Chat Room (TLPT 3) MIA

huh? What? The picture? I was bored when I made it… It’ll be changed soon

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No just have second place or first place willingly :roll_eyes: also…you know better than the rest I can’t we’ll :triumph::pensive:

Awww, little raz is still sourrrr :stuck_out_tongue:
The nap wasn’t long enough :triumph::joy:


Sadly enough, have to work.
So, later.:wave:
What ever that mean :skull_and_crossbones:

guess that means später :wink:

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we’ll talk in 6 hrs… see if you’re still up … I dare you :crazy_face:

That would be here now… apparently

Lol doNt challenge me :joy: I’m already effed from days of restlessness


We should do it sometime though… Could be fun :sunglasses:

Lol hell yeah
Me and @IronSoldier16 did it before to mess around, still have to at some point :muscle:t3: Well set a record :grin: s


Hey, hey, hey, hold on, hold on there ma’am. I have the 3rd place of no sleeping (40/41 hours) can you best that :triumph:? I want to see that now.

For December 20th we won’t sleep! We’ll see who is the weak soldier here :unamused:

@framos1792 @alz89 you’re the special guests, you can’t deny this challenge.


I already got y’all beat you’ll see

@anna834 I didn’t teach you to insult me :v XD

It was for others, no for me :triumph:

Cállate pendejo XD quiero que lo golpee con el bat XD

Prove it :crazy_face:


Nothing of “ups” now you will a billion times, Batman is a baka jajajaja Jk.


She just shut you up with a big fat NO

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Ahh? What? I wasn’t here.

Ahh this, actually, I was not asking her if she wants, she has to do it. That or :cricket_bat_and_ball: for Batman. She chooses.

I’m top place… who’s challenging my throne!!! :crown:


No problem, I choose this option:

A pair of idiots and @anna834 jajaja