When and where?



Earlier I was stranded in the rain:

Phew, this will be the maximum hotness today (despite the clearness)

Dying already

Currently 28.5 in my room. I’m dreading the mid afternoon to late evening period when the sun is shining directly into my room and I can’t have the window open because I have the curtains drawn and it gets to 32 inside.

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mee tooo…sun is shining directly in my room…bad hot :frowning:
33C here

Temperature apparently expected to plateau at 26°C for the next 6 hours. But it feels much warmer indoors than outdoors right now.

No wonder:

Just checked the temp. for London and for once it’s significantly hotter than here:

I just went out with the RC. Thermometer said 32.

BAD literally bad…burning everywhere… :frowning:

Enjoy the heat :stuck_out_tongue: Still 25°C here :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

little bit cool as compared to yesterday… 29-30C

Forgot to post last night:

(Yes @gatsie, the craze, it was a gift)

Oh my god… you need to go to hospital looks like cancer (just joking)

Looks like? The amount of exposure those things are getting is a cancer.

Maybe you could find a better use for the ball bearings @samuel_the_leader

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Ball bearings? There isn’t any.

Isn’t there a ball bearing in the centre around the shaft? If it’s not a ball bearing then it must be a bushing.

This? (Google search)

Seems like, I think there are only two seperate pieces in total.

Yeah, but obviously shorter

Then there might not even be a bushing.