HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Doing a bit of my course before back in work tomorrow

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Hello soldiers!! :hugs::grin:

Itā€™s Sunday afternoon here and Iā€™m still eating my breakfast :see_no_evil: :joy:

The magazine (called Luna [moon]) is going well. I still have a lot of things to do with it. Iā€™m glad for the acceptance of the public.

I wanted to share with you all the logo of the magazine:


The magazine is only written in Spanish, but if you want to check it out, just let me know.


Yeah, everything is open as of yesterday, weā€™ll see how it goes!
I love the puzzle by the way! :slight_smile:

Hi guys, I hope you had a great weekend :slight_smile:

Itā€™s been a really busy one for me at work, like mad busy and Iā€™m so tired! Yesterday night a friend of ours was over at our house and we ended up playing music for hours, like till 1am or something. It was amazing but it killed me not sleeping again for enough hours like Friday night.
Even though work is hectic right now, itā€™s alright, weā€™re having good laughs in between and makes it a bit better. We shall see how the week goes and take it from there.

My manager forgot I am on holidays from Friday (lots of crazy things to deal with these last few days so understandable) and panicked last night cause he gave himself a day off on Sunday (we cannot leave the others unattended unfortunately). He spoke to them briefly today and Iā€™ll touch on it a bit more throughout the week, to make them understand that they need to step up and be responsible and handle a bloody day by themselves. If he thinks they wonā€™t be able to do it, he wonā€™t take his day offā€¦ I feel a little bit bad leaving them but damn, these holidays were booked a year and a half ago so I ainā€™t missing it.

On top of that, my thesis is due the 4th of August and I have yet to write it. Ha, should be an interesting couple of weeks coming up (For some reason, I am not stressing about it at all).


:sunny::sunny: good morning family :sunny::sunny: Monday again yaay :joy::sweat_smile: a day that inspired a lot of musicians to write a song aboutā€¦

For me itā€™s a symbol for starting :sunny::sunny: ever and ever again, a symbol for the circle that our life is imo ā€¦

@evooba you did everything well- I know you say he is a great manager and you guys are a good team- but try to not feel responsible :pray:t2:. You did everything right, maybe a memo board at work is a nice idea :stuck_out_tongue: something like: ā€œEva is on holidays in 2 (3 to 1 counting) weeks :joy: lol but seriously: if he has issues than itā€™s him in chargeā€¦ You deserve the break so much!! Iā€™m happy for you :tada::yellow_heart::hugs:. And lol- itā€™s time to bring up two hours for researches, as first step for uni ( while listening to the new vinyls :grinning: - you will find out your favorite songs then as a side effect :grin::sunny: stay souvereign :grin: Youā€™re strong :muscle:t2:

@ironsoldier16 looks pretty serious :clap:t2: happy you get the opportunity- tell us when it happens- we all can order an issue then :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: will show them youā€™re appreciated at the magazine publishers businessā€¦ take care Manu :hugs::purple_heart::cyclone::two_hearts: and nice to have you here again- keep us updated :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2::sunny::sunny:

@anna834 stay strong- from up tomorrow the weather becomes calmer :sunny::sunny::sunny: sending sun and strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs: and take care! Weā€™re all with you in the shaking caravan :joy: itā€™s becoming tight a bit- :heart: means youā€™re not alone! Stay strong darling :hugs::yellow_heart::muscle:t2:

@raz7 have a good day at work :muscle:t2::sunny::sunny:

@Lilyope looks really good- Iā€™m going to search LP puzzle motives on the internet :star_struck::partying_face:LP ones :bangbang: hope I find some regular cut- these smart pieces are weird, right?!?! :crazy_face::exploding_head:

Ot: :coffee: ab to :shower:

@Lp13413 looks more like a survival trip :see_no_evil: from the weather escapedes but itā€™s just another way of nice- sunshine is camping for everyone- your weather is camping for the profsā€¦ :sweat_smile: good goodnight Andy :zzz: and :cat2:

:hugs::sunny::muscle:t2::yellow_heart:Take care family :yellow_heart::muscle:t2::sunny::hugs:


Thanks! For now all our work is digital and free, so you can check out anytime.

In other news: The day has come!!! :smile: TOMORROW Iā€™LL START THE U AGAIN :partying_face: I am so happy and anxious for this that I canā€™t sleep jajaja GOOOODDD!!! Jajaja I waited for this day since the beginning of the year and now itā€™s here. I canā€™t wait to see all those homework that will me cry jajaja


Lol :tada::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::crazy_face::balloon::confetti_ball: :champagne: CONGRATULATIONS :balloon::tada::champagne: didnā€™t know itā€™s this big


Me less :rofl: I knew it an hour ago :sweat_smile: Fun fact: Tomorrow Iā€™ll receive my class at work :flushed: :see_no_evil: it took me by surprise and my boss too :rofl: Oh God I donā€™t know what to expect now :joy: but ite Iā€™m happy :smile:



Moments ago
Good morning :hugs: :green_heart: :heart:


Aw thanks! Yeah heā€™s great, and we do have a board, it just slipped his mind. Heā€™s totally ok with working on Sunday, just got annoying cause he booked some tickets for something. And he did tell me (and I know it myself but canā€™t help it) that I need to stop stressing about whatā€™s going on when Iā€™m not there or away on holidays. My problem is that I care too much.
I might work on my thesis during my holidays, peaceful writing by the beach perhaps? Iā€™ll seeā€¦

Have a great first day back!!

@anna834 Beautiful rainbow!!:rainbow:

OT: Quiet morning so far, dealt with a few things and now Iā€™ll just see how the day goes. I kind of hope it will get a bit busy so I can keep everyone here today, I feel too tired still to be myself, letā€™s see.

Have a great start to your week guys :slight_smile:


hello everybody :blush:

hello there buddy - that sounds really horrible. Damn, stupid people. Donā€™t worry, the posts arenā€™t that necessary :laughing: Thatā€™s good, that youā€™re fine - me too. And yes: Going outside for some walks and runs is just good :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

hello dear :kissing_heart: that*'s the point I mean: Why not playing as a support act again for bands like Rammstein - would be huge again. We would cheer up, if this would be the support act for Rammstein next year, sadly is something ā€˜piano bandā€™ whoā€™s playing Rammstein songs the classic way :expressionless:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, weekend was good - hugs back to you :hugs:
How was your weekend?

hello there :kissing_heart:, sounds awesome - maybe take some pictures for sharing it in the other thread? :heart_eyes:
Iā€™m not on my holidays, sadly, but Iā€™m doing good and take it step by step to get some new skills in english language. :muscle:t2:

hello dear :kissing_heart: whatā€™s the story behind that big balloon? Also youā€™ve got awesome weather

hello dearbud :kissing_heart:, yeah, but I was really tired the next days :joy: thank your for your feedback, a ā€˜best of forumsā€™ would be sick, but there are also so much postings. Yeah, Iā€™m taking it step by step and have many support from friends and family.
OH YES, we did it again! 20th time cup winner and of course another ā€˜doubleā€™ ā†’ league champions + national cup winners. It was an awesome day and weekend :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, awesome work and like I said: damn, awesome picture puzzles. It looks like kinda ā€˜an old story from a bookā€™ - really cool.
Board games ā€”> Harry Potter again?

hello andy - awesome pictures. JUST AWESOME! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: So beautiful places. Hope youā€™re doing good

hello dear and thank you :kissing_heart: - yes, I wish I could draw like that :star_struck:
Yeah, I just clicked the song many times for the countdown, but this song is so many times in rock, 00ā€™s and alternative rock playlist + nu metal, so I heard it many times on youtube
So, the next one is ā€˜What Iā€™ve doneā€™ :grimacing:
Also, how are you doing on Sylt? Weather changed, right? :expressionless:

hello dear :kissing_heart:
weekend was good - but the news from you arenā€™t so bad? Come on. Thatā€™s canā€™t be true :sob:
The good thing is, that youā€™re not stressing about it - take it step by step and I know itā€™s gonna be tough but: stay positive! You can do it and achieve it!
Sending you lots of positives vibes and strength

10 powerful tags to @Linkineli @drounzer @zanybelle @melisLP @AJ_7 @Honey8 @lplove @justinkilmer @lpfan61 @alz89 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :grimacing:

OT: Weather turned into something colder, many university stuff to do + for the assignments and Iā€™m kinda powerless and tired :sweat_smile: Gonna met the doc tomorrow for a check up, still feeling not 100% comfortable.
But besides that: Wishing everyone a good start into the new week :blush: :heart:


Canā€™t wait for Mikes stream later as he finally picked my music theme choice from the Bowl!!


First of all, itā€™s in the wrong thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
In fact, thereā€™s no special story. You just stay outside and it appears from nowhere and youā€™ve got something to post on the forum.

Yourā€™s better. As always.


Thanksā€¦ itā€™s really good that you liked the quote in my every msg. I just didnā€™t have anything and sending these things (maybe a joke) if bring a smile on someoneā€™s face is what I really want.
What are you doing these days?
I just watched the movie Warrior 2011 and there was really something in the end dudeā€¦ it made me so emotional when tom hardy feels like heā€™s gonna lose the match and the promise he made with his friendā€™s widow will not become true.
If you havenā€™t watched that movie then Iā€™d recommend you to watch warrior 2011 and mad max fury roadā€¦ Tom Hardy is a very talented manā€¦

@anna834 @Linkineli @theearlywalker @drounzer hey, how are you all? Sorry wasnā€™t able to tag or message but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll do it from now ( anna8 saw you writing :stuck_out_tongue: ) How are things going there? Also, We did it, soldiers. In the end crossed 1 billion views and in my opinion, Other songs should deserve the same recognition just like these two and yeah Amends are so fuckin goodā€¦ my Favorites are she shines, just like heroin, shouting out, Morei sky whatā€™s your??

And for everyone out thereā€¦ Be happy soldiers and continue to do your work, projects or whatever make you satisfy and keep motivated, Just do it and if you ever feel bit low because of other things then do share it, we all are here for each otherā€¦
Keep Rocking, Keep listening Linkin Park :slight_smile:


I guess this one is from Live in texas 2003 and some editing on hairs otherwise t-shirts and look is exactly the sameā€¦ If iā€™m not wrong then maybe this scene comes when they played ā€œin the endā€


Hey all! Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Mine was relaxing for the most partā€¦ I think lol

Mostly stayed home, with a side of going to check on my parents pets for a few hours each day. My dad is still in the Hospital and sounds like his spleen will be removed tomorrow. The Doctors are hoping that this will help combat everything thats going onā€¦ Itā€™s crazyā€¦ about a year and a half of all this and there still are more questions than answers I feel like. :thinking:
My dad himself is alright, he says just bored out of his mind while at the hospital, My mom is keeping it together pretty well too.
But besides that it was a quite weekend at my house. did some house work, bummed around and played a few games, and then Saturday watched some fireworksā€¦ nothing to extravagant :joy:

Thanks! I canā€™t take all the credit as much as Iā€™d like too though haha. Brianna did ā€œhintā€ that she wanted to do something like this someday, so we just made it happenā€¦ Kinda nice to just watch Netflix in bed like this not gonna lie :joy: :joy:
Hoping all is well with you? :grin:

Thanks!! :grin::grin:

I think usually its the art BUT the stories never hurt either lol. I like usually looking at different art styles and just seeing things through a different perspective so to say.
But yes I am with you as well, I love when they go so far as to putting detailed effort into the background. This game company that I love always references older games theyā€™ve made, whether itā€™s a photo thatā€™s hanging on a wall, or a game console with a game playing. Just fun to see the ā€œEaster Eggsā€. But yes I love when Iā€™m looking at a Childrenā€™s book (as I do most of the day Itā€™s partly what I do for a living lol) and I see how much work an artist/illustrator has put into just one photoā€¦ lol I could ramble on about these things :joy:

Thank you! I was nice for the most part :rofl: :rofl:
And thank you so much I means so much more than youā€™ll ever know! :hugs::hugs:

:grin::grin: Thanks!

Yeah itā€™s stinks, Like I know they arenā€™t young but darn it they donā€™t need this, i know itā€™s a part of life though. I just hope this surgery helps his condition, I hate seeing him in and out of the hospitals. But the Drā€™s know whatā€™s best and he is in good hands.
As for the wall, we ordered a tapestry and hung it on the wall. We had ā€œcurtainā€ lights from our wedding so we decided to hang them up behind it and see what itā€™d look like. So overall a very easy ā€œprojectā€ so to say.

Well I better get myself working, Monday has hit hard :joy: Woke up tired so coffee is my go to todayā€¦ As for work just going to listen to LP all day, Going album by album :metal:

I hope you all have a great day!! Hugs and positive vibes to everyone!! :hugs: :hugs:


Nop, not HP. We played Manila, Pit and Clank, itā€™s 3 different board game, too hard to explain how we play it here but good. :blush: I hope your check up went good and that you will feel better soon!

OT: Tired after my busy day at work, donā€™t know if i want to watch TV, play video games or just go to bed. :joy: Have a good day / evening all :hugs:


I like that opening act but compared to AP, yeah AP wins for sure. AP would really get the crowd going and (to be honest) would freak Daniel out. He was a bit freaked out by the size of the crowds of Lindemannā€™s tour, imagine Rammsteinā€™s crowd!!!

I would for sure go to their shows if they were touring, even Richard could perform the song Gods and Gold with AP. I want to see that! And front row seats or VIP tickets please! :heart::heart::+1::+1::black_heart::black_heart:

(Ps: Daniel follows Mike and Linkin Park on Instagram so who knows?)


Hi guys!

Hard day here :confused:

There was no online class today and Iā€™m still donā€™t know what to do. I have to contact someone to help me out. Crappy day at the work.

Hope your day is better than mine.

Have a great day/night and bon appetit for those who are eating.


Thanks, itā€™s gonna be ok, I know it too! :slight_smile: Good luck with your work and assignments! You can do it too!

OT: Having a relaxing evening at home listening to all my new music (finally!). FFAF announced a tour for next year and I couldnā€™t be happier! I cannot believe I will get to see these guys live again, they are incredible! I hope Iā€™ll be able to score some tickets.

Have a great evening guys and a good day tomorrow!


Itā€™s a hazy, hot and humid day here, and itā€™s only going to get warmer as the week progresses. If it cools down later, Iā€™ll take my bike out since I havenā€™t ridden it in a week.