Would you rather...?

I’d rather help someone because I’m not sure if someone would help me.

Would you rather win a trip to Paris or win a trip to New York City?

Both are just cities with way too many people and a load of shops with triple prices. I’ve been to Paris twice and it’s pretty much as annoying as London except everyone speaks French so I’d go to NYC instead because I’ve never been to America

Die of extreme pressure (the sort you get in the extreme depths of our oceans) or of extreme lack thereof (very high altitudes). In one scenario your body gets crushed and in the other your blood boils.

lol how nice phatasies ya share @the_termin8r
getting boiled in high altitude…slow btw :bug:

be killed by a bomb explosion
or sliced by an ax-murder?

Killed by a explosion

Wyr: be able to see what’s behind you or be able to zoom in with your eyes?

hi @annawe, join the plug dj
be a zombie or a vampire?


Give someone this Deadpool mug:

Or this Deadpool shirt:

1 Like

The mug

Wyr live in the world of Harry Potter or Lord of the rings?

Lord of the rings

the wizards in hp are primitive bafoons in a modern world who haven’t even discovered or utilized electricity and still use owls to deliver stuff. At least in lotr everything is primitive.

WYR: Play catch with a live and very unstable grenade (without the pin being pulled out) or Frisbee with a round saw blade?

Play catch with the grenade. A frisbee without blade is already very dangerous; still remember the time it wanted to slice my head off.

WYR bury something important in sand or soil? (You’ll eventually need to find it and dig it out later on)


Wyr be able to talk to animals or talk in every language?

Talk to animals

Wyr: have the ability of flight or the ability to stay under water

The ability to fly

Wyr: be a famous person for one day or be a superhero for one day?


WYR: stay in a hotel or at your house?

Feels like I can’t stay in my house now, need a hotel instead

WYR sleep on an old pillow which is too soft, or a new pillow which is too hard?

I’m fine with sleeping on a cinder block, I can’t stand pillows that you sink into.

WYR: Be shot in the face (you survive) or the crotch?

I imagine it to be paintball/rubber bullet :confounded:

WYR kill yourself by shooting yourself in the head or in the heart?

Nope, a real one, but a rubber bullet can do damage too.


WYR: Drink out of the toilet or eat out of a compost heap?

I guess I’ll have the compost heap and pretend it is humus or kimchi.


Burn your face or burn your butt

Burn my butt

Wyr have your favorite drink or favorite food right now?

Favorite food

WYR burn a flying insect to death or burn a jumping spider to death? (You’ll have to find a way to constrain them first before setting them on fire)