What grinds your gears?

I assume they’ll start on Monday, the mail said they’re getting everything ready.

What happened to your other packages @NickGr ?

One of them got lost in our postal service (they didn’t 't search for it , cause it was registered as a small package . Seems that it was lost at the sorting facility. )Other package was delivered to me

I read somewhere that the only things that do not get lost are bills.

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Bills will haunt you, even when you pretend to not know about them. Like reapers in the night they will get you eventually.

Nobody will get me. I make death cry tears of fear and sorrow. :imp:

You can cry all you want at a depth collector, but they thrive on your tears :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean debt collector. Depth refers to how deep something is.

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Yes you are right, I meant debt not depth.

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So… Things aren’t going too great with the church band. We used to have more musicians so that the others could have a break and not have to play every single Sunday. But since the last few months it’s only been the same 3 guys who keep playing.

When playing in a church band I find it important to be able to have some sort of connection with the musicians. We don’t have to be best buddies but since we spend every Sunday and a random weekday together we at least have to get along.

And I get along great with the guitar guy. We even talk outside of the band activities. His wife is a sweetheart. The drummer guy is a bit older and we used to get along great until he said he liked me more than a friend and now things are a bit awkward. I have this rule that I rather not date anyone who is old enough to be my dad…

And then there’s the piano guy… I don’t know why, but he avoids any form of contact with me for most of the time. Last night after band practice he said goodbye to everyone but me. Like, I was literally sitting with a few people and he hugged everyone and just walked passed me as if I wasn’t there… And when I said “Bye!” he waved swiftly and rushed away… Just soooo weird!

He’s the youngest of the band, stares at his phone most of the time [like a lot of his generation does]. I figured it was just an age gap… And that he is a bit socially awkward with a hint of the spoiled brat syndrome. I get that, I’m socially awkward too.

I don’t have to be friends with the guy but I just find it weird because we’ve been in the same band for a few years now… When we play music together we are totally in sync, more in sync than I am with the guitar player. I just don’t get why he avoids me like he does… I find it rude that he greets everyone except me.

OMG why am I rambling about this? It grinds my gears, I guess… Sorry you guys for the long rant… Again…

Maybe the piano guy likes you as well and doesn’t want to exacerbate the situation between you and the drummer.

That whole drummer guy stuff is a totally annoying situation on its own. When you’ve told someone no so many times it just gets a bit… Weird…

I’ve thought of it and I really don’t think the piano guy likes me like that. He has a gorgeous ex girlfriend of his own age who comes to the same church even way before I joined the band. They say they’re just friends now but they look so cute together whenever they sit with each other for dinner after service.

What makes it sucky is that I’m like… The person who has to check with the band for practice dates and whether they’re all available to play or not. It’s like swimming in a pool of awkwardness. And I shouldn’t give a flying donkey butt and most of the times I don’t but when he just dissed me like that yesterday in front of everybody, that just…

It would be like Rob Bourdon would diss Mike or Chester. It would just be weird. You know? Not that I’m anything near Mike or Chester… Just… I don’t know. Band dynamics…?

What a word btw; Exacerbate lol.

Wait, what diss?

Also it’s a good word no?

This is what happens when you have to deal with musicians :stuck_out_tongue:

So, why can’t people shut the door behind them when they go out to smoke? Can’t they understand the cold breeze messes with the house’s nice and warm temp?

When someone greets everybody and avoids any form of contact with you while he is aware of you sitting there with the rest of the group, I consider that a “diss” yes. As in, totally disrespectful.

That word was really good yes! lol had to google it and am totally wanting it for the next Unity Of Us song title :stuck_out_tongue:

Musicians are SO annoying @evooba. And this is a Church band I’m talking about for figs sake! And I have to sing with these guys. It surprises me every time that it still “works” during a service. Seriously. Lol

As a smoker I can say this. I don’t smoke in the house because it stinks up the house and makes the walls yellow and disgusting. But, when it is really really cod and unless there’s like, a balcony or a backyard I too would probably leave the door open just a lil.

I’ve also been the rebellious smoker, when I was living with roommates, Iwould “lock” my bedroom door, fold a blanket to clog the cracks of the door and then open the window and light incense and smoke in the window…

Or I would smoke in the shed in the yard. Just to stay warm.

I’m sorry I had wine and now I want a cigarette really bad.

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I’d consider that a compliment (I don’t mean that as a joke). But then in my case it’s because most are intimidated by me for some reason.

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LMAO ok so next time I’ll just thank him for the compliment for not greeting me and avoiding all contact with me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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