What grinds your gears?

That sounds painful.

On another note I can’t understand why people can’t seem to pronounce the word Savöx (it’s a brand of RC servos).

Keep hearing people pronounce it as “Say-vox” or “Sav-ox”. I’m pretty sure it’s “Sav-yox” considering the double dot (Idk the technical term) above the O.

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I hate when a project is plagued with niggles and unforeseeable setbacks :angry:

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Can’t straighten my legs on this bed :expressionless:

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How narrow is it? When I went to Germany my bed in one of the hotels was actually narrower that my shoulders. It felt like an open coffin even though it had no sides (unlike a coffin).

It’s kinda typical. Maybe it’s just me))

I don’t get why people want to be tall. It’s so bloody annoying for us living in a world designed for the short.

It’s you. I’m only like 1cm taller than @theearlywalker, yet the bottom of the bed is only like 5cm from the heels of my feet.

Bed, car(rented),metro, ceilings… France is a small country :joy:

Bed, car,metro, ceilings… France is a small country :joy:

Same with me, except a standard bed is 5cm away from my heels in the other direction :joy: (i.e. my feet stick out).

Remember, the bigger things are, the more you have to clean :stuck_out_tongue:

Still remember that day LP was in an interview with Virgin Radio, they complained about the spotlight above the stage emitting too much heat. I comprehend: during summer at noontime when my mother eats hot food, she turns off the dining room light above the dining table, since she complains it emits heat.

Since @NickGr & @the_termin8r are too tall for standard sized beds, what beds do they get for their bedroom back at their homes???

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I have a 2m Ikea mattress and my dad extended my old bed frame because we can’t find an affordable decent one. I suspect 2m is small for Nick.

App problems as always:


210cm sofa(but if I crawl down a little, it is short :stuck_out_tongue:)

Yup, it is.

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Yup, if I lie down with my head too low, my feet stick out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Went on YouTube and there’s already beef on the new song good goodbye it like what ever you or they (linkin park) could do to make people satisfied or happy they still complained over stupid stuff like this. First it was heavy, then it was battle symphony and now its good goodbye this song is so good tho. These people need to grow up and go on with their life because they don’t understand that there will never be a part 2 of Hybrid theory. Next they did say they wanted rap now they have it but they are not satisfied with it. Like I said people always complain over dumb stuff like this the world will never change and this is a fact.

Why would other people’s tastes in music grind your gears like that? Sure, most citizens of the world wide web could make a better effort to word their opinions more… decently, but there’s nothing wrong with disliking the current direction Linkin Park has been taking, nor is it to strongly prefer the music they put out during their nu-metal era. Haters are going to hate, but you shouldn’t let them interfere with your positive vibes.

What really grinds my gears, besides any rude comments considering personal taste, are people who claim you can’t be a fan if you don’t like (insert band’s) new musical style. To each their own. There’s nothing wrong with only liking the old stuff, for instance, only I can agree with you that arguing about it is pointless and rather immature. I love Deftones’ newest album, but I absolutely dislike what both Depeche Mode and Linkin Park have released so far and I’m not going to put either albums on my IPod. I still consider myself to be a fan of both, albeit I do not enjoy listening to their newer music. I guess the difference is that I’ve stated my opinion politely and I leave room for other ones, including those of the band.

What really grinds my gears, are the fans not leaving any room for others to dislike any band’s new musical direction. Both parties can be extremely unpleasant about their stances. I used to be the kind of fan that would kiss my idols’ butts and continuously defend them in a very annoying way and now I cringe when I read my own old comments, as I catch myself having done that. Ugh. Live and let live.


I wish I could like your comment more than once. Well said, well said! Thanks!

@pickles5 I completely understand what your saying and stuff, but tell you these immature people need to realize reality, because what they want it will never come. I know that it sounds cold and all but that what they need to know. And that’s that.

I let them say their opinion, but it really not their opinions they are just being plain rude about it, Let’s say that there’s a difference between having opinion and just being rude. That what I am after. I really don’t care about their opinions but being rude it just a different level in to the game. . Before…oh believe me at first I hated heavy so much that I started to have the same mine as them saying “oh this not LP singing it has to be some one else doing that” and giving mean comments about it. But I realized that I am just being a jerk about it with out giving the song a chance you know what I am talking about right. I have my opinions. But I guess what really grinds my gear is just people being rude to other I guess.

Thanks again @pickles I guess I just get confuse about being a jerk and having opinions.