Which stage of grief?

I’m not sure what stage I’m at now.

Last night, I dreamt that Mike tickled my head. :stuck_out_tongue: (He was supposed to tickle one of the other bandmates, not me.) The feeling of being tickled was very, very realistic. That tickling made me laugh a lot. :blush: The problem is, Mike just wouldn’t stop tickling my head no matter what I do, so I had to force myself to wake up to stop the tickling. After that, I couldn’t go back to sleep for some time as I was still laughing over that fuzzy feeling. :laughing:


Aww… Lol! It seems like Mike wanted to cheer you up a bit. :slight_smile:

And, I feel you @gatsie, though honestly, I can’t listen to most of the tribute covers cause it just reminds me how no one can do what Chester did. :cry:


From 1 on I had everything. After I was very long at 4 I would say that I am now at 6.

I’m on 4th stage. I don’t think 6 or 7 is ever going to happen.

I’m sure he does. :blush:


I think I’m on 4. The anger part was last week. I have. A question to ask you all…Does anyone else feel like they can’t enjoy music anymore? I have other bands/music I listen to but its like a void. No connection at all…I went to see Imagine Dragons at Central Park last Friday and I thought I was going to feel better. A distraction of sorts. I thought I was fine but then Dan Reynolds began to talk about what happened with his depression and how he could understand what Chester went through and I held back tears.


@jadedjcbxnyc i feel the exact same way…i cant listen to other artist obly to linkin park. Even the songs where mike is singing the main part are heavy for me…and if i hear chesters voice its like;“wow ist awesome” and some seconds later there is the thought that he is dead and he will never sing this song again and will never sing another or new songs…i dont know why but this feeling is coming every single song i am listening too…first second i am sad and the next i am scared of what the future will bring…a live without linkin park is just senseless its like a part that is missing…i dont want to dramatize but right know i fear the fact that this is the end of LP (dont get me wrong i would understand if they would do) because they were by my side my whole life…
Through the last days i realized that there is nothing i am good at or nothing that makes me special, i am not a millionaire, I dont look like a model, i am no football expert or something like that…but beeing an LP Fan was the one thing that got my back…i knew the lyrics to nearly every song, i know many facts and i love the band in the purest way possible and i love chester but now this is partly gone and its like i lost my identity


Its 2 weeks now here in SG and God, I am at stage 4 and then went back to stage 1. I have yet to find the upward turn to stage 5, I couldn’t find it. Linkin Park has been medication to me, to all of us. But right now that medication is incomplete. Time is my medicine right now and it maybe probably taking a long time to finally accept it. A little part of me accept his passing but the other huge part just couldn’t refuse. I keep on saying alot of times that I missed him so much, and of course, I kept reminding myself I wasn’t alone in this. It just pains more to have people around you not understanding the point of me grieving for Chester :’(


Yeah I understand. I was known as the LP fact checker. But since 7/20/17, I lost apart of myself. I do feel you on hearing the songs and having the realization “never gonna hear that live again”. Their concerts were like a release of all the stress of my life. For that day, it was about seiing them onstage and losing myself in the music. I feel guilty even listening to anyone but them now. I thought I was the only one who felt that way…whats been helping me out is writing “letters” everyday on how I feel about what happened. I have a hard time expressing myself but I found that I can write it and I feel better


My dreams are unpredictable. Last night I dreamt about the topic of death:

I dreamt that an old lady travels to a country where euthanasia is legal. After enjoying her last holiday, she goes to the hospital for her euthanasia, but before she enters the euthanasia room, she asks the doctor what the hospital would do to her stuff once they have euthanised her. (She brought her handbag along to the hospital with her, and her luggage is in a mess in her hotel room.)

On the other side (Linkin Park side), I dreamt that I read a news article on what a terminally ill patient wrote about Chester after Chester’s passing; the patient’s last concert was supposed to be that of Linkin Park. Then after that I went on read that someone’s best friend committed suicide after their terminally ill best friend died. And then the online gaming community in some forums was sad that they will never challenge DarthChester again (one of Chester’s gaming username).

And then I went on to dreaming that up in the clouds, a boy’s spirit was floating there. There was a time lapse showing the boy asking newcomers if there were any new Fort Minor stuff back on Earth. Back on Earth, Mike was at a podium speaking to a large audience. He was saying, for those of y’all who are preparing to go, please don’t go, cuz there’ll be more Fort Minor shit coming up down here.

Shit, that must’ve been one of the most depressing dream ever. After I woke up from that, tears started flowing from my eyes, and I couldn’t really sleep after that anymore.


Sam :frowning: damn

My day-to-day mood can change rather drastically. :frowning:

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I guess we all still drive this emotionally rollercoaster, and sometimes it just feels so good to cry…

like they sing in this song

i understand so well from a minute to another i can smile then cry, the rollercoaster is hard, but we are strong for him <3

Most of us feel the same as you…you’re not alone!we have to fight together…


It’s been two weeks now, and right now in general I think I’m on the stage 5-6. But when I listen to Linkin Park and start to think things it all comes back that he’s really gone, and then the stages 1-4 comes back again :frowning:

My friend got to the the stage of acceptance and hope only in three days, when in that moment I was still fully in shock and crying every day in the stage 1-2. Maybe barely in the stage 3 in the fourth day. After a week it was the stage 4… and from that it’s slowly getting better with time…

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I did feel that way. It’ll get better. I have started to listen to other music besides Linkin Park now, but I can’t do it for long periods of time. I find myself getting frustrated that it’s not Chester I’m listening to and that I will never hear new music from him ever again. It makes me sad and angry at the same time. Let yourself heal. We all grieve at different rates. There’s nothing wrong with not enjoying music for a while. Sometimes we just need to feel the sadness in order to move forward. The movie “Inside Out” does a good job at depicting that.


I TOTALLY understand this. I’ve felt that A LOT as well. I even feel guilty if I stop thinking about him for a moment of my day. It saddens me, but at the same time, I know I need to move on with my life and hope that, if there is an afterlife, I get to see him and Chris Cornell rock together again like I saw in 2008. :heart:


Still stuck between 1,2 and 4 it’s even worse when I have to go to bed and I’m on my own. Then I can’t help but think about him again, and again, and again. Crying myself to sleep every night, that makes me exhausted and even more sensitive.

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When other musicians that I’ve loved have died - David Bowie, Chris Cornell, Prince - I was able to accept it in a few days. But for Chester, it’s different, and it’s taking longer. This two-week anniversary doesn’t help of course. Just wondering if it’s similar for others.