Would you rather...?

You just answered your own WYR

The first and consequently the second with the massive pile of money that I’ll get from the first. :wink:

Considering the crap that’s in both I wouldn’t care.

Aren’t they the same?

Surprisingly I wouldn’t, not unless I had to pick a death scenario for myself, then I probably would. I’ve seen way to many space disaster films. I’ll only go into space when they make it as safe and easy as it is in Star Wars where you just get in a ship and take off.

Would you rather die whilst exploring space or in the uncharted depths of this planet’s oceans?


Would you rather be in a plane crash or in a plane that gets shot down by a missile? (Both outcomes would have you dead)

Two birds with one stone, get shot down and die on impact

Having your fingernails ripped out or your teeth ripped out?

I had ingrown nails before…

WYR: Ingest a whole bunch of parasites, or have a whole bunch of parasites ingest you (slowly) from the inside out. (If you ingest the parasites, your stomach acid would quickly kill them off, so no harm done)

I guess I’d ingest those parasites then…

Would you rather have shit for brains or eat shit brains?

low IQ brains?

Would you rather:


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I like Mike’s beard on Mike :blush:

Would you rather relive each day, knowing you relive it… OR, live each new day anew without knowing it’s a new day?

if it would be the 2 or 3 Sept this year (FM & LP at Berlin) I will relive over and over again, such a nice phaantasie

So would you rather drink so much alkohol on new years eve, that you are hangover for two days or drink no alkohol and go to the Fitness Center at 8:00am in the morning for a three hour workout with personal trainer?

[edit writ miss]

No alcohol.

Consider that time machines do exist and time travel is possible:
So, your time machine broke down and cannot be fixed. Would you rather you stayed stuck in ancient years with the time progressing normally or in one single day of your choosing (still in the past)?

If you have to stay on that one single day over and over again id rather stay in the past and have time progress normally.

WYR only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?


WYR be hidden in a grave undead or disable to move or shout but feel everything on an op table?

Wow brutal!!! I guess i’d take grave even tho its my worst nightmare coz not painful and you could scream:joy:

WYR be able to talk any language fluently or be able to talk to animals?

Talk to animals.

Would you rather live in a cave with bears or in the sea with sharks and killer whales? (Pretend you can breathe underwater without any issues).

cave with bears:)

WYR have a third eye or a third arm? :joy:

Languages. Math is the langage of the world (it’s in everything). And yes, I realize how incredibly cheesy that sounded :joy:

I’d rather have a third leg, that way driving a manual would be less annoying (even though I don’t drive yet).

WYR: Eject out of a Blackbird at Mach 3+ or crash a car into a barrier at 200mph and go flying out of the windscreen (imagine the car doesn’t blow up even though it’s most likely to). Survival isn’t guaranteed in either situation and of course the chance for survival is probably 1 in a million but not impossible.

blackbird march 3+ means surley an aircraft I think @the_termin8tr1? then the aircraft, cause I ever wanted to learn to fly like in the vid of amitrish, dream … how was the band called?

WYR be unable to use new media for a week or ( everything mobile, internet is forbidden) or not eat for maybe a week?

If you want to go to far flung exotic places with no connection, you have to do this.

##WYR not meet LP in person (no more M&G’s, attending their concerts, backstage stuff etc) ever again, or not visit the LPU (no more forums, LPU events, giveaways etc) ever again.

Not visit the LPU and whatever it includes. Can’t live without concerts.

Would you rather sit through a really bad concert you were forced to go or rot in prison for the night?