Can you touch your shoulders?

A: I can be ready in 5min if I want to. Now I get up 20min before I have to leave cause I gotta do breakfast too.

Q: Plants/pots/flowers as interior decors. Good or not?

A: my mom has a lot of plants, I have developed a disliking to them… It’s hard to water them because at sometimes I water the fake ones to. So no, evil things.

Q: can say your ABC’s backwards?

20, but because I have a middle name, otherwise my first and last are 14 total.

3-5 mins. Change shirt, change trousers (or if I’m just getting out of bed then I put a shirt and trousers on), go to the bath room, take phone, take jacket (everything is usually in my jacket), put shoes on, leave.

A: I don’t have much decor in my room, just one or two trinkets and a diecast model of a car. I also have 2 Lego creations which I don’t want to take apart so I don’t count them as decor. I’m not too much of a fan of decor. If I had to describe my room in one word it’d probably be something along the lines of functional.

A: No, but in primary school my friends challenged me to say them the correct way around as fast as possible and apparently I clocked 3 secs. Though that was about 6 years ago.

Q:What does your desk at home/work look like right now. Share a pic if you want [if you’re at work and you’d be in trouble for having you phone out then don’t…obviously] or you can just describe it. Also, don’t tidy your desk before you do. Mine is crowded on one side lol. Here’s a pic:

And yes, my coffee is in a beer mug, but only because I don’t have anything else big enough.

A: Sweet! Love those windows, I miss having one. I’m at work right now so… Nothing fancy really.

A: Favorite part of your room?

I like it too apart from the beam in the very middle. The most annoying part is that in the afternoon the sun comes in from the left and it blinds me, sometimes even through the curtain.

My desk lol, there’s nothing interesting about the rest of my room:

This was taken from the very corner of my room, behind me was my door and to the left is a wardrobe. nothing special, I took the other pic by standing on my bed. Also I’d like to say that my carpet looks revolting, but it was new when we moved in some years ago and we didn’t want to spend money changing it. I personally prefer a wooden floor.

Also I forgot to say that in the previous pic my headphones aren’t actually wireless, I’m just using the stand from my Dad’s old ones.

Seems great! Maybe I’ll post mine when I get home.

Meh, it’s nothing special, but it’s freedom.

You don’t have a bolster?

What’s a bolster?

Something like this, but more cylindrical in shape. You mean you don’t hug anything while you sleep?

Wow, I’ve never seen one of those. No, I don’t hug anything. The closest I come to hugging something is when I occasionally tuck the duvet under my arm when I sleep on my side.

I thought that was for pregnant women lol. Seems cool though, I could use it… I tend to wrap myself like a burrito when I sleep and go completely under the covers.

Sorry, cuz my mother is fond of hugging bolsters while she sleeps, so since I was young she always made sure there was always a bolster on the bed for me to hug. Probably due to my upbringing. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Q: Soft or hard mattress? Or if you want to use my personal steak rating: Rare, medium rare, or well done?

A: I dunno which extreme corresponds to which steak rating, but the mattress a little bit firmer than my pillow.

I have parquet flooring, but the swirl chair scratched it real badly.

Rare is soft, well done is hard. Sorry for not clarifying.

Between Medium and Medium Well.

Q: what kind of desk chair do you have?

So, here’s mine (yes, it’s dark, I know. Blame it on my dark walls and curtains)

That’s what you see from my door (excuse the shirt):

And on the other side I have my bed:

And next to it is my desk with a book shelf on top. The window you see is basically next to the closet:

A: Spinning chair

Q: Something you never use but always keep around?

That’s a lot of posters lol. looks better than mine, though I wouldn’t have those shelves above my head in case they drop or I knock them down as I stand up :laughing:. Also, do you have a balcony?

Your rooms are so clean :o