What grinds your gears?

I hate having to do stupidly long assignments. Right now I’m close to finishing a 20 question assignment on digital logic. I’ve been at it for hours and I’m on 14 A4 sides of work. It’s actually mostly calculations and diagrams, but still. It’s taking ages. I’m glad I did almost half of it yesterday.

They say it’s best to not try and get in between a fighting couple. But what do you do when you’re friends with a couple that has a fight and then call you in the middle of the night because they need to vent to a third party?

First you get the girl on the phone. She is all up in her emotions but you get her to calm down and she actually becomes reasonable and decides it’s best to call it a night and hope for the best the next day.

And then you get the guy on the phone. The guy keeps going on and on like a broken record. You’re friends with both, so you just try to stay “neutral” and not pick a side and say positive things. After what feels like forever, he too finally comes to his senses to call it a night.

Then when that finally is over you get a call by the girl the next morning. But you decide not to answer because you have work to focus on. And so she sends you texts instead, asking why the call with her guy was so long…

And then when you say; “I have a life of my own, I hope you get to sort out yours with the two of you. Good luck” they get angry at you for not being a supportive friend.

I should’ve just not answered the phone at all…

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important: You gave them sup!
The rest they have to feel a lot of shame on… anyways we all do things sometimes, we all regret if we treat others unjusty - but it sucks a lot to be unjusty treaten… so I really feel ya… in germany we have a proverb goes like say an egg over it (throw in my oppinion the better word, lol me correcting google translator :joy: -you remember my missspell with the incomebox? ) lmao


You mean coffers :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugh… The drummer of the band I’m seeing tonight stepped out of the tour to deal with some issues. My bad luck sometimes pisses me off so much, especially when it comes to bands.

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Don’t bother much. No way to be nice for everyone and everywhere. Also, you may do lots of good things to people but they will remember only your fails, no matter how few they are.

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huggs my friend :pray:

Aww thanks you guys. I spoke to them both again late this afternoon and things seemed to have calmed down. :slight_smile:

Working with a band [and with people in general] can be quite frustrating. People always have personal crap that seem to be more important than the band. For a lot of people it is difficult to consider what their actions do to others. There are a lot of snobby assholes that consider themselves musicians, even in a church band. Hope it works out for you @evooba

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I love ya lil sis… :* @gatsie
lost my mobile again btw… me no connection :scream: but TRUST <3 , vision of joyride becomes concrete dear, to U2?

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As it always happens

From Dec 2 - 3 I used up 477MB in mobile data - At this rate, I’ll use up like 15GB in one month :frowning:

How do people lose things like keys and phones?

I’ve no idea, I wonder the same thing.

My brother loses things all the time. Like, important things.

Last week he lost my mom’s bankcard. He had already lost his own card several times and now his own bank won’t give him a new card unless he pays for it till the new year. So that’s why my mom allowed him to use her bankcard until then. And then he loses this card…

Yesterday he discovered he forgot his rolling suitcase with laptop in church and thankfully an aunt found it and was so nice to keep it at her place until one of us would pick it up. My brother goes to school int he same city where this aunt lives. But this woman of course has her own schedule throughout the day, so she contacted my mom she would not be home before 22:00.

Meanwhile we try to find a helpful friend to help pick up the suitcase because of course by the time we would get at the aunt’s house, the public transportation starts to suck monkey nuts. Thankfully a friend was willing to drive up there. But only if my mom or brother would come with, because he doesn’t know the aunt.

My brother was already at his house but didn’t answer the phone until like… 20:30. I was doing some administrative work for my mom on the computer and she called my brother with the good news that we could pick up the suitcase with help from a friend. All he did was yell at my mom for disturbing him. No thank you. No nothing.

He is a spoiled brat. I told my mom she should just let him pick up his own crap. He is an adult, she should stop babying him and doing everything for him simply because he sucks at adulting. But my mom is a softy. She and my brother hopped in the car of my friend together anyways to pick up the darn suitcase.

Cheers. Have some chardonnay with coke, it’s a real treat!

My phone battery really grinds my gears. It dies at the most inappropriate moment: like when I’m standing in front of my floor door and can’t open it(the lock is damaged a bit, so my key just doesn’t fit in it).

So, just because Jack White is featured in one of her songs, Beyoncé gets a nomination in the Rock category at the Grammy’s? That takes me back to when Lorde won the Best Rock Video in 2014 (over the likes of Linkin Park, Imagine Dragons, The Black Keys and the Arctic Monkeys) at the MTV VMA’s.

I love how the committees for these award shows don’t give the rock (and sub-genre) categories the recognition they deserve.

I stopped watching award shows a long time ago, but I saw that in my news feed this morning on Facebook,


it totally grinds my gears knowing that my little cousin will attend the same high school as me and i can’t stand being near her as she always tries to copy me and i hate being copied. now she will be doing kinda everything i use to do and i would be one step closer to the edge to break.

now she will always try to take away my friends and start to be me. can’t she just be her?
But thank god she doesn’t know the other part about me - that is my great immense huge love for LP andFM

@gatsie I don’t get how people forget things like bags in trains and on buses and in your brother’s case a whole suitcase in a church either.

@yolo5494 you just have to be the dick, even if it means your friends finding it weird and thinking you to be insane because you appear to be mean in the face of what is actually a very annoying hob goblin like creature that people seem to see as ‘nice’.

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welllll… ididn’t understand a s–t here could you please explain @the_termin8r

I’m saying that you have to prove your dominance and disassociate yourself from your cousin by being an arse to them. At the cost of looking evil in front of your friends as they won’t know the full story and will think you just hate some kid for no obvious reason when you know that really they (your cousin) are unbelievably annoying and you’ve been left no choice.

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