HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Glad you got it… enjoy it and let me know your favourites…

OT - doing my course at home and on Discord… edit - and Daniels online! Yay

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Ok, thanks guys!:slightly_smiling_face:

Oh yeah i know that​:joy: to me it’s not so much about being exhausted by meeting but about the motivation to actually do the meeting. :grin:

Haha, yeah there are many songs on it where you go “ooh yeah that one!” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:hugs::hugs:also, got this recommended on yt yesterday or so, you might like it too:

Hey, @amitrish saying it would be 2020 was a too heavy insult!:joy::joy: i don’t really like it either , but i’m in love with the Castle of glass remix, especially the end with all those harmonies​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:maybe we can agree on saying “it’s like 2020 but the CoG remix is like Mike’s streams”. The only good thing…

Hey buddy! Yeah, it is stupid…:joy:glad it’s better somewhere else! And oh, i wasn’t going for a run in such a long time, i should do it again soon!:grin::grin:
And yeah i loove people’s stories about Linkin park too​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But i can’t send you good weather​:joy::sob:atm it’s pouring…

I love that about you! And you really make me wanna buy vinyls too…:heart_eyes:
I have different playlists on my phone, some are for when i’m doing sth else like running, or for just chilling, like when i’m with friends, or some songs i put on while doing homework or painting. But most songs are just on ‘favourite songs’ where i really listen closely and concentrate on the music, and i have also a CD player, i use it most of the time in the evening, i love falling asleep to an album and using the cd player instead of my phone means to me calming down more easily, being more focused on the music .:heart:

Same. The thought of “going for a shopping tour” seems so odd.

Thanks for these words.:hugs::heart::heart:


Aaawww what a nice story! You know how much i love hearing (or experiencing) sth like that​:crazy_face::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Also, i love petterson und findus too, just everything about it!

This week was a good week for me. My best friend’s bday went very well she was even more happy about the present than i could’ve imagined​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:i had also texted(via dms)the singer of a band, hot milk, we both had seen and loved(it was our first concert together)and SHE DID RESPOND and wrote such a nice, beautiful text, not only Happy birthday and that makes me still so happy​:heart::heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Also, in english class we talked a lot about BLM and racism in general and watched (music) videos and i find it really good&important that we’re doing this, none of the other teachers talked about it🤔tomorrow i might gonna do a short presentation about kenji, we could pick a song that deals with any form of racism or discrimination and i know my classmates don’t know the song(and probably also not that part of the history) so it’ll be interesting to show them!
Ot: reading, lord of the rings❤


On day one of dogsitting while some family are on a float trip. Me and puppies are watching Netflix.


I’ve been lurking around here. No much noise from my part for now. I’ve missed your reviews in my tread. Nice to see you again, Pat :hugs:

:flushed: you started :stuck_out_tongue:

My God, the posts are too long to read them all :sweat_smile: what are the most relevant ones?


Hey guys :hugs:

Waiting for the car shuttle train for the island.

Of course, blame me. :expressionless:
Ok, I can take it. :crazy_face:

It’s mostly commenting on other peops posts.
So if you look at the end or the start, you find what’s actually going on with the post starter.
Buuuut don’t pressure you, just happy to have you here :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Can’t get what you see in this old shirt :flushed: :crazy_face: :joy:

Hope you have a joyful, relaxing day. And strength for the weekend. Holiday is in sight! :hugs:

Listened to half of it, it was to electronic for my taste. Sorry. :hugs:
From now on, I have no wlan. So big break in listening to new music.

@Linkineli loved your whole post and your comments, thank you :hugs: :green_heart:
How did your song presentation go? Kenji, awesome choice! :heart_eyes:
Aaaaand Lord of the rings :exploding_head: I hope you find your way into it. Tolkin has a very unique way of writing. If you can jump in, he can suck you under. It’s my favourite book. Have read it 16 times already. :joy:

@HakManLP you know what :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: don’t need to spell it :sunglasses:
I just saw someone with a Werder shirt on a rast stop. I said: “Awesome shirt! We will for sure turn this!!!” He looked just big eyed, and his wife laughed at me. :joy:

@lpfan61 :heart: @theearlywalker :yellow_heart: had to say goodbye to my just blooming flowers


@drounzer bonecrusher for you :joy: :joy: that was the auto word proposal after I typed in @drounzer :revolving_hearts:

@Honey8 :hugs: :heart: :honeybee: :heart: :hugs: but you already know :blush:

Time to enter the train. It started to rain and is really cold. Good that I brought all my winter stuff.




Weeeekeeeend :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Have a good day / evening guys !


My dad and I just returned from our camping trip, and now we’re unwinding. We managed to find a site after we paddled across the lake, and we hiked two mountains yesterday. I’ll dump some photos in the When/Where thread at some point tonight.


hello everybody and happy friday :partying_face: :heart_eyes:

hello dear :kissing_heart: saw the puzzles in your latest posting and very amazed, bc didn’t know that also countries outside germany know ‘Ravensburger’ - I’m looking foward, especially to that with the wolves in the woods - looks very interesting. Wishing you a satisfying weekend :hugs: :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: - damn, these things are very intense and even very difficult. Didn’t know that they have such a ‘little fanbase’ and even aren’t in the same country. Hopefully they will do something special, maybe they will get the chance to play as a support band or even on a bigger festival?

hello you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: - these are really good plans - My english turned better since I’m here very active and even do some english literature on my studies. Enjoy the time and share this with sports. It’s so good in these days, what are your weekend plans. I send you some ‘heart’ and good vibes

hello there buddy, I knew these situations from my dad too - they aren’t the ‘young boys’ anymore, sadly. But they do their best and that’s just awesome. Hopefully you have so much time with your dad in the future - also: how did you that in the room with the lights? :scream:

Wishing you a good weekend :grimacing: :hugs: :pray:t2: :metal:t2:

hello dearbud :kissing_heart:, it was very funny and maybe it’s a thing for the 2020 forums throwback :joy: :rofl: Yeah, really stressfull and I’m very tired, but tomorrow is saturday - it’s gonna be another cheatweekend with friends and family, and music, and beer, and awesome food and just good times - I take step by step and had good days from wednesday. So thankful for these uplifting words around here.

Positive news: I’m already done with one of my big assigments :partying_face: :grimacing:

Do you got some special weekend plans?

hello buddy, sending these virtual hugs back to you :relaxed: :hugs: I really appreciate the discussions with you and also your quote of the day. Please keep them going. It’s just satisfying :heart_eyes:

What you’re gonna do on the weekend?

hello dear :kissing_heart:, very cool story with the Werder Bremen fan, but damn: My dad is so sad and I’m even too. They were so bad. Damn it. Come on, just a draw and Bremen will stay in division 1. :pray:t2: :sob:

Yes, bombard me - I don’t know why, but so many weeks on Sylt - damn, they don’t have good food :expressionless: just fishy things :yawning_face:

But I’ll prepare your usb stick in these days too :heart_eyes: :pray:t2: :kissing_heart:

hello dear :kissing_heart: sorry, that I couldn’t answer earlier. I’ve got some party games on my ps4 too for drinking like ‘Knowledge is power decades’ (very bad translation in english). It’s a quiz about everything from the 80’s till today. Also we’re playing ‘That’s you’ and some drinking card games.

Take the time for relaxing. You deserve it 10000000%! Also I’m looking forward to some awesome pictures.

for the other two quotes: Exactly this dear :heart_eyes: :heart: :kissing_heart:, by the way: Doing better these days and one big assigment is almost done :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face:

hello dear :kissing_heart:, yes it’s stupid, but we’re gonna these online thing maybe until next year :crazy_face: So maybe I’ll get insane soon :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: turning into some crazy Homer Simpson :nerd_face:

Weather is kinda better, but I’m very worried about tomorrow. Also, please make some more pictures of the Olympia Stadium + Allianz Arena :heart: :heart_eyes: ok?

Which part do you read from Lord of the rings?

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart:

how good and sweet are those boys. Naaaw, maybe a chance for some more pictures of them? :star_struck:

hello buddy and welcome back on here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: the answer is this: my are the most relevant :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: (I’m just kidding). Just good to read something off you, how are you doing these days and how’s your region with corona doing?

hello buddy - that sounds so good and like an awesome trip. Oh yes, please post some pictures. :heart_eyes:
So what’s up next for you? :sunglasses:

10 powerful and lovely squishy tags to @drounzer @zanybelle @anomalia @alz89 @lpfan61 @rickvanmeijel @melisLP @lplove @anngelenee @chigokurosaki :relaxed: :kissing_closed_eyes: :kissing_heart:

Ok,let’s stat the WEP

As you already know, In the end crossed the 1billion views on youtube today, so I dedicated this WEP to this song, to chester and of course to all of you :heart:

Linkin Park Oldschool Wallpaper (36)

So let’s start with this one. It isn’t that exactly hybrid theory era, but something between hybrid theory and meteora or even a little bit after meteora. But look at it → Dave didn’t get the memo and didn’t look into the camera :joy: :rofl:

Also how ‘cute’ is Brad? He could be also in a boy band like Backstreet boys with this beautiful and innocent look :laughing: :heart_eyes:

Chester Art Blue Hair

So here’s Hybrid Theory style - Chester blue hair, who blasts all people away with his unique and amazing voice :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :pleading_face:.

Which song could be this one for? :thinking:


Everyone knows the In the end lyrics very well and it’s still that amazing song, so I choosed this one here. I know, we’re not on the 20th july yet, but as In the end crossed the 1 billion mark and made a milestone, I couldn’t resist and took this picture for the WEP today - I can’t say anymore about this, it’s just 100% what it is :sob: :heart: :pray:t2:

So, at least, here’s the special one again:


I stayed awake until 4AM (yeah, I know, I’m a freak :rofl: :rofl:) to see In the end crossed the 1 Billion views and took that screenshot. Sadly not the exact number, but anyway - JUST ANOTHER MILESTONE :heart: :pray:t2:


Yeah, It’s friday and I’m very tired today. Had almost a litre of coffee, but I’m still tired. Maybe I’m gonna go early into bad to be fit for tomorrow. My club Bayern Munich is the cup finals so I’m gonna enjoy the beautiful day with 2 of my best friends, my family, pizza, beer, sunny weather, card games and a lots of music. :heart:

You matter

these are my words for you all today. It’s july and july isn’t easy for so many of us. So read this and spiritualize it :heart: Love y’all #LPUFAMILY


Thank you, Anna :hugs: I’ll be here on Sunday to read a bit.

I’m participating in a new project. A magazine. This July 13 will be the official release. In it I will be publishing part of my book. I’m excited for this new project :smile:

I hope evrything is going well with you guys :hugs:

@HakManLP Sorry, I didn’t see your post :confused:
Things are a bit crazy out here. People don’t follow indications :roll_eyes: almost 20k or so cases, but beside that I’m fine. And you? Still going out to walk?


Yes, hopefully when the world sorts itself out, then they will be able to tour again. Earlier on today, Daniel announced that the Industrial Pop festival he came up last year was to be cancelled due to current circumstances as some of the bands would have to come from different countries and the travel restrictions so it’s been postponed to April next year…

The fanbase is growing at a good pace… new fans are joining every year, like myself from a certain tour with a certain person below, (ahem). Daniel and his tour band has been a support one for quite a few years with different artists but I think the most successful is definitely the last one, :point_down::wink:

Daniel has mixed thoughts about bigger crowds; he likes the smaller crowds since he has more interactions with the audience but larger ones will come soon if the fan counter grows…




and Daniels thoughts on his latest interview…

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Hey guys! :slight_smile: Hope you all had a good start to your weekend.

My flatmate was playing tennis at my park today so I tagged along and hung around, dropped in and said hi to my workplace (had a long chat with my manager over coffee), and after her game we chilled in the park and had some drinks etc. We went home for a bit and later visited our friend, had dinner and played SO much guitar, we literally just came back. I kind of need to be up for work in about 6 hours from now :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you all have a great weekend! :smiley:


Hey, everything is good, just enjoy the weekend :wink: Finally can wear the dress :raised_hands:t4: (80℉) U?

@HakManLP :hugs:

Have a great weekend everyone :slight_smile:


@HakManLP Dude I’m having a great weekend. My cousins ​​came to us and I got on a bike before I came and I’m thinking of going to the sea tomorrow :blush: I start working on English from Monday
I hope your holiday is going well. A lot of love to you :grin:

@LP13413 A wonderful day :smiley:


I almost forgot that I was still without a laptop. I just transferred photos from my camera to my phone and put a bunch in the When/Where thread.

I think tonight, my dad and I are spending our holiday with my aunt and grandparents since all the (legal) fireworks shows have been shut down.


Really exhausted.
First workday and it rained, blow and rained a little heavier the whole time.
But the sheep seemed happy to have me and my dogs back.


Especially Linda :heart_eyes:


Now I prepared my dinner, admire @LP13413 awesome beautiful pictures :star_struck: thank you! :hugs:
and will soon snuggle in my caravan bed, getting rocked like a ship in that wind.

To all the Americans

:hugs: :green_heart:


IMG_20200704_214640 IMG_20200704_214704


:sunny::sunny: happy hopefully sunny :sunny::sunny:Sunday morning family :sunny::sunny: ( at least here on our homebase :heart:) weather is pretty mixed over here, but I’m well…

  • besides from spending another 3/4 of an hour in the waiting queue again this morning and yessss, my flight problem again- since the only chance to reach them is Sunday I took the “opportunity” lmao :laughing: - so me well prepared with all numbers I had gotten during this whole process already and … noo- don’t wanna bore you guys out :stuck_out_tongue: so - long story short:

“we can’t find your booking number!”
:joy::rofl::crazy_face::crazy_face::sweat_smile: WHAT??? BAAAHAAHAAAAHA! WTF??? -

ok they connected me to the customers service and you can already imagine? I waited 30 mins again before I started to get mad- so and to not get mad on a Sunday morning again like last week- I closed the phone and now I’m going to write an email - to save my nerves :crazy_face::innocent: and finally probably set a tweet about their “customers care” - yes- This is meant very deep sarcastic :roll_eyes:

Alright besides this - everything ok and lol @Lilyope I’m puzzling too :partying_face: it’s soo mediative :heart_eyes: - you kinda inspired me to get me one- loved it in my childhood with my granny


TU :grin: I really enjoy it- just the new so called “smart cut” kills me :exploding_head::sweat_smile: next time I’ll buy definitely regular cut!

@evooba sounds like a great day! :sunny::sunny: and I heard that the UK are opening more and more bars- hairdresser etc?! That’s good :+1:t2: :sunny: take care nevertheless :muscle:t2::yellow_heart::hugs:

@anna834 winterclothes :flushed: oh man, lol my mind changes from :beach_umbrella: to maybe :sun_behind_rain_cloud::cloud_with_rain: but yeah- expect the worse and mostly it turns out better! Great that the sheep and especially Linda recognizes you! Happy tea time together :sheep: :tea: :sunny::hugs: take care!

@anomalia nice balloon :balloon: and so deep!

Btw- is the word deep fitting in this case? I mean the opposite of high ? Can someone tell me pl?!

@HakManLP awesome 1 billion!! Great screenshot! Congratulations :champagne::balloon::tada::confetti_ball: to the epic hymn ITE - and weird enough imo both statements are absolutely true: everything matters- and nothing matters at all - however :tada: great WEP again… aaaand are you planning a kinda “best of forums 2020” :thinking: could be a very cool thread :+1:t2::sunny: good you managed to get a lot done for the assignments done :white_check_mark: and ofc congratulations :tada: :beers: to the 1.FC Bayern München :tada:

@IronSoldier16 that sounds cool! Keep us updated and have a good Sunday :sunny::yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot: some tidying and laundry :basket: lol - with music ofc

@LP13413 checking out your pics later today :sunny::+1:t2: thanx for sharing :blush: and: what is about the laptop? I lost track- I remember you mentioned issues- but wasn’t it a pretty new one? :thinking:- however- I’m happy you had a good trip with your dad!! And I could swear that Thurmy is happy to have you back! :cat2:

Have a great Sunday soldiers ! :heart:


:scream::scream::scream: I was wondering “What are these kind of pieces?!?!” then i read your sentence about smart cut pieces ! :joy:

We finished the escape puzzle with my sister and at the end, the picture on the box is not the same on the puzzle !!! :
We successed resolving the enigma, that was fun :grin:

Can’t wait to begin the other one, probably will do it tonight when my sister will go back home.

OT: Having a family coffee time and probably will play board game this afternoon. Have a good sunday everyone :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Hey guys :sun_with_face:

Finally stopped raining, but still strong winds. :wind_face:

I know, I know, I owe you some commenting on your WEP. :laughing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: This is such a beautiful drawing :star_struck:
Great screenshot :partying_face: congrats In The End! :tada:
Great accomplishment. In all honesty, I did sure nothing for it :grimacing: I never listen to it specifically. It’s just the LP song, you hear everywhere. And then, I’m totally happy and excited, love it. :grin:

Suuuundayyy!!! Wake up, bring some entertainment :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :crazy_face: :hugs: :blue_heart:

:dancer: :partying_face: :joy:
With my new laptop, I can finally continue to watch friends. The quality is horrible pixeled and washed out, but at least it plays the DVDs. This evening Chandler will propose to Monica :sob: :joy:

:flushed: :rofl: :crazy_face: :confounded: Sorry :grimacing: I hope it will work out. :crossed_fingers:

:blush: :blush: :hugs: :purple_heart:

@anomalia great viewing :hugs: :green_heart:

My view right now

:hugs: :green_heart: