HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

So… uh … I WANT MY CHATROOM BACK!!! Bastards!!! You went on without me!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE. Starting with the one who posted n° 10000… You are going :arrow_down:
I WILL FIND YOU!!! You better not mess with RA’S AL GHUL !!!
Batman, was it you??? :bat: @framos1792

oh, eh… Where’s number 3? :blush:


Guess you’re all to chicken now to show yourselves… there’s only @anna834 left (yeah! sheeps rule :sheep: )
I should spam this thread until 10000… al on my own … just to punish you
But I’ll show my kindness and let it be… it’s forgiven (not forgotten :smiling_imp:)


:rofl: I called you! :triumph: I did my bro duty :triumph:
“I don’t sleep” my ass :triumph:
You was snoring!

Didn’t you get stuck in the train :thinking:

Ehhhh technically no, not 10,000 but last post yes :smirk::relieved::smirk_cat::smirk_cat:

Iiiiim right here :triumph:

:flushed: cough cough more like uhhh…unable to post more than 3 consecutive times :stuck_out_tongue:

Ot: probably should crash… I know I won’t but :crazy_face:

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Nope… I saw your call… didn’t expect it to go so fast

Gossip, nothing but gossip and slander, I say…
The footage had been tampered with :imp:

yes you are :upside_down_face:

Dang, you noticed :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Thx for the invite. It’s very interesting, maybe it’s the kids I was talking to?!? Lol hoping some more mature fans are there at times! Lol :hugs::purple_heart:

Since the other chat is now closed, nicely done, is this where we’re mainly chatting?!?

@anna834 so…:thinking: where’s my invite again :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh and btw… I don’t snore … I purr :joy_cat:


The last few days have been horrible for me, I finally have today to relax.

Hope you’re all good!


I’m very mad right now. I just found out the weather for the next couple days. I’m NOT ready for this crappy weather!!!


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Hey all!

Really hate being busy, keeps me from stopping by :sweat_smile:

Hoping things get better soon!! Sending positive thoughts!! :hugs::hugs:

I love that :joy: :joy:

@anna834 Loving the mug! :smile: How are things going on your side of the world??

Hey!! Been busy with so many things lately haha it is nice as it keeps me out of trouble… I guess… :joy:
How have you been?? :smile:

Just gonna chime in here :wink: lol the books (in my opinon) are great and at the top of my things you should read! Otherwise the I am number 4 series (and side series) are my go to :nerd_face:

Thanks :smile: favorite time of year right there!

I’ll see what I can do lol, Pictures don’t do enough justice :joy:

OT: Work work work :sleeping: :sleeping:

I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves!!


I’m just to the west of you. I don’t think it could get any worse than Halloween was. At least we’re not supposed to get any accumulating snow this week. The higher elevations will see a few inches, though.

On topic, enjoying lunch in front of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. There’s a cat sleeping next to me, and he’s starting to snore.

Happy election day! To be honest though, I’m more excited about the chicken barbecue down the street that will serve as my dinner tonight.


This right here just sounds amazing :joy: Well besides Election day… But Chicken and the Fresh Prince :ok_hand: Okay with me :joy:


Jajaja d**n why did you call me pendejo? And what do you mean with “time to return” :thinking:?

Actually was @jrtrussell XD

Rest all you can, you deserve it.

OT: getting up from my bed, going to eat something and then work.

Have a great day everyone.

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Ask my teacher. :innocent: Ah, dang, that was you! :kissing_heart:

I ment @chigokurosaki

You bs me, I know that you actually already joined.
Remember, I’m your stalker :female_detective: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

No I checked this morning :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 10k was me and last post was me too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I was gonna reply to say the exact same thing :rofl:
If I’m @lp13413, I’m like

Ah but y’all leave meeee out huh? :triumph:

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Aye. I got the legit 10k. You just got it after it glitched. :triumph: and I thought we agreed on a tie?

Just to the west? I circled 7 states, lol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Our Halloween wasn’t that bad, sure we had rain and heavy winds but we’ve had worse.

Fresh Prince? born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days, chillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool…

Chicken bbq is always good.

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My zip code’s in my screen name :slight_smile:

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