HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

You know it! Anytime :hugs:
For the moment, ride the wave and know there’s gonna be an up at the other side of this valley! :blush: believe in yourself and most of all know how much we care for you and as you we’ll see you’re not alone one bit as you matter enough for any of us to take an opportunity to be with you :hugs:


At least don’t say THAT bro :man_facepalming:


Well I’m not going to lie, am I?

Best to stay quiet in that instance rather than sounding like a duck lol

Naturally, I mean a crabby ass Donald Duck ahem lol

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Sure, I believe you. :joy:


Good idea,thanks🤗

I believe she started eating less and less bc of her father… he is such a control freak. He even tries to control her friends,like when i visited her when she wasn’t ill,he doesn’t say hello or anything but wants to know what we will do,when i will leave so that she can play cello again or study. Or when she was younger,she had to go to the top of their stairs before dinner and had to solve math tasks to get better at it and when she was right she could take one step down. The would finish it no matter how long it would take. I bet there are so much more ,crazy things he did but i don’t even know and she doesn’t even realize how crazy and bad he is. Even seeing him for one second gives you a bad,angsty feeling. But she,she admires him,still. I can’t come up and tell her how bad her own father is😣she would freak out,even whenever i said the smallest thing about him like “don’t you think he expects a little too much of you?” She was kind of pissed and always said no way,i have to do that and stuff like that.

Thank you for your kind words and the love :heart::heart::heart:i think i pushed too long and forgot about myself a bit,but now when she is in that clinic i can’t change anything so i let the situation be as it is now and we’ll see how it turnes out…
And thanks for the beautiful pictures​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I hope you will find out of that soon! Sending strength to you​:hugs::hugs:and,i love that picture,their laugh is just gold​:heart_eyes::joy::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Alright,I’m going to sleep now,good night everybody and sweet dreams!:hugs::sleeping::rainbow:


Lol, and a rare moment here. :joy: Jk, but the show really is turning out to be a really good one. Certainly more than most things out today.

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I checked it out it sounds nicey!!

That’s looksna funny party guy :joy::partying_face::partying_face:

Oh yep. I understand :joy::joy: that’s pretty much what they think about their pets!

This definitely feels like a curse :joy:

Lot’s of love! :heart: How did it go :smiley:

What is cast?

Aww dear @anna834 just stay strong sometimes the day goes a big rollercoaster but in the end it’s all gonna be ok :hugs: have faith in yourself :heart:

That’s soo annoying! Atleast emails are getting send either by home or office ! :flushed:

Hope you are feeling better! :heart::hugs: Get well soon!

@evooba shifting to a new home?

That’s terrible :worried: ! Stay strong dear sending lots of strength! :muscle::heart::muscle: just hang in there you’ll make it!!

Yess!! Time to enjoy!!! :tada::partying_face::fireworks::christmas_tree:

Yessh!! Now that’s a squishy :heart_eyes::hugs::hugs: boneless hug :joy:

Hope you enjoyed and had a good time with friends!! :partying_face::tada:

Neither here :joy: feels so dry no festive fun or excitement!

@LP13413 laptop shopping day today?? Rn you must be resting tho :hugs:

Yep did! I surprisingly sleep a lot these days :joy: 8-9 hrs a day … feels like heaven!

Just know that you are an amazing sunshiney person :hugs::sunny::heart: you are very strong and loved by everyone here! :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

It’s alrighty just hope that you are doing well! :hugs::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart::bat::purple_heart:

That’s great! :muscle::partying_face: All of the grind will be worth!!

Done done! :partying_face:

They look sooo yum! :heart_eyes: One is suger and one is Choco??

That’s called a good news! :partying_face: Lookibg forward to hear more from you! A big squishy :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart: (stay spider-free :crazy_face: jk :joy: )stay sunshiney! :sunny::hugs:

It’s okay we understand. gone thro some those kind of days back then…:hugs: stay strong i hope you friends gets fine soon and everything srytles back to place. Maybe something is bothering her a lot so she stays away from phone to give herself a while…

I hope you find a way soon we are here if you’d like to rant :hugs::heart: stay strong we got your back

Aannndd! On topic. ( After so much of reading :sleepy:)

And here i go…
IMG_20191221_160615-01 IMG_20191218_201533-01 IMG_20191218_201513-01

Along with that just a picture… black paint.


We are shifting the heavy stuffs to new home on 24th. We’ll be living jn thid house till jan with minimum stuffs. My dad got 3 day holiday from the work so he came home today… less holiday that’s why we ain’t shifting entirely… won’t be much time for that.

Much love to everyone!! Gtg now :heart::hugs: have a beautiful blast of holidays and merry Christmas to everyone in advance!! :christmas_tree::fireworks::partying_face:


@Honey8 No, we are going through a massive refurb at work now that we are under new management.

OT: I wonder if it’ll ever stop raining, it’s been non stop for like 10 days now, I’m tired of getting soaked every day.
On my way to work, hoping for a quiet and easy day. Have a great Sunday guys!


Heading off soon to the spa place and I’ve got my road trip music sorted!!



Thank you :hugs::hugs:yeah probably…

Maybe i will go for a run later but rn i’m too lazy​:joy::grin: have a good sunday y’all!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:

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they look so yummy :star_struck: :yum:

thank you :grimacing: :hugs: :relaxed: and enjoy your free days :metal:t2:

and thats a good thing too, but I can understand you - Sometimes is Xmas too much :confused:

sorry :rofl: for the new years posting I’m gonna do multiple choices :relaxed: :kissing_heart:

I’ll watch that series too :slight_smile: - Maybe you’re no ‘infected’ :grimacing: :sunglasses: :nerd_face:

ok, that sounds like a ‘hell of a story’? :face_with_monocle: :sweat_smile:

Yeah, I share the thougths with my Dad but Werder Bremen is so bad - they’re playing like a 5th league team or something else :confounded: :persevere:

:sunglasses: :grimacing: :heart_eyes:
that young boy Zirkzee is so good - saved us two times in a row :sweat_smile:

and back again :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh yeah, a couple of nice pictures and I’m just loving how we can participate each week for new pictures :heart_eyes: :heart: :pray:t2:

you’re welcome :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you too and I hope you’re feeling better after that delicious dish :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grimacing:

Maybe it would help if you share your problems? Sending you strength and positivity - you’re strong and you’ll make it! :muscle:t2: :heart: :pray:t2:

nooooooooo, I’m sorry :laughing: :sweat_smile: :grimacing: I’m gonna include multiple choices for the new years posting ok? :kissing_heart: :relaxed: :blush:

Sounds really tasty :yum: :drooling_face: are you gonna do a Harry Potter marathon? :blush:

yes, but the ending of Star Wars was not so good :sweat_smile: :unamused: and of course we need more squishys :rofl: :pray:t2: :heart:

enjoy your time at the spa and I think this playlist will make that day even better :star_struck: :relaxed: :heart_eyes:

also a quick tag for @zanybelle @theearlywalker @justinkilmer @IronSoldier16 @melisLP @AJ_7 @rickvanmeijel @birdy1989 @StephLP18 :heart: :pray:t2:

I swear I’m gonna include more choices for the next poll :sweat_smile: :grimacing: :muscle:t2: :metal:t2:

Maybe these ones here are a ‘good apologize’ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :kissing_heart: :heart: :metal:t2:

Linkin Park Art
I like that drawing style - They’re looking like ‘just good boys’ but they’re playing that hard nu metal style :sunglasses: :metal:t2: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :heart_eyes: :grimacing:

Chester Graffiti
this graffiti is soooooo good - just wow :heart_eyes: :heart: :metal:t2:

OT: I’m gonna spend the evening with some really good friends (like family) and we’re gonna go to a burger store :yum: :drooling_face: :heart:


The ones with sugar on top are molasses cookies and the another ones are with coconut and chocolate flakes :slight_smile:


Doing well thank you :slight_smile: Hope you are too! Just trying to relax while I can, until the madness starts again in January


Yeaah i know he’s insane!

Yes totally​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::joy:great pictures!
Also the graffiti one, so talented!!!
Sending virtual pralines to everyone who needs them :grin::innocent::hugs::hugs:


If falling from the highest mountain is good then I am :joy:
I know you mean the wifi, it’s working normally. Thanks for asking :fist:

Dude… this is the hardest choice I’ve ever done in my life. How can you sleep in the nights?

OT: Playing.


Thanks for the tags and thinking of me :blush: I voted on your vote and asked for something with lyrics. I’ll post some lyrics that I like as I realise I was the only one to vote for this :confused:

@chigokurosaki yeah you could join in the Linkin Park side discussion we’ve got going on here sometimes. It’s actually really interesting when someone brings up an LP topic and everyone shares their thoughts.

I agree ┌(・。・)┘♪ love both the video and of course my number 1 song.

@Linkineli thanks for the tag! :hugs: :hugs: Oh my gosh, I want some pralines please! :yum:



Watching some Netflix while helping my flatmate pack, she’s off tomorrow to her parents for Xmas.
Work should be fun tomorrow, we have our Xmas party after, and it’s always exciting!


Hey you all, happy 4th advent :candle: :candle: :candle: :candle:

Don’t be sorry! This here is exactly the right place for it! :hugs:
Eating disorder is such a fucked up illness. :pensive: All the narcissism, the manipulation, the controlling is part of her condition, it’s not her.
It’s a hard, stony road to survive this, and most important, the wish to stay alive has to come by her.
You can be there for her, if you are strong, keep the distance to the disease, don’t get sucked in. Don’t blame yourself, if you can’t. Take care of yourself first! Don’t let you pressure into somthing, you’re not up to, it won’t help.
Be honest to you, and if you feel the strength to interact, also with her. If she don’t like, what you have to say, it’s not on you. And if she prefers “easier” company, don’t take it personal.
Stay strong! We are here! Take a hug! :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

:joy: but for grownups. Not really anything under this bibs. :rofl:

I so know this :roll_eyes:
Let it talk. The less attention it get, the more it turns down. This thoughts love nothing more then getting your attention. And with what do you get it? With drama. :expressionless:
I’m so good at the moment. And immediately the thoughts go looking for trouble, for twisting things. Right now, I have the strength to ignore it! :muscle:
I won’t let this get spoiled!
Sure, it won’t last. But that’s no reason to go looking for the fall!
For you too, a big hug! :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks for the great pics! :blush:


You know! :blush:
Don’t find excuses to not finish the project! :upside_down_face:

Thank you! Always up for hugging you! :hugs: :purple_heart: :green_heart:
What you are up to? :upside_down_face:

Hey sweetie, with this I stuck on my words. You know we are here, take you what ever you are right now.
Do you already know this topic?

And for you:

“Been searching somewhere out there
For what’s been missing right here (I wanna fall wide awake now)
I’ve been searching somewhere out there
For what’s been missing right here (I wanna fall wide awake now)
I wanna fall wide awake now
So tell me it’s alright
Tell me I’m forgiven, tonight”

:hugs: :blue_heart:

Again :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

:hugs: :green_heart:

And I can’t even argue back :expressionless:

:blush: have fun and thanks for the pics! So awesome! Filling this place! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :hugs: :orange_heart:

Best of plans :hugs: :yellow_heart:

:flushed: :upside_down_face: :rofl: biiiig hug :hugs: :blue_heart:


:partying_face: have fun :christmas_tree:

Yeah! I’m on it too. My ever evening plan. And then, it’s to late again. :laughing: :hugs: :orange_heart:

@theearlywalker in Christmas relaxation I hope! :hugs: :heart:

@justinkilmer :thinking: :laughing: :hugs: :brown_heart:

@birdy1989 again and again! Miss you here! :heart_eyes: :revolving_hearts:

Awesome day!!! :tada:
Just at home, besides dog walkes of course.
A little bit laundry, wrapping up gifts, delicious cooking. And accepting that my usual Christmas bakery is to much and not necessary. But not without choco crossies, so:

For you all and me: :heart: