Would you rather...?

The SR71 Blackbird is the fastest plane on Earth. Mach 3 is simply the plane travelling at 3 times the speed of sound. Ejecting at mach 3+ is lethal though, the forces would tear you apart (literally).

That’s how a test pilot died. They were testing a prototype blackbird in the 1960s and the nose got ripped off (just behind the co pilot) mid-flight at very high altitude (can’t remember the exact figure) and at about mach 3. The co pilot was thrown straight out of the plane when the nose tore off but the main pilot was still in the cabin so he had to eject, but when he did, the force broke his neck instantly.

Fun fact (more like funny fact): In another failed flight the pilot ejected safely, landed in the sea, then accidentally opened his suit’s visor and drowned :laughing: (a blackbird flight suit is much like an astronaut suit due the the altitude the plane reaches).

WRY have an alien burst out of your chest or have your spine and skull ripped out be a predator in one go?

(I’ve waited a long time to use this meme lol).

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I’ll rather exchange places with a prisoner and get the prisoner to go to the concert venue to manhandle/whatever the performer off the stage.

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A1 I think Id probably suffer the concert and try to see the funny side of how bad it was

A2 Ummm wow @the_termin8r1 such choices:)) I’ll take the alien!

WYR never be able to eat hot food again or never be able to take a hot shower again?

hard one, mhhhhh ok
I take the hot shower, cause I can take a hot bath instead lol :joy:

be honest: WYR
make a lifetime descision and tell everybody everywhere the truth or lie/hold you real opp. back forever?

My opponent already did that to me, so I did that in revenge.

Speaking about bathing, would you jump into a geyser of hot water or jump into the freezing depths of the water off Siberia?

A: freezing depths of the water off Siberia

Q: WYR live poor with God, then go to heaven or live rich with Satan, and then go to hell?

A: livin la vida broka

Q: Would you rather have a sleeping foot for all eternity or a sleeping butt?

A: Hips don’t lie… like flat tires.

Q: WYR marry a person whom you love or a person who loves you?


Stay alone

WYR have your nose growing everytime you are lying or growing your ears if you manipulate sbd/sth?
Ed wr mis

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Nose… I guess.

Would you rather have your nose or eyebrow pierced?

Nose is so verybody like… eybrown, maybe at the part of nosesroot

WYR feel love of sbd or the hate?

Depends who it is.

If you were an animal, a pet, would you rather be a dog or a cat?

for sure a cat…

WYR eat warm or just a lil snack right now?

Just a snack:)

WYR have webbed hands or webbed feet? (totally random I know!)

Hands, it’s easier to fan yourself when you’re hot.

WYR have an arse for a face and a face for and arse or a finger as a nose and a bunch of noses for fingers? :joy:

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ha ha ha!!! I’ll take finger for a nose one!

WYR always have to say what is on your mind or never speak again?

Silence is gold

Would you rather be go back in time with Marty McFly or back to the future with The Terminator?

I take it I’m not supposed to answer this one :stuck_out_tongue:

I take Mr. Mcfly till the once upon a time relation to him lol :joy:

WYR wipe your nose (very infirmed one) with emery paper or clean your buddie with it?

Mmmm nose!

WYR have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?