HEY! YOU! What are you up to right now! (Part 3)

Currently doing through my “music I need to listen to” list with playing Ghost 1st and 2nd albums while making GIF’s for the AP Discord server (like the one below)

Fangirl side incoming
OK, so the character in which Daniel plays underneath is named as the Wolf, (he plays different characters in each video as parts of himself), which I ADORE! He plays as a selfish, destructive and controlling but a caring character. Plus, there was meant to be an EP for this character which never saw the light of day called “Wolf at the Door” as confirmed by Daniel himself. And yes, this is from my favourite Aesthetic Perfection song called Big Bad Wolf! :heart: :wolf:

(I might have a slight crush on this character due to the fact that the way he acts is like me in real life)

giphy (2)

Anyway, work tomorrow and starting the college course on Tuesday in which my area goes back into local lockdown, yay(!)


Another five hours of overtime for my Sunday. Today was spent moving furniture and more boxes around the building. Nothing as heavy as the paper was yesterday, though. Tonight, we’re celebrating my dad’s birthday (it was yesterday, but everybody’s here for dinner tonight), but for now, I’m relaxing in front of the Yankee game.


Happy late birthday to your pops! :partying_face::birthday::balloon::tada:

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No worries, I hope you had a great weekend too!
Oh, you still have time till you finish but that’s ok, you’ll do just fine, hang in there! :slight_smile: Do you know if your classes are going to continue to be online or not?
And I love love love the tattoos!!! Got my hyped up for another one :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s great news! Wishing a speedy recovery!

Just going to pop in this conversation to support this statement. I am so damn excited for its release next week!

So true! I still want a Ghost Note Symphonies Vol 2 too!
Sending you strength for work, those are a lot of face masks indeed!

I did, I did! It was alright… hope your weekend was great too and sending good vibes for the start of your week tomorrow :slight_smile:

That’s a long discussion… I think what bothers me the most about these topics is that people don’t believe it’s real, they don’t take you seriously most of the time. Mental health in general is something we should all be educated on and learn to recognise and manage from a young age. People shouldn’t be afraid to speak up about such issues, it should be a common thing like physical health.

OT: I had yet another crazy weekend at work, I won’t even bother with the details. This upcoming week is going to be tough, we have many plans coming in force (fingers crossed, depends on the announcement of extra measures for COVID or not from the government) and I only have one day off (yay me!). On top of that, my manager is on holidays from this coming Friday, meaning I get to stress even more while he’s away (nothing I can’t handle, just worrying about anything that might come up and certain people acting up).
In other news, I think I’ve been putting more pressure on my uninjured side, while trying to avoid further injury on the already hurt side, and now my lower back is killing me. I’m back on pain meds unfortunately and they don’t seem to be helpful. I’ll see how this week goes and if it’s not better I might have to go to the GP again.

I hope you guys had a lovely weekend! :slight_smile:


hello everybody and a good monday :relaxed:

hello dear :kissing_heart: first of all: still wishing you all the best for recovery and hopefully it will be good agains as soon as possible. Thanks for the update.
This was my 5th tattoo session in almost 3 years :sweat_smile: only new are the meteora logo, hit the floor, waiting for the end, points of authority and rebellion + the music player buttons.
The ‘red one’ next to numb is the hybrid theory soldier, in black and red, that includes the songs in the end, faint, somewhere I belong and crawling :blush:

thank you dear :kissing_heart: and yes: I wish I could draw like that. How are you doing?

hi there buddy - congrats on it, but 499,99€ ( 589,92 $) is just too much. I’m still really angry about that fact, that we have to pay more. But I think in 2021 I’ll buy a PS5, also with the disc.
And thank you for the compliment

hello twindear, yeah Guano Apes had big songs back in the days. Also these music videos. Wished the singer did a collab with Mike Shinoa on his PT’s tours in 2018&2019. I think she would be doing good on singing something like A Place for my head (Anyway, Jennifer Weist from Jennifer Rostock did great in Berlin 2019).
Good to read, that you’re back to The Offspring. They’re just amazing :sunglasses: :boom:
Adema: Sure I know them. Back in the days of the real early 00’s a big nu metal band too. Also had some very good songs + they’re still ranked in the all time best nu metal song playlist on metal hammer, loudwire and many other music magazines. Sadly they didn’t make ‘the big point’. They’re in ‘one line’ with (hed)p.e , taproot, Drowning Pool & Static X (ok, speaking of the two last two bands, they didn’t make the big point too, bc their singer died to early).
Thanks for the compliment, but I wouldn’t say that they are my favorites :smile: I would choose some other songs over some tattooed ones, but I have minimum at least one song tattooed for every studio album of Linkin Park → 9 x Hybrid Theory, 9 x Meteora, 4 x Minutes to Midnight, 2 x ATS, 1 x Living things, 2 x THP, 1 x OML
Maybe I’ll upload my other tattoos the next days :kissing_heart:

urgh that sucks dear :expressionless: but home studying is good :sweat_smile: :rofl: But lockdown really sucks, stay positive. Yeah, waiting is the problem these days: 2020 sucks and new music would be great.

the whole weekend? :scream:

this is what I meant! :grimacing: :sunglasses:

hello andy, yeah hopefully they’ll accept the rules, but when I look into society so many stupid people, who are so angry about wearing a mask and saying ‘covid 19 don’t exists’ - stupid populists a-holes! :poop: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Wishing the best and stay safe and healthy

oh no dear, you’re living in the US region, where the fire’s are? :scream:

hello pat :kissing_heart: thanks for the compliment and sure. Sometimes It’s kinda ‘hard’ to choose what would fit perfect for the WEP, but at least, it’s every week something new, bc I love all the support in here.
Hope you’ve got the sun too today?

It was so good and I laughed a lot, bc one of my best friends is Schalke fan :joy: That Rabona was just insane and the 4 of Müller, Lewy, Sane and Gnabry were so damn good. Sadly my father’s team Werder Bremen lost again…
Yeah, got some routines too these days like you and thank you for the compliment :blush: Sometimes it’s really hard to be nice all day with that bs right? I feel ya

I think no one can’t put all the necessary things about depression and anxiety in one article, but I think it’s the one of the most important things, that these diseases aren’t taboo anymore in society. And the normal thing that so many people still say: oh yeah, so you’ve depression? Don’t act like that. It’s just a phase. Also that somehow it’s still for so many weird that men can have these deseases too, bc as a man you have to be strong and don’t act like a whiny baby or something else. Also they aren’t diseases like a flu. They aren’t over in a couple of days. Sadly and in most cases they’re ‘lifetime dieases’. I think Ttlking openly about it and offering people targeted help is a very important step in tackling these diseases

but it’s something. Keep doing buddy and wishing you an awesome start :muscle:t2:

sounds good to me - keep on doing it. But the most important thing is: Have fun with it! :sunglasses:
thanks for the compliment :sunglasses: :kissing_heart: What’s next for you?

hello dear :kissing_heart: weekend was good and it’s gonna be 20% in university and mostly online. But that’s ok, still have enough to do with assignments so I’m not sad to stay at home for studying. Thanks for the compliment. I’m also looking forward to my 6th session at the end of november :joy:
Much strength and positivity for the week. You can do it and don’t forget to take some time for your on going recovery.
Do you do some exercises for recovery?

powerful and lovely tags to @Lilyope @lplove @drounzer @anngelenee @anna834 @Linkineli @chigokurosaki @amitrish @chigokurosaki @georkost

OT: Had some coffee, gona have some more :joy: maybe I’ll do a short walk later but also need more time for tattoo recovery. But the weather is still great in my region, but can’t enjoy the sun that much in t shirts, bc new tattoos and direct sun isn’t good :sweat_smile:



It’s 1:30 p.m.
And I’m so exhausted, that only crying is left.
All morning visiters were here. My grandmas sister, a long time friend, both said goodbye to her, left crying.
Now a women from ambulance hospitz was here, talked how to handle the decubitus, how often I change her position, how it will continue from now, when she stops eating at all, stops swallowing, if I’m ready to let go…
And now?
My depressive pain thing from yesterday is gone.
Leaves me even more exhausted.
All shaky.

Sorry, don’t know, where else to put this right now. So much weight, I just drop it here.

If you wonder what this is all about, I had written in my topic:



Good morning, everyone!

It’s the start of a new work week here, and I’m about to knock out some yoga before breakfast.

Next week they start bringing students back to school, so this is our last week to get everything in place for them when they return. I still don’t think we’re ready.


Hey all!
Happy Monday!

First off I want to start my post sending @anna834 all my love, support, and strength!! :hugs::hugs::heart:
I’m so sorry that you are going through this! If you ever need something you know where to find us!! :hugs:

Brianna is making me sleep outside for being a bad husband, so its my new bed. lmao :rofl::rofl:
Just throw a few bails down spread them and change it every so often :joy:
Real story is her Grandpa has cattle and just can’t give up the farming life. Since Brianna is his only granddaughter, (and grew up out there), she gets chosen to help… and because she’s chosen, I get to go help lol

Congrats on 5 years together! :tada::tada: :smile:

Hey no problem! :+1::smile:

I get that, I’m still kind of like ehh on the pricing, but they have payment plans for it. and I knew I was probably going to buy one anyways lol I’m sure it’s just the conversion but how $589.92!!! It’s only $499 in U.S for the disc drive! :exploding_head:

OT: Well just finishing up my lunch so time to go back to it! Cup o’ coffee #2 is calling my name!!

Sending Hugs and positive vibes to everyone!! :hugs::hugs:




My mum came and replaced me for the evening. I got out in the woods and did a long walk, even climbed a little without any path.
Deep breath. I could feel getting human again.


You don’t get away with this pretend of suffering hero :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I know exactly well that bailing hay is exhausting, yes, but still one of the most fun things to do. :kissing_heart:
Thanks for your words :hugs:

Just read this and am like yeahhhh :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
You survived the fucking 27, now life will be awesome, go get it! :muscle: :green_heart:

Sorry :grimacing: I was just :skull:
Thanks for being there :revolving_hearts:

:blush: Can’t wait, that my son get the package mailed with my knitting stuff

I know :blush: thanks for this :gift_heart:

@lpfan61 :heartpulse:

Thank you all :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :green_heart:


Genesis is an amazing track. So far I prefer this album so I’m looking forward to the release.

Very well said :+1: It was a taboo for certain age groups where we were made to feel as though “negative” feelings should be hidden growing up. The first time I really felt anyone was talking about mental health were Linkin Park and other rock bands. Listening to Adema’s album again it just strikes me as amazing these songs existed back then. I’d like to say this type of music made me more resilient mentally.

I hope you feel better soon :muscle:

Glad you know this band. Mark only made the first 2 albums with the band and then there was a falling out. The other singers weren’t as good. I’d like Mark to make a comeback and I don’t know, he might even suit Linkin Park except they’re not dark enough for him.

Oh I thought these were your top songs! Don’t put yourself through the pain for anything less :laughing:


No, I’m on the East coast of the US. Those are on the West. The smoke made it out here.

I’m just relaxing. Work was ok. I had my 90 day review for the position I started in May. It went well :slightly_smiling_face:. Nothing but great results. Now hopefully this covid business get under control so I can get the raise I’m supposed to.

Have a great night everyone!


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Lol i just thought the pic that i took was kinda blurry so i took it down :joy:

Do we have any face revelation thread around yet? Lol i’d like to know how y’all look like for real :face_with_monocle:

Today, and I’m almost certain for the remainder of the week, I went into work an hour and a half early to help move more furniture around the building. We also just received a second storage container for the school, so tomorrow will be spent packing it in with as much extra furniture as we can fit.

Hopefully this weekend I can relax, but I’m not holding my breath. At least there’s yoga waiting for me when I wake up.


You do yoga?

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These things you must never ask :flushed:

Damn dude…so kids are most def going back in? :grimacing: good for them but hope for the best :slightly_smiling_face:
A random thank you for putting in all that behind the scenes work for them to be able to get back in there in one shape or another!


How so? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: