Would you rather...?

no talented musician, theyare honest at least
be devote,
if you haveto face it?

Revolting is against the law so, have to go with devoting.

Would you rather be like a koala and sleep 23/24 hours or hibernate like a bear?

hibernate like a bear

Posters or paintings?


iPhone or android


Exercise or sleep?

It’s suppose to look like this D:<

Excerise…sleep… Sleep? SLEEP!!! Excerise.

Would you rather!!! Watch!!! Sesame Street for life OR!!! BugsBUNNY!!!

I’d like to watch a bullet come out of the barrel of a 37mm anti aircraft turret and head straight for my head.

WYR: Be tortured by me for 60mins or by @intheend for 60mins? :stuck_out_tongue:


Wyr: get someone who actually guesses between the two answers that was placed above or someone who doesn’t and make a weenie comment.

weenie comment: what loves each other is teasing each other lol :yum:
@intheend @the_termin8r1

be courageous and face the truth or live life like sleep as a hibernating animal?

Be courageous and face the truth and then sleep like a hibernating animal, seems like a wonderful plan.


live in the Sims 4 universe


live in the Matrix universe

Live in the Sims 4 universe ! :kissing_closed_eyes:

Would you rather…
Watch the same movie each days a week
Listen to the same album each days a week

Ohh that’s hard cuz I’ve done both…


Wyr: eat fruits all your life or veggies (team fruit)

I love both! But I have to say fruits

wyr: Be different or conform?

diffrent [for ever hi @AJ7 congrats for ya regular and welcome ya on board, it´s been a long timesince meeting ya at least, when did you reached the badge? lol :grin:]
do ya job no moan at all ./. do ya job and moan all mountains high

Do my job without complaining :slight_smile: [Hi @The_early_walker! Thank you! Yes it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to you! I got it 6 days ago. How are you?]

WYR: Do a job that you hate but pays extremely well, or do a job you love but pays very little?

The job I love.

Would you rather be paid in any sort of food or drink? (assuming, money wasn’t an option)

food, I guess

wyr: teach or learn?

self teach/learn

Go toe to toe with a pissed off saltwater crocodile or a pissed off tiger (both fully grown)?

salt water crocodile [cs not so fast as tiger at lanscape]

would you rather
go an get the giuness record eating icecream 3 days without sleeping or get the worldrecord in lollipop-licking which means5 days…without sleeping

I love ice-cream.


Dance with a polar bear


Sleep with the fish