Can you touch your shoulders?

What’s a bolster?

Something like this, but more cylindrical in shape. You mean you don’t hug anything while you sleep?

Wow, I’ve never seen one of those. No, I don’t hug anything. The closest I come to hugging something is when I occasionally tuck the duvet under my arm when I sleep on my side.

I thought that was for pregnant women lol. Seems cool though, I could use it… I tend to wrap myself like a burrito when I sleep and go completely under the covers.

Sorry, cuz my mother is fond of hugging bolsters while she sleeps, so since I was young she always made sure there was always a bolster on the bed for me to hug. Probably due to my upbringing. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Q: Soft or hard mattress? Or if you want to use my personal steak rating: Rare, medium rare, or well done?

A: I dunno which extreme corresponds to which steak rating, but the mattress a little bit firmer than my pillow.

I have parquet flooring, but the swirl chair scratched it real badly.

Rare is soft, well done is hard. Sorry for not clarifying.

Between Medium and Medium Well.

Q: what kind of desk chair do you have?

So, here’s mine (yes, it’s dark, I know. Blame it on my dark walls and curtains)

That’s what you see from my door (excuse the shirt):

And on the other side I have my bed:

And next to it is my desk with a book shelf on top. The window you see is basically next to the closet:

A: Spinning chair

Q: Something you never use but always keep around?

That’s a lot of posters lol. looks better than mine, though I wouldn’t have those shelves above my head in case they drop or I knock them down as I stand up :laughing:. Also, do you have a balcony?

Your rooms are so clean :o

And you can’t even see half of them in the photos. My walls are basically posters top to bottom :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, that book case is basically empty now. I’ve been wanting to update my room for a while now (get rid of that huge ass desk and book case), change the color of the bed, etc. Still thinking if it’s worth it or not though. And yes, I have a balcony (I live in an apartment).

Lol, @xTirea, I just moved the pile of clothes.

I also have balcony in my room! :smiley:

A: I guess right now that would be my camera? I have a Nikon camera name Timothy. Yes, I named him (after Timothy McGee from NCIS.) but I’m planning on selling him.

A: my favorite part of the house is my room, I can alway shut the door and block everyone out.

Q: do you always let the light in? (Sorry changed it)

I will post a picture of my room after I get all my sister stuff out. She kind of went on vacation without cleaning up my room, so it’s gotta go…

Awwww Timmy!! Love that guy (and NCIS in general).

A: Not really (hence the dark grey walls and curtains). I shut the blinds at night too so light won’t come through in the mornings. My parents tend to open everything when I’m not home though.

Q: Do you find bird chirping annoying?

Don’t you hate when they do that…

A: not really, only when I’m trying to sleep when I stay up really really early. But the birds over here kind of go crazy, they get together in a bush in they chirp away, I call it a bird court. One time court was crazy like they have their order I guess one bird went to far he did something because it was bird court for a long time.

Q: what is your zodiac sign and do you follow some traits from it? I’m a Virgo, organizing comes natural to me.

A: I’m Scorpio and I don’t know if follow any traits; I need to do research.

Q: Coca Cola Company (Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite) or Pepsi (Pepsi, Mirinda, 7up)?

A: Coca Cola (though I stopped drinking these kind of refhreshments a few months ago).

Q: Would you sleep in a hammock hanging from a cliff (pretty high up)?