What grinds your gears?

Looks like a black hole. Back away slowly and hope you don’t get sucked in by the infinite gravity of the singularity.

Wait, it’s already been two days… what if that photo captured your last moments…? :open_mouth:


Me, myself and I …

back at home:the horse is at the hospital, :scream: he needs a gastrointestinal examination, guys?It even got worse… wish him luck…

Got a paper today that says that I have to go to the military establishment office on the13th of January. And I have a chemistry session on 14th! And all of those papers they need… they drive me mad.


Sorry to hear that! God bless your horse🤗

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:hugging::cry: yes and god bless you too my friend

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i love the feeling if you get compassion, the heart feels light immidiately… thanx @NickGr

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That is so sad about your horse! How did it go at the hospital?

he is hopefully cured, they said he is sensible… nooooooooo -a sensible horse that gets stomach hurts when stresses? WTF :scream: why ??? :joy:so another psycho in my family, that fits in general but only unless five human psychos are not enough… my mother called yesterday, within the whole story ( to organisate the transport etc…) and ask: What are you planning for new years ev… me just: I am planning the horse,and by coincident it is new years ev tomorrow thinking wtf again… :rage: I just be sick of the unawareness…so,and the horse needs pure <3 the veterinär says…Who not?

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I think you mean sensitive.

as always :stuck_out_tongue: thank ya my language coach, :hugging:

When people don’t know the difference between mixing/mastering and remixing an album but still use the terms like they do.

And then when people don’t know the difference between mixing and mastering. lol!

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I still dunno what’s that idea @theearlywalker

video chat means face to face…this just makes me hysteric… kinda outblow of my overflow?when not yet,whenever?

Mixing can never be remixing because to remix, the mix must have already been made, but remixing is always also mixing because you have to mix and existing mix to remix it. Get it?


loool I knew Iread this name before loooooool

La position ne change pas


That happens. People have been moved back as well.

You bad timing, me leaving now:

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Lol, I’m only on for about 20 mins.

Yes, but it’ll leave after next song:

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