What grinds your gears?

I understand that, but more of when people discredit any music just because of the genre label attached to it. I know I personally do it to country, but that’s because I’ve never heard a country song I like. But I still try to be open. But there are people I know who think that rap and pop music are the only good types of music.

What makes me more angry though is people who think metal music is all screaming. I have heard metal with good melodies and harmonies, it’s not uncommon.

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I completely agree with you. I’m open to so many genres, but the majority of times I ask others about it, they’re ignorant to everything except mainstream pop music.

I think what annoys me most is the people who like pop music, but only radio pop music. If they haven’t heard it on the radio or if it’s not an artist who’s name they recognize, they hate it.

Yeap. Like this stuff:

Everybody started talking of this guy last week, when he appeared with this very song in the TV adv.

I was wondering who the hack it was. They told it was one of the most popular singers here now. I still don’t know whatta hell is this. Mb I’m too old.

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shitty movies like Fifty shades of poop. The worst thing is that people are legitimately interested in these garbage propaganda movies /rant


OMG next week is movie night again with a bunch of friends and one of them suggested we go see 50 shades… I don’t even want to see the movie or read the book. I don’t understand the hype either. Told them I was skipping movie night if they decide to watch it. We’re seeing John Wick 2 instead now :slight_smile: [Hooray for Keanu Reeves]


I think those movies are just disturbing. The entire first movie is about a man who gets sexual pleasure from beating women. To me that is just disgusting, and I’m ashamed that our country allowed this kind of movie to become so successful that it earned a sequel. Maybe if it dealt with the topic in a manner that showed the truly evil thoughts that must drive someone to enjoy those kinds of actions. Instead it basically glorifies the act with a sad attempt to show that he really hurt Anastasia. If it was done in a darker atmosphere with better writing and a clear focus on the message and story as opposed to the sexualization anf porn of it all, it would have been good. Although, I do like some of the music that came out of it. The soundtrack of these movies is pretty good, which sucks that they have to promote such a shame to the art of films.


I agree with you 100%

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My friend said that a little S&M never hurt anybody, this was her argument to want to see the movie. I think there’s a difference between kinky and an abusive relationship. I rather watch Sausage Party again…

Totally agree with you there @Im_Normal.

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on top of that, the movies themselves seem to be pretty bad in terms of screenwriting, characters, story, etc

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Having people run your life for you and expecting you to follow everything they say very well without seeing your side of things, or caring. Makes me feel angry and insane.

Sounds like it was somewhere in the LP songs. You got the LPU if you need to escape somewhere.


I just dropped my lunch on the floor and It landed upside down on the tiles (I have cat so i can’t eat off the floor :stuck_out_tongue: ) Somebodys hate me or trying to tell me I should go on the diet…


Why is the floor here so slippery? Just now my foot accidentally slipped forward and hit the wall very hard, stubbed the toes.

And @theearlywalker, forgot to remind you to read the email that I sent earlier.


You just leave me speechless … I never ever had a phone-number of you to share somewhere Sam… , so leave out all the rest then till 2020… I CAN ´T STAND THIS::: IT IS TORTURE… :cry:
further progress:

and I slightly feel my rage man!
#stopp it!
:rage: @samuel_the_leader

(seems we are back at the good old days…. )

Holy sh*t! I just got done with a freaking house dinner/meeting, which was pretty long btw. Ugh, hate these things.

The womans in local pubs are so hostile especially when you meet them stoned in little bathroom She’s got 4’ 11 but still able to bite through your arteries and you don’t know why.

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The whole Linkin Park fanbase today. One YouTube critic I’m very fond of said “might as well call them Poppin Park at this point.” I still respect his opinion, but he’s one of the nicer fans. One fan said they definitely will abandon Linkin Park because of Heavy, and it’s just insane that they got that much hate. Keep in mind I’m new to the fanbase, so this is my first time dealing with these people. But God are they over reacting. People said Linkin Park should stop making music so they don’t embarrass themselves anymore. It’s just irritating. I don’t think that they should lose their fans over one bad song. Christ, you know?


Common situation. There was similar reaction when M2M was released. Then everyone calmed. There’s a huge ammount of fans that acknowledge only Hybrid Theory and Meteora.

The point is: Linkin Park is growing (it was Mike’s 40-th B-Day several days ago), their music changes. Yes, sometimes it takes a bit from different styles.

Tbh, I liked Chester singing it kinda lyrical (as The Messenger or The Little Things Give You Away). He’s great at handling his voice. Just didn’t like Kiiara sing. Not my kind of voice or manner (I think, a lot of people would agree). Also, acoustic version seems better because of the absence of those effects making it too pop.

I think we all should wait and try to get used to the new album.