When and where?

Depends where the hotel is and what kind it is. You can find pretty cheap ones, average and super luxury ones.

and to a friend how is the refugee/pol sit? With a child you worry bout such things,
but first as you arrived right now @evooba

Hmmm, what?

sm friend, had been there last nov told ab dead bodies at the bay…

I don’t understand what you mean. What dead bodies? Where?

there were a whole bunch of boats, not making the passage [and still are] of refugees of North Africa. Sm boats sunk and still thy are sinking some…so, they were at Kos and told it was desperat,

Oh about the refugees. Yeah, we’re getting a lot each day, situation is pretty dramatic everywhere, not just the islands.

so what do you say for vacation with an 11 years old early teen? Or better holidaying somwhere else?
Talk ab sth more nice: When do you start there? You made decision yet @evooba

What do you mean? They’re people just like us, they’re not gonna hurt you or anything.

I wouldn’t waste my money for holidays in Greece though, there are much better places in the world to go.

Where? About what? I don’t follow…

Your studying the next further future? I wanna ask you, if you had concrete plans made right now…

I don’t know. I have plans but I’m not sure if they’ll happen. Lots of factors and stuff in the way.

good luck, maybe you pay my beer at the tavern this ev? lol :joy: to cheer on it

A piece of future here. This is gonna be somewhere near my house in about three weeks.

Blossom in the trees, you know how I feel!

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There’s one of those tree right outside my house though I still can’t tel if it’s cherry or peach blossom.

Peach blossom is usually pink. The first to flower are apricots. Cherry blossoms after a week or too and they smell different. Apricots smell sweeter.

Cherry blossoms (aka sakura trees) are the best. Plain beautiful.

Yeap! Like them too. We got some of them in our local zoo. I took a pic of tose with my phone during my last visit.


The one outside my house is white-ish pink, though I don’t think it smells of anything.

love to see, what is uprising :cherry_blossom:

So, it rained really hard and I thought the sky was great after so I took a few photos