Sleeping with the fish means: dead… I would rather dance with the polar bears
Wyr: write one book that would set you for life or write hundreds that will gain you more and more fans and gain a reputation
Sleeping with the fish means: dead… I would rather dance with the polar bears
Wyr: write one book that would set you for life or write hundreds that will gain you more and more fans and gain a reputation
one book should be enough
be honeest and expl everything to your new working mate or let her find the way on her own?
They can figure it out themselves, no need to tell anyone about anything.
Would you rather have no fingers or no toes?
no fingers, because you can’t walk with no toes.
love or a lot of money
You can, but it’d be really awkward. You can’t do anything with no fingers though.
WYR: Be surrounded by rednecks or hippies?
Be in a public place and have itchy feet without being able to scratch
Have snot dangling from your nose in public without being able to wipe it away
itchy feet
WYR: play a video game or play a board game?
Video game
be stuck with a grumpy relative
be stuck with a grumpy bear
Grumpy bear
WYR: Wake up early, sleep early or would you rather Sleep late and wake up late?
Does sleeping late but waking up early count?
Would you rather have met Eleanor Roosevelt or Martin Luther King?
MLK…a hero
speed up and drive the car real fast or shout loud to calm youself down?
Shout to calm down
WYR Keep the anger bottled up or get it out?
get it out somewhere somehow
music to get up or radio news/morning tv?
WYR have a friend not talking to you [whyeveer] or no friend at all?
Have a friend not talking, conflict can always be resolved
WYR travel to the moon or to Mars?
Funny that. Just today a friend and I were discussing Moon and The Martian
I’d go for the both
WYR: Be shot or stabbed to death?
I guess a shot sounds adventurous…
be forced to eat marshmallows all day
be forced to eat chocolate all day?
I think I would rather be forced to eat chocolate all the day
Would you rather:
Never be able to hear your favorite music
Never be able to hear new music again
No more New Music
Be on a One month tour with the whole Package 20 Shows in 30 days With the Guys (Lp ) or Meet the Guys ( all six apart each One 2h all Alone)