When and where?

ot I like this building (old one) in the background, is this the Akropolis?? Seems to become spring in Greece, we got snow today…llol hi @everybody [kinda "watta fukn rannin gag]

Yeap, that’s the Acropolis. It is… we have 20+ degrees weather.

Great, isn´t it? both the weather, btw enjoy it and this building, how old it is? Wasn´t it build by the god Oloympus, isn´t this a heartbreaking lovestory behind that greece history, like phrodite etc…? I really don´t know more, but it´svery interessting…:relaxed:

I’m not good at History but I’m pretty sure that Pericles was the one that gave the order to build it. If you Wiki it, I’m sure you’ll get more info on it.

As for the weather, yeah. And it was so damn crowded outside… it’s expected to be like this all week. I want the cold back, I’m not ready for summery weather yet.

That was from the road on my way to uni, about 10km away:

And that’s the sunset from my uni right after my exam:

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I know this is the wrong thread but how did it go?

Honestly, I don’t know. I hope well… the questions were very misleading and the tutor being in a mad mood didn’t help. We’ll see though, I feel like I did ok but can never be sure with him.

What topic was the test on? Also, are they marked on the same day or this tutor always angry?

Marketing. The test is multiple choice and to mark a few sentenses right or wrong BUT the test is also negative rated. Meaning, if we have 3 wrong answers, we lose 1 correct answer. Basically we’re screwed.
No, I assume we’ll get the results in about 2 to 3 weeks.

What blithering idiot thought of that? How the hell does that make any sense?

I know :frowning: It sucks and they use it a lot. It’s bad, you can fail a test even if you have done fairly well.

My course also has a catch. If you fail a single assignment in the whole two year course you fail the entire course even if you got the best possible grade in every other assignment.

That’s even worse. And stupid as well :confused: One assignment to ruin it all!

Yeah, 2 years, 18 units, about 5-6 assignments in each unit. 1 failed assignment = 2 years of your life wasted. Thankfully you’d have to be a monumental clot to actually get a fail as it’s all coursework and you’re allowed a retry.

I dont have my phone so I’ll post a pic from yesterday I took with me camera, went for a walk at Tel Aviv’s beach in israel :slightly_smiling:


Wow how nice is this looking?! :heart_eyes:

Wow looks nice at the beach. Here it just was cloudy, with some rain and some hail…

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Ι’m so tired of our good weather. I want cold and rain and snow and all that. Anyone willing to trade?

Sure, you can have all the typical Dutch rainy days if you want. I’ll send 'm in the mail for ya right now.


YES!!! (and your low temp too!)