When and where?

Thank you for the help! I was playing with the cat with it and he tried gnawing at the antennae (which I did not expect because he never chewed on anything else), I tried moving it but it didn’t move, by the time I got to the car the cat had gnawed at it and bent it…so not sure if that could be the problem? I tried opening it up and checking it and I couldn’t find anything wrong with it (well the part that I could open, which was not much, the rest of the car doesn’t seem like it can be opened, it has been closed up permanently). I don’t have the instructions and it’s not a known model. It’s from a local small store.

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What sort of antenna is it? Is it an exposed wire or does it have a thick or thin rubber coating? A bent antenna shouldn’t do anything to the car. If it has a rubber coating then you might want to see if you can take the coating off if it is thick (and by ‘take off’ I mean in such a way that you can put it back on).

If it is a thick coating and you manage to take it off, look for breaks in the wire, but even then, the only effects that should have is a shortened range.

Or if you want post a pic of the bit that the cat attacked.

I don’t have my car with me at the moment, but it doesn’t have a covering. It is very very basic and I got it 15 years or so ago to race with my brother. It lasted until like last year :stuck_out_tongue: this is what the antenna looks like though

Ah, if it’s one of those ones then it should be perfectly fine. But damn, you managed to keep it alive for 15 years? Maybe that’s why it’s going wrong, its finally decided to kick the bucket.

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Haha yeah! It was a tough car! I had an obsession with making it go on a home made obstacle course and over home made bridges and stuff. I loved making it do stunts!

Was it based off of a real car or was it just made up like mine?

Just made up. It’s black with green and orange neon. It had a spoiler. There is a ‘driver’ in it. It had two modes - fast and slow. Slow could go over like carpet and stuff, fast couldn’t.

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Probably because there was too much torque from the motor and it was just spinning the wheels in one place.

Yeah- I assumed that it had to give up something to get the other. So speed over strength and vice versa

No it didn’t give up anything. With motors you have maximum power the moment you touch the throttle. The reason it didn’t move on carpet was likely because your tyres didn’t have enough grip to handle the torque in high speed mode.

Imagine it kind of like walking on ice and then trying to sprint off on the spot, you’re gonna slip, same story with the car.

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Where were you when I had my high school exams?

LOL. My high school exams didn’t go entirely smoothly, I got middle ground grades (almost all Cs).

You’ll soon realize that the majority they teach at school is not required for real world or uni for that matter for the most part

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Oh, I realized that time ago :stuck_out_tongue: The only thing I learned in school is that you learn almost nothing past like year 4. I know that’s an oxymoron.

Exactly! The basic math, reading, writing is like the only thing that is important

Speaking of basic math I still can’t do written division, long or short :stuck_out_tongue: I just use a calculator. It’s funny how calculators are discouraged in school. I’m pretty sure the International Space Station wasn’t designed by engineers using mental maths.

Exactly! Yeah I absolutely suck at math.

I love how the threads are all starting to turn into car related things :stuck_out_tongue:

Ikr? Maybe we should dial it down a bit or move this to the petrolhead thread too. At least it’s not going to food :laughing:

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Earlier this evening:

Do you feel sick and tired of the forums, @The_early_walker?
