Can you touch your shoulders?

And you can’t even see half of them in the photos. My walls are basically posters top to bottom :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, that book case is basically empty now. I’ve been wanting to update my room for a while now (get rid of that huge ass desk and book case), change the color of the bed, etc. Still thinking if it’s worth it or not though. And yes, I have a balcony (I live in an apartment).

Lol, @xTirea, I just moved the pile of clothes.

I also have balcony in my room! :smiley:

A: I guess right now that would be my camera? I have a Nikon camera name Timothy. Yes, I named him (after Timothy McGee from NCIS.) but I’m planning on selling him.

A: my favorite part of the house is my room, I can alway shut the door and block everyone out.

Q: do you always let the light in? (Sorry changed it)

I will post a picture of my room after I get all my sister stuff out. She kind of went on vacation without cleaning up my room, so it’s gotta go…

Awwww Timmy!! Love that guy (and NCIS in general).

A: Not really (hence the dark grey walls and curtains). I shut the blinds at night too so light won’t come through in the mornings. My parents tend to open everything when I’m not home though.

Q: Do you find bird chirping annoying?

Don’t you hate when they do that…

A: not really, only when I’m trying to sleep when I stay up really really early. But the birds over here kind of go crazy, they get together in a bush in they chirp away, I call it a bird court. One time court was crazy like they have their order I guess one bird went to far he did something because it was bird court for a long time.

Q: what is your zodiac sign and do you follow some traits from it? I’m a Virgo, organizing comes natural to me.

A: I’m Scorpio and I don’t know if follow any traits; I need to do research.

Q: Coca Cola Company (Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite) or Pepsi (Pepsi, Mirinda, 7up)?

A: Coca Cola (though I stopped drinking these kind of refhreshments a few months ago).

Q: Would you sleep in a hammock hanging from a cliff (pretty high up)?

A: no @EvoOba, no I would not…

Q: fuel’s wasted time or default wasting my time?

[ot wow, I love your osts today cause I think it´s beecomming more open, to show your rooms, I love such things, but me comp. idiot, ya know, not able to post, try it at least, I think I´ll show my kitchenn, my room]
A: no idea
Q: what nice thing/person crossed ya way today?

It’s because I’ve got nothing to make a mess with. I’ve got a controlled mess to left of my desk (first pic) but that’s about it. Rewind 3-4 years and my floor would have been made of Lego lol. It was an absolute nightmare to get up in the night and tread on one. Though I’ve done it so many times that I am now the only person in human history who doesn’t get hurt when I tread on a Lego brick (barefoot) :laughing:

The Top Gear calendar hanging on my wall (it was out of shot in the pics). I got it with a magazine I got last Xmas. It’s just hanging there but I don’t use it. It’s just and excuse to hang a car pic on my wall.

A: No, I prefer the cold and the dark. That’s why afternoons are so annoying (the sun sometimes gets through the curtains). Mornings are annoying downstairs because the living room (which is 2 rooms that have been converted into 1) is directly beneath my room and my parents’ room (which is a mirrored and slightly bigger version of mine just behind the right wall in the second pic). And the TV is in the other half of the room so the sun comes in and reflects off the screen so you can’t see anything.

Of course the logical thing would be to pull the curtain except my mum is total OCD when it comes to the curtain position downstairs and she’d tell off me even if I draw it across the side window (which is about 42x100cm). She always comes up with the excuse that I’m blocking out all of the light (When I’m only blocking out the bit that’s on the TV) and that warmth needs to come in (into a room which is usually 24 C and very stuffy)

This is deeply irritating. I go ape when people mess my room climate up. I like to keep it cold yet my mum would walk into my room and open the window to let the warmth in (in summer) or in the winter she’d switch my radiator on or open my door so that the heat from the rest of the house comes in. I don’t see why though. She tries to make my room as hot as the living room even though I’m the only one who spends my entire day in there.

Apparently I’m a Pieces and Tiger (according to the Chinese version). Though I don’t know and/or care about what they mean and I’m not looking to find out.

Nothing :confused:

On a scale of 1 (not) -10 (very), how annoying is your avg week and why?

[ot but you stayed here whole day with nice people, having fun, isn´t that right? For me it counts under "having a nice day with nice people, :flushed:]
Question may answer by the next soldier

A: Hmmm, right now about a 7-8. Simply because of boredom and of people suddenly remembering that stuff need to be done literally 10min before I get to leave (which obvisouly results in me staying much longer). Also, the waking up pretty early part sucks too.

Q: Ever woke up on your own super early and were hyper as fuck?

Obviously, but other than you guys. I went to college to have my time wasted today. 2 of my 3 lessons were canceled and the 3rd one which was at 15:05 - 16:35 was a total waste of time as the teacher has messed up all 3 units we’re doing with him along with the assignments and we still haven’t finished last year’s work because he messed that up.He said to us last week that we can work on it today and come today, he says we’re doing something else. And that’s bad because we have to somehow finish everything in 2 days which is never going to happen because we have loads to do.

Then I had 45 mins of my morning wasted as we have a stupid and compulsory ‘private study’ session where you do any unfinished homework and because I’m always ahead I sit there doing literally nothing.

This is what my timetable looks like (I’ve covered the teacher names):
The percentage is my attendance (one of them is wrong, they’re all 100)
The tree and the number is the room
The other thing is my course

A: No but for some reason I’m like that in the evening and can’t get to sleep.

Q: Is it harder to wake up or fall asleep?

A: as long as the room is dark at night time then I can fall asleep. And since I had to watch a four year old for four weeks I’ve been waiting up super early now.

Q: what are you doing at this exact moment?

Exactly my thought! I wont be able to post a pic in here, but my room has a double bed (because I too like to sleep all wrapped up like @evooba explained), a tv on the wall, an AC, a fridge and a closet covering one wall. And a balcony too. But still it’s messed up.

A: Desperately waiting for my food order to be delivered. I am hungry.

Q: What’s the next public holiday that you will get?

@the_termin8r1 Nice! Apparently I wasn’t the only one with a shitty schedule. In my 2nd and 3rd year we had 3 and 5 hour long breaks in between classes, it was killing us! (Not to mention 8am classes).

A1: Listening to music and playing guitar (as I do every evening at this hour)


October 28th.

Q: Least favorite song at the moment?

A: Anything on the radio

Q: Are you a fast walker?

A: I think yes

Q: You prefer waking up early and ending the day (school/work) early enough (before 2pm for example) or more sleeping, not waking up early but ending the day in the evening?

A: The first option

Q: Do you have an alarm clock?