What grinds your gears?

I’m not sure how you manage to draw without smudges and with perfect lines… not even Mike’s doodles are this clean. It’s so weird.

These look ok but the tweety bird looked too faked. These little drawings has flaws in them. The penguin is t perfect, the flower has rough curves. These look like real drawings but you still didn’t meet the deadline. I did that shamrock picture while watching two in a half episodes of arrow. I looked up how to draw a shamrock, lightly stretched it and then went in with the swirlies then erased the outline and drew darker swirlies. I even went over it with a green marker

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@intheend it does look pretty though.

@evooba when I was drawing I did had smudges and not so perfect lines like I said before on the screen a course it’s going to look perfect. But the funny part is I can’t draw people only objects that it.

Would still be able to see some erased lines.

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??? what’s going on? :joy: :joy:


@anngelenee that looks nice I like it.

That was quick draw. I have many sketchbooks with things like this (the most when I was 14) thanks :wink:

Thanks for the inspiration, @the_termin8r


amazing work!

That look so AWESOME!!!

What’s grinding my gears right now is that I’m in school in heels and now my feet is hurting like hell right now NEVER AGAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Why would you wear heels in school?


Perhaps she needed to dress up for something. I’ve worn heels to school :confused: it’s a pain

I wanted to look pretty today but knowing myself I can’t walk in heels so I brought wedges and guess what I can’t walk in them as well. So I guess that what I get.

Aww sorry :frowning:

What grinds my gears is the fact that my school practically shuts down everything when one grade has testing… I was stuck in a band room all morning for three hours doing absolutely nothing. Lots of people just didn’t come to school at all. But it counts against you if you don’t show up, so that’s not exactly an option for me. We had no wifi and nothing for the three of us to do but just sit there. It’s supposed to happen again tomorrow so I suppose I will bring something to work on maybe. It happened last month too. Makes the day last forevvverrrr.

Thanks @rickvanmeijel and @coolcat96 it took a bit more time, though.

Also, I recall about 30-40% of girls in my highschool used to wear heels.

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Wow, that’s a first for me to hear. Dressing up (aka, not wearing school appropriate clothes for older kids and uniform for the younger ones) and cell phones were not allowed in my school. If you were seen with one, you were sent to the principal’s office, they held your phone and called your parents to collect it.

I am a type of girl who hate heels and some girly stuff, but today was a day that I was wearing heels and now I see why I hate them so much they hurt and get messy so fast.

@silentstagepunk hopefully you get though the day tomorrow and today and I know H.S is annoying I completely understand. :slight_smile:

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In my day when I went to junior high there was not much of a dresscode. You should’ve seen the skanky outfits some of the girls would represent themselves with on a regular school day. Let’s not forget to mention the boys who shaved their heads bald because of this disturbing “techno” hype that raged my country called “gabber house”. Google it.

I too tried going in heels to high school as well but back then wasn’t that good at it either. Walking on high heels takes practice. It’s best to try wearing them at home for a while to get used to the feeling and to always have a spare pair of flat shoes with you for when your feet just can’t take it anymore.

Now I actually prefer wearing boots or ankle boots with a bit of a wide heel above flats. It is actually more comfortable to me. For my current job I have to walk/stand a lot and was advised to wear flats. My ankles actually hurt if I walk too long on flats. They hurt more than when I’d walk on heels. So I do my job on heels. Yup.

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In primary school tech of any sort was strictly forbidden and we wore uniforms. High school uniform rules were even stricter. We had these things called uniform slips that teachers would give you when they saw something off with your uniform. 2/3 slips in a week = Fri lunch detention for an hour. People were getting slips all the time for having their top buttons of their shirts undone or not wearing socks that were black, white or navy. Tech was also forbidden but it didn’t stop anyone from bringing their phones in.

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