When and where?

A couple of minutes ago

(It sucks I can’t upload panoramas, they’re much more beautiful than these)

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still inhospital [heardts bleeding a bit watching Eva´s pics, we got snow the other day…:sweat:

It’s actually not that hot. It’s only up to 25C these days and will stay like this till next week.
Sorry you’re at the hospital again, speedy recovery!

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Thanx :blush:

Earlier today:

You could see the light coming through the clouds in rays

(that red dot is a lens flare)

My new Lego parts just arrived and I found something a bit funny. I ordered 3 of one part but they gave me 4. What’s funnier is that the delivery came with a letter saying that all the pieces had been ‘carefully hand picked’

And we got rain again:


lucky one so what is this stuff for? [take care that your mum not vacuum them away …:grin:.]

@Jabin_Quaken Do you have an Instagram account?

They’re more gearbox components, but since it’s my own design I made a couple of miscalculations and need to order a few more different components at some point.

No, I don’t. Why?

Your photos are too good and deserve recognition. IG is a nice place to share.

Thanks for the kind words. I’ve tried to make an account there but didn’t like the interface and decided it unnecessary.

I’ll consider a possibility of having one.

Ok :slight_smile: Yeah, it doesn’t have the best interface and some people just like or share stuff for the sake of having yet another social media account but some stuff are pretty nice.

Got an account… and a couple of pics. #jabin_quaken

That was quick :stuck_out_tongue: I followed you!

I don’t know if you can tell in the photo but it’s so gross here today. That’s dust from the Sahara desert, it’s only 22-23C but feels like 30+

nice hair :slight_smile:

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It always dusts in your area; what to do, the sahara has half a continent FULL of sand.