When and where?

Yeah, depending on how your ‘shutter’ (phones don’t have them) works a moving or changing photo will look different.

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Taken from the attic window couple days ago


Man, did someone set your sky on fire? That looks awesome.

My view earlier today


I know, I’ve never seen this spectacular view at home before. I just had to take a picture

I say the new pillow is like overcooked beef (more than well done)‚ it’s probably what I imagine a prison pillow would be like. :sob: Yup, tonight is impossible to sleep, cuz it’s almost like in prison! :coffin:

It’s dark outside now, but the thunder means it’s going to rain. :cloud_lightning: :cloud_rain:

So dark.

Still can’t sleep.

Full Moon

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It’s raining right now, goodnight.

I was helping my dad with his work today and I saw these curious flowers in the garden at the house we were at:

Here is the camera test between my s3 mini and new s7:



Wow, the second pic looks so much worse on my laptop :stuck_out_tongue:

Lots of people had issues with their S7 from what I’ve read. It didn’t turn out to be the great phone Samsung promised.
As for the photos, the S7 has a way better camera but whenever you upload something, the quality drops. Happens with everything.

The photos get compressed when you upload, that’s why. (Eg: the forums have a 3MB limit)

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Something from the other day


More like when-never. The stupid forum says my file sizes are too big even from my s3m. I CBA to go through the whole photobucket fiasco

I was talking in general :stuck_out_tongue: But the forums do have a size limit.


There’s no photo

Wtf <jkkïhjgfhhbcfdd>

Hangin Friends

You need to wait until the photo uploads completely before sending.