When and where?

It’s a coffee shop, it is decorated based on Disney stories/characters/themes.

how nice…it looks so phantasy-kinda…lol

Check your handbag, or try the glove box of your car or under the seats. Or maybe your daughter is playing a trick on you?

Good morning Robert, thanx, thisseemsto bea good plan, are you out of uni today? assignment? evaluation of the evaluation, omg…:cold_sweat:

I’m not in uni yet. I’m in college / sixth form. When I say college I don’t mean uni (Americans tend to use the terms interchangeably).

I finished it last night.

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hey so congrats for the assignment…my handies still lost…how are you today?

Hmmm… I thought, there was some sort of “findmymobile” thing for searching iphones…

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how does this work, if the i-phone is sure out of akku? I havn´t reallysearched it, mb I won´t need it no more? lol and hi @Jabin_Quaken :stuck_out_tongue: howare you guys over there? here we got like kinda snow…flakes at least big ones

I don’t know, really… maybe, they would tell you in an apple store… Hi @The_early_walker , it’s cold here as well. Rainy cold. We gonna make dinner :slight_smile:

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Here’s an obvious solution: Have you tried ringing it @The_early_walker? Also I’m good…and doing another assignment.

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iPhone 4 doesn’t have that feature. Only thing @The_early_walker can do is go to an Apple store (or a police department) and have them run her iPhone’s unique number.

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what for? evaluation of doing assignments? lol howare you, Dude
@evooba, hi, what does this mean???

Every iPhone has a unique number for that reason. If you lose it, if it gets stolen or whatever, you can have use that number to locate it and lock it so any personal information won’t be used. It basically shuts the phone down and makes it useless.

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ups…so I have to start the i-phone search right now, you supervise me…please

If you don’t know your iPhone’s number you can’t do anything btw.

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It’s mechanical principles and thermodynamics.

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Set an epic one on the "odd out-threat, cause I habven´t found the mobile…still…

Just picked this beauty up from the post office

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You bought the vinyl? Do you have a record player?

Yeah, I did. I wanted it… badly! I was lucky too cause I basically paid nothing compared to the 50+ euros (I even saw one for $90) it costs now.

No, I don’t. This is the first vinyl I’ve ever bought… I think I’ve mentioned it before somewhere but I will not start a vinyl collection before I’m done with my cds collection. This one was an exception and it is going up on my wall in a pretty frame.