What grinds your gears?

okayy ty :blush:

But you have to ask yourself if you have a conscience first before you do it. I don’t so I’d be fine doing it to my sister had that ever happened. She’s in the same high school that I was in except I’m in uni now :stuck_out_tongue: But me and my sister hate each other and would never been seen together in school were it ever to happen. lol

XD reminds of the quarrels i have with my brother

My sister and I can’t be within 2m of each other without starting an argument in 30 secs.

lol well my bro and i we can’t stay together or else a swearing and fighting explosion would explode lol

When you get given a stupid group task to do, or just working in teams in general. I’ve got my multidisciplinary project next week and my group (me and 5 other engineers, 3 mechanical, 2 civil) have to build a walker that walks 3m and stops on it’s own. We have from Mon next week until the report deadline on Wed. The whole week is devoted to the project.

Why do I hate this sort of stuff?

I designed this basic prototype in 30 mins on my own.

How do you get 6 people to work on something so basic?


That looks pretty nice!

I’m sorta expecting it to spaz out on the spot lol, I might have to turn the rpm down. The problem is that the little computer thing can only run 3 motors max. I could have built whole legs each with 3.

Group projects are the bane of my existence. Having to divide up the work… setting times to meet up and plan with others… can’t stand it. I require complete independence and individual control of my endeavors. I’m ALWAYS more efficient that way and less of my time is wasted since most of the time the other people turn out to be incompetent.

Fortunately, in the later part of my degree, group work has been minimal, other than having to put up with a dubious lab partner here and there.

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Hey, that could be another pursuit in itself: using all your engineering knowledge to create a robot which simply spasms like no other. It would have to have many moving parts and spastic movement capability in all three dimensions. You could call it Spaz-Bot. I’m sure something like that could be popular in the toy market… might need to come with a broad safety disclaimer, though.

“Warning: Spaz-Bot may spasm violently and unpredictably; we are not responsible for injuries sustained from Spaz-Bot.”

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it grinds my gears that I loose my phone nearly every quater of the year. This time I got It finally back after three days, it was… in the car, and the diplay didn t workproperly cs it has -10°C at night, three nights in row, so this not good for the smartphones electronic. But really: it was the first time that I

  1. enjoyed it not beeing available
    2)felt how annoying it is to not be able to use it s functions like navigation, translation etc…

Yes, that’s my reasoning too. So far I’m being proven correct. Only 2 of the 5 others have agreed to meet me today. Then there’s the problem of actually arranging a meet. We all have different timetables so it’s hard to get a time we all have free, we were settled for today at 10:00 but I got a lecture rescheduled to that time :confused: [quote=“synathidy, post:1250, topic:11964”]
Hey, that could be another pursuit in itself: using all your engineering knowledge to create a robot which simply spasms like no other. It would have to have many moving parts and spastic movement capability in all three dimensions. You could call it Spaz-Bot. I’m sure something like that could be popular in the toy market… might need to come with a broad safety disclaimer, though.

That can be done fairly simply, get a cluster of motors and arrange them almost spherically, then just attach things that can flail about on the shafts and switch them on :stuck_out_tongue: (the battery could be the core of the sphere formation).

Again, how do you manage to lose a phone? And -10C shouldn’t be that harmful for it, maybe the battery will not fare as well but the rest of the phone should be ok.


hey man, you :nail_care: seem to forge:grin:t about my “typical woman” brainpart loool :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to visit my doctor: she told me to come yesterday at 09:00.
Yesterday when I come there I was told that she was out and they didn’t give me my sick leave because she hadn’t given it to somebody. They just didn’t know and they said to come today at 14:00.
Today I came and saw the notification that she is out for some refresher training and will come back only in 4 days.
Meanwhile, there was a crowd on the floor, also they had some repair works 3 meters far and made lots of dust. The window in the hall was open for dust to come out and it was rather cold.

I came down to the registry and asked where should I go. They said that I must come today after 17:00. The other doctor will see me.

I got healthy by pure power of my anger and went home.

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omg wtf ya can proof it at work then?

I’ll come there again. Idk when, though. Tomorrow I wanna go for work. I guess, it will be monday. Such chaos there.

What grinds my gears is that the therapist’s salary is equal to minimum in this countr = 3200 uah = 120$/month.

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f*** the orders…

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The cold can be irritating. It’s been around -15 F (-26 C) for three weeks or so here. Cars take forever to warm up, get cold really fast, and my hands are always getting numb.


In °F:

[spoiler]Placed it in the freezer jkjk[/spoiler]

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