What grinds your gears?

realizing that I have to look up from now to look my daughter in the eyes, was a funny situation today as I scolted her, we both laught… hahaha . :joy: … (proud same time me <3 she is so wonderful)

Emm…what? How :grinning:

aaarrgh! I need a hug! I lost my job :frowning:

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:hugging:, in the end you sure will know what it matters for!

hug you find a better job

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Ouch, don’t worry too much about it, a new better one is bound to crop up soon.

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Keep it up! You’ll surely find a better one :hugs:

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Hooray for being jobless! Let’s high five! I’m sorry, I haven’t had my wine yet… I’ll go have some now.

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I haven’t even had my coffee yet. lol

Hmmm, how about an Irish Coffee instead? :stuck_out_tongue:

IDK what that is.

Irish coffee (Irish: caife Gaelach) is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar (some recipes specify that brown sugar should be used[1]), stirred, and topped with thick cream. The coffee is drunk through the cream.

It is so good :yum:

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That sounds revolting.

LOL no it is very yummy!

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Is anyone else getting those stupid yt recommendations for those ‘1000 degree knife’ videos? I watched one of them in the hope that it would leave me alone but it just opened the flood gates :unamused:

That’s why you should use ad block :stuck_out_tongue:

I do, they’re video suggestions not adverts.

Hmm, then no. It hasn’t come up in my recommended videos.

Great, now the idiot with a hot knife has realised that it’s dead and has started with liquid nitrogen. There’s only 1 video but there shall be a tsunami within a day or 2.