When and where?

nature ´s so incredible, thanx for sharing, love these lil things :heart_eyes: @evooba [ot, glad to hear, you´ve family in the UK…:grinning:.]

Yeah, I think I’ve mentioned it before (or it was implied in some way).

sure implied and has to be, so, you meet everybody there…it´s a cool place, this England, and the weather, I can´t stand it, but I know you´ll love it, wish you from up now the very best…lol so much flowers inhere…lol :stuck_out_tongue: think from time to time it´s JUST OK :cherry_blossom:

Thanks! …

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Why is the world’s view of England so OTT? It’s a decent country but by no means a heaven on earth.

Definitely not heaven but by far better than the crap country of mine, from every aspect; life quality, people etc.

and you´ll sure meet each other, lol how NICE:::LOL

I understand you oh so much… the same _#¥=&£÷ is going on here…

Almost home. 30 minutes ago.

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so the nearer you come home, @Jabin_Quaken the morer your pics show colours…comming home to @coon maybe like a rainbow


Yeap… if not noticing those beer and cigarets :laughing:

Usually it happens like this:


lol :grinning: I would take the beer with me, gluck gluck gluck, and oh wonder, away it is, give you both a lot of

I always wonder, how many hugs you got :+1:

Gotta go for work. Tschüss. Have a nice day.

Tschüss lol [hugs are never limited…] @Jabin_Quaken

Two hours ago…

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It started raining really small hailstones 30 secs ago.

<img src="//discourse-cloud-file-uploads.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/business6/uploads/linkinpark/original/2X/1/1ae7538403ccfbda295312ec433ffb0264256155.jpg" width=“669” height=“499”
Ups, upside down riddle:
you have to find out the thing That don’ t fit with the others

The star wars

why? <mgkdz,ch,idlhcd>

Actually, no, I take that back. I thought it was the only film but it isn’t. Is it THP?