it for the day… right as I was leaving… BEHOLD! Let there be light!!
Needless to say I punched back in and am now working :joy:
Still have tomorrow off so I’m not overly sad.

Hey! :grin: things are going alright! My dad made it through surgery… had to have his spleen removed as they thing it will possibly help… hoping so! He’s very irritated because they keep pushing back his “go home” date. Otherwise things are going well!
As for me things are just meh? Lol like not too overly excited about things but also not down in the dumps about anything. So I’m just here? is that the way to put it? :rofl:

Hoping things are going well for you!! :hugs: :hugs:

Exactly! It’s just one of the many things that I enjoy in life! I never would have thought that like 10-15 years ago when I first got into drawing :joy:
Amazing how life works sometimes!

Thank you so much! :hugs: Already quoted one but hey I’ll give ya two this time! :grin:

Thanks!! Let me know if you do! As for what’s next… music wise today is a Shinedown day so far so we will see what I transition into for the rest of the day lol Yesterday I didn’t get to listen to much, I think the only thing I listened to was Greenday’s Father of All [spoiler]Mutherfuckers[/spoiler] album. I do still really enjoy them, and am very sad I can’t go see there concert with Fallout Boy and Weezer… I think they rescheduled it so there is still hope!

OT: Food and taking a small lunch before getting back into work.
Yesterday was a slow day did a few “minute” sketches here and there…

I better start just using masks in all my sketches now because who knows when we will get back to “normal” :rofl: :rofl:

I’m hoping you all are having a great day!! Positive vibes to all!! :hugs: :hugs:


Sheep in the night pen, on my way back, still in the car.
Just came in the German Radio that Kenye West candidates for presidency and then Mike Shinodas reaction:


Then the moderator said, and now Mike and his chapel Linkin Park and played Breaking The Habit :rofl:

Made my day!!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

@justinkilmer happy your Dads surgery went well, hope he can leave soon. :muscle:
And weekend for you! Enjoy! :hugs:

Oh, don’t worry, I’m parked, not driving :crazy_face:


Aww thank you! I will try and share as much as I can from our adventures there.
When are you on holidays again?

It is! And the size is spot on, I’m so happy! It’s going to make it’s debut on holidays, it’s the one I’m taking along.

I’m so glad I still understand German, can barely speak any though, don’t remember much unfortunately. (Ich kann Deutsch sprechen und verstehen(?), aber nicht so gut.)

Hoping for a speedy recovery!!

OT: Had a busy and hectic last day at work. My manager was off so I had to deal with yet another zoom meeting (thankfully with just our director and not the other managers too), many orders and deliveries, some kitchen drama and moaning from other staff. Meehhh, it was raining all through the afternoon so it got pretty quiet, did the last bits I needed to do and took off.
It is now almost 8:30pm and I’m all ready for holidays!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: I cannot believe we’re going! Ahh, I need this so much!

Hope you guys are having/have had a good day :slight_smile: