When and where?

Hi dear @gatsie where are you? [when and where topic ya know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

ot how are you?

I’m at home, enjoying a drink. How are you @The_early_walker?

enjoying my red wine too, can it mb be that we got a new background lol @gatsie? FINALLY THANKS @LPUHQ GUYS me didn´t believed in at last lol :sunglasses:

yes we have a new background and it looks like they are changing the look of the navigation bar too.

I’m all out of wine now.

ot, oh, congrats, me I´m still “in” but don´t worry about IF NOT drinking a bottle a day, that would suck, but this “my ritual comming down proceedure” at least, but one glass, together with mb eating, that fits, a lil music, a lil this, that and lpu…and this rule me, I descided this for me and my life…lol

Hahaha yes a nice glass of wine of day keeps the sick away, so they say. But I just like the taste.

Birthdays at work and I get this (so freaking tasty!):

Is it your B day?

Also, what is that? I’ll take your word that it tastes good but from the pic it doesn’t look so.

No, mine is in May. It’s from another employee here at our office.

It’s a mini cake of some sort, half chocolate half vanilla inside and on top is orange. Yeah, looks bad cause it stuck to another cake in the box and got a bit messy.

that seems good, you need to find out how to do it :smiley:

It was from a patisserie so that’s why it was so good. Highly doubt it can be homemade and still taste decent enough.

you make me sad :frowning:

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it looks like a typical “summer holydays place” the way I like a lot lol

A road that is normally 3 minutes away from my house, that took 10 minutes to get home from earlier this week. Yes, there’s a road somewhere in this picture

A few days ago, same gloominess…

daughters Birthday shopping

A clothes store, my second worst enemy after boredom.:fearful:

this is a special store, Rob, only horses clothing, riding things etc. …and it´s once more the proof: women and men are different…lol :yum:

cowboy themed party ?