When and where?

mee tooo…sun is shining directly in my room…bad hot :frowning:
33C here

Temperature apparently expected to plateau at 26°C for the next 6 hours. But it feels much warmer indoors than outdoors right now.

No wonder:

Just checked the temp. for London and for once it’s significantly hotter than here:

I just went out with the RC. Thermometer said 32.

BAD literally bad…burning everywhere… :frowning:

Enjoy the heat :stuck_out_tongue: Still 25°C here :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

little bit cool as compared to yesterday… 29-30C

Forgot to post last night:

(Yes @gatsie, the craze, it was a gift)

Oh my god… you need to go to hospital looks like cancer (just joking)

Looks like? The amount of exposure those things are getting is a cancer.

Maybe you could find a better use for the ball bearings @samuel_the_leader

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Ball bearings? There isn’t any.

Isn’t there a ball bearing in the centre around the shaft? If it’s not a ball bearing then it must be a bushing.

This? (Google search)

Seems like, I think there are only two seperate pieces in total.

Yeah, but obviously shorter

Then there might not even be a bushing.

My dad using his new smoker yesterday.



@lauralou42 im on my way tell your dad to start the fire pls​:joy::sweat_smile:

Those pics are lovely… :wink:

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This is what happens when you put a hairdryer directly in front of this device:

It’ll think that it’s on the surface of the moon.

I can’t make anything out in that pic.