What grinds your gears?

That’s a good show.

I was referring to the charger earlier:

Yes, I know you were, but I was just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

Ay Ay Ay what:

People that dont like gears of war

That’s rather childish you know.

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random ramblings

uuuuugh, my work! I fd up so much two times in a row and my boss called me, and told me that he doesn’t care what the hell is going on with me, because I used to be so precise and this is untenable. I was so sad last night, I wanted to cry, because it always helps me though it’s rather pointless, but I couldn’t even cry, what the hell. weeekend! I just want a calm and nice weekend, I’m a mess these days.

*you know I work at home, and my bosses are far from me, not even in the same city

/random ramblings

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Twas a play on the thread title ‘grind’ and ‘gears’ - terms heavily used in the games

Ah. Well that completely went over my head. I’m an ex ps3 gamer. Never made it to the xbox side.

When on plug.dj, the video takes very long like 30 sec to load, so consequently it skips to the next video 30 sec before the end.

When I join LPU chat and there’s never anyone there. :cry: #overseasproblems

The chat died years ago.

that’s why we resort to plug.dj because the chat here just isn’t… that active…

You know what’s annoying? When you tell someone time and time again that you’re just not into them in that way and others keep saying “what a nice couple”, simply because you are in the same team and therefor meet up with that person often… And then the person gets their hopes up again and starts sending you stupid memes at abnormal hours of the day. Just stupid…

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This evening, one of the housemates, had a dinner party of some sort cause she is moving out this week and there were a lot of people. 3 of them failed to follow basic instructions as they opened my room’s door looking for the bathroom. Why is it so hard for people to know their right and left?

Tell me about it! With some people you just wonder how they were raised or if they were dropped as a baby from a staircase.

That’s a very simple problem to solve. Get some car jumper leads, get and old wall plug, wire the leads to the wall plug. Attach one lead to the inside handle and earth the other one to something like a radiator, then just plug it in :stuck_out_tongue:

230V AC teaches some good lessons.


Naughty… but effective. I like the way you think.

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Trying to bake a cake while hung-over. That’s what I did today. Cake turned out fine, though.