What grinds your gears?

you’re a beaver who likes One Direction

Lol! Apparently…

I don’t understand how that is a “go over your head to get what they want!!”, but it amazes me how people do not understand that creating something in code or adobe, that it does take time. I’m pretty sure that sergeant didn’t become who they were overnight

Right. Well, they told me they needed me to do something with no deadline. I told them how long it’d take me to do. They didn’t like it so they went straight to my boss’s boss to make me do their work first. They could have asked first if I would be able to get the work done by a specific date and, if they didn’t like my answer, they should have addressed MY boss about the issue. Going to my boss’s boss not only makes ME look bad, but it also makes my boss look bad and put a target on our backs as if our office is not doing what needs to be done, when in reality, the client did not do things properly.

Ok I get ya now, well you should go to their boss and tell your side of the situation and idk… make a little presentation to show them how long it it usually takes for someone to program something or to design something or to do coding if you have to. We have to understand that there are some people who are kind loopy when it comes to designs and what not :3 aka dummies!!!

FFS, helicopter season has come around again in my area :rage: :rage: :rage:


Well, it’s spring. Very soon, you’ll see the annoying birds come back again :stuck_out_tongue:

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This might be too much information but I ate something bad and now it the bathroom. That what grinds my gears feeling sick.

9 threads regarding today’s presale have popped up this morning :angry:


School. The fact that the teachers seem more like friends than the people i talk to. School. When my best friends mention video games and I have no idea what they’re talking about so they ignore me. E.ver.y.day. School. How I’m going to graduate this year and I partially don’t want to, but then again I want to leave being ignored in my past. School. The fact that I don’t really learn much here that i would like to know about. War. War is super irritating. People addicted to their phones. Phones are super irritating. Everyone is addicted, though. Even me. I want to break the cycle. Being a nobody. Being a nobody really hurts. Telling your friends daily that they’re upsetting you and all they say is “sorry” and do it again. The fact that I keep trying. That’s what hurts. When we hang out alone everything is fine. The fact that I typed a paragraph and now my paint is drying. I have to keep making paintings for people, maybe they’ll remember that i existed here.


Being invisible is not as bad as you might think. It has its advantages and you have to know how to apply them effectively in your life. Also if anything upsets you just brush it off or don’t be irritated by it. It’s how I deal with things. Is it an insult? Is it true? No? Then don’t react. Yes? Deal with it and don’t show that it gets to you. As for not being up to date on today’s irrelevancies that’s not too bad either, I’m that way and I avoid most social cancers that way.

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What makes me mad is that at every anti bullying assembly they say the same things, and yet no one seems to notice. There’s tons of kids who say that these assemblies help so much, but if they did would that kid have killed himself in December? No. They say the same thing every time, they don’t know what kids need to hear. It’s infuriating because if it isn’t working, why don’t you try something New? I believe it was Einstein who said that insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The worst part is these people get paid millions to regurgitate the same information countless times. I just wish they had a more proactive approach to trying to prevent it. And another thing, I wish they wouldn’t call it bullying. It sounds so childish. Call it what it is, harassment.

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That’s the first time EVER that I’ve heard of somebody enjoying and / or finding an assembly useful. IDK how it is in other countries but here in the UK school kids have it good if they even have 1 a week. It’s always the same BS with some high authority teacher talking irrelevant nonsense.


Exactly. They never say anyrhing useful, but there are kids who defend it just because they have a good message. Good intent doesn’t make good content.

Be glad you even do those assemblies, it’s better than nothing.

I assure you it’s not. I’d rather have lessons.

And also these stupid anti-drug assemblies. A giant waste of time


Woke up with a painful hip on my day off. Now I feel old :confused:


Went to see the doctor today because of the pain in my hip. Apparently I overloaded my hip muscle…

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At least it’s not worse. I’ve overloaded a load of muscles before.