Can you touch your shoulders?

A: …

Q: have you ever seen something that you couldn’t explain?

That sounds scary… Maybe they do that on purpose?

A: Girls’ liking of Justin Bieber’s music

Q: Why does youtube randomly drop the volume mid video? And the volume control on the vid hasn’t budged or touched and nor has mt laptop or amp.

@intheend Nah, it’s just not celebrated. Sucks big time to be honest.

A: Hasn’t happened to me. I did notice that YT added ads again before every single video, so annoying.

Q: Is Dubtrack down or something? Can’t get in…

Happens everyday :confused: and nobody else seems to be getting it, I’ve checked. Also ads should be made illegal and those who encourage them or think they’re a good idea deserve to be slowly skinned alive with a blunt ruler.

I’m on right now. I haven’t been on during the day though. I popped in a couple of times but it was empty

Q: What’s the largest amount (roughly) of emails you’ve gotten in a day?

A: About700. I am not kidding.

Q: How long does your laptop’s battery last?

From here I’m guessing. I got 316 or so the other day. I posted a print screen in the takeover thread.

A: No clue, it’s supposed to be long, but I always keep it plugged in because it’s got a stupid brightness auto adjust according to the colour of the page and it keeps changing with every site and it’s very annoying. I’ve switched the auto adjust off yet it keeps doing it. It’s like the stupid updates. I told it to do them at 16:00, it did them at 04:00 and woke me up…TWICE :angry:

Q: How long does your phone last?

A: Depends on how much I use it during the day but I usually charge it twice a day. (Note: I’m scared of being left phoneless so the minute it goes on 49% I charge it. Yes, I shouldnt, I know but I can’t help it)

Q: Power’s out, electronic devices are all off. What do you do?

A: write stories.

Q: spiders take over the world, what do you do? Do you like turtles?

A: Yes, they’re so cute :3

Q: What school subject is/was your favorite? Why?

Jeez, I let mine run on empty. It warns me at 15% but I leave it to at least 5% before I even consider charging it. I also don’t get people who carry chargers around with them. For example most of my friends in college have a charger in their bags that they plug in during lessons.

Interesting fact: My phone battery goes up when I use it and down when I don’t. No clue why. I also somehow managed to get 3 days out of 5% charge. Though I didn’t use it for anything.

A: The final year of high school English. I had a good teacher who was cool with the class, actually did his job as a teacher, gave good grades and understood a lot of my usually misunderstood sarcastic-ish comments and the occasional joke. Though that’s probably because I was among the top 3 or 4 in the class, had I been worse he probably would have told off me :laughing:

Q: Best teacher you’ve had and why?

A: my fifth grade teacher, she really helped me break out of my shell. I think she is a scientist now…

Q: a teacher you disliked?

A: My high school biology teacher. I could go on a lengthy rant but I’ll spare you. Bottom line is she hated me, liked picking on me for some reason and shouted at me when I was the only one who did the homework she set (this is but one example).

Said homework was to waste my printer ink on a about 12 or more past exam papers (which were about 20 pages long), fill them in and then dig out the mark schemes and mark my work. I did all of that and she shouted at me and didn’t even take it in :laughing:

Q: A teacher you were conflicted about? i.e. you didn’t who whether to hate or like them.

A: it was this one teacher, I don’t know what, but she just rubbed me the wrong way. I did not like her for a long time.

Q: a teacher you miss?

@the_termin8r1 Yeah, I carry a charger too. I have 3 actually; one at home, one I always have with me and one at work. Can’t risk being left without a phone. I have everything in there, literally.

A: My senior high math teacher. He’s so awesome, great teacher (was efficient but also took his time, made sure everyone in the room understood even the tiniest bit) and he was very close to the students. You could talk to him about anything.

Q: Do you consider school or college/uni more strict?

A: college wasn’t, it was laid back, as long as you stay away from the online classes. But then again, high school for me wasn’t either. :3

Q: how many letters do you have in your full name?

A: 13

Q: Anyone else have a very good relationship with their bed?

A: me, I love it,
Q your daily bathroutine costs how much time?

A: just depends on if I have a rubber ducky or not.

Q: how much does it take you to get dressed and go somewhere?

A depends for work all together shower till leaving 1 hr, weekends 20 mins
Q: Same question, just for interest?