What grinds your gears?

You think so.

How do you call this “I can’t draw”? You obviously can! Unless you copied it.

@evooba it might look on the screen, but in person it terrible.

How do we know you didn’t trace it from your screen?

Because I didn’t.

Shoes are painful :confounded:

They are especially boots

Trousers are the worst though. I personally don’t consider ~1.83m to be that tall but even then I struggle to find trousers that fit me well and don’t turn into shorts the moment I sit down.

Are you sure those are not ¾ pants?

Yes I’m sure. I like to wear 3/4s because they suffer the least from what I now call “the shorts effect” aka “getting jack ups”. I also find 3/4s the most comfortable. I feel too exposed in proper shorts and when I sit down I feel like I’m wearing boxers. Long trousers just turn into slightly long 3/4s.

Not to be rude but I’m with him. There’s no erase marks. If someone who cannot draw they would mess up a lot. I can only do doodles pretty much and even I messed up on my shamrock picture. It looks like you traced it. And I’m not trying to start anything else, it’s just no way this came from a person who ‘cannot draw’.


I draw attention from: @samuel_the_leader @NickGr @the_termin8r @evooba @jFar920 @gatsie @derek @silentstagepunk @cincybmxlpfreak

@coolcat96 it came to a no contest, I posted mine first, a real picture while yours was questionable. I now have the authority to silence you.

No longer can you post a one hit wonder, meaning! If it’s you turn to go in a thread post game, you cannot type: “it’s my turn!” And then leave it for six hours. You’ll have to do it right on the spot. If you do not, then you will be skipped.

No longer can you throw a game thread post out of loop, meaning: if you honestly do not understand how a game works!! Like you read the first page and read through other people’s post, then! And only then can you ask for help. If a game is called, “find the color red…” do not ask how you play because it’s pretty much a common sense game.

Since I cannot think of anything else, I would have to wait until I decided to challenge you again since you’re picture was questionable.


We can read :stuck_out_tongue:

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(gives @the_termin8r a cookie)


Here’s how the men that can’t draw draw. Look and learn @coolcat96


I can go 1 worse :joy:

I reckon the only people on the forum that can draw this properly without tracing are @jabinquaken and @coon or any other good artists that haven’t announced themselves.


I try to draw for you RESIDENT BUNNY MEME :smiley: (also I am awefull, in / on painting lool ) :sunglasses:
I will bring it up then,
Here we go :blush:


That’s the stuff of nightmares


Masterpieces everywhere!!


I just draw this

And I tell you in person it looks horrible but on the screen it look good I don’t know if it true that I don’t have confidence in my self but I did try though.