What grinds your gears?

Literally there’s space there.

Yeah, you can still see where it is though.

french inkasso system :rage:

Non-bunny lovers. I hate them all.


Pardon? What system is that?

I’m assuming she means a debt collection system? We use the term too in Dutch, except we write it with a c: incasso.

Yes this is my prob: langue Barriere - it is still about the too fast driving at. Easter holydays on our Way To Spain- First it started with 45 EUR which I paid- three month later they ASK me To Pay 144Eur , my Bank can t find the error- the Money is right Sent! Now another payment Upgrade, they now want 180 EUR !! This Makes me Crazy cause I feel soooo HELPLESS ( btw my Most annoying feel)

This is what grinds my gears: People who are sick coughing directly at you…without covering their mouth…while you are eating…getting you sick in the process. Now I am sick :unamused:

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Still the same thing? :sigh:

Seems like the computer glitch is at the Centre Encaissment side. Your Bank should get them to check their computer systems for any problems.

yes and every three month they want more :frowning: at last I get in jail mhhh?
wtf :rage:

I dunno, but is it politically motivated? Does your job have any political involvement (in a detrimental way with France)?


you mean they got I am a rebellion?! :stuck_out_tongue:

deeper revolution lol

Well, what do they know about you? :eyes:

everything YOU told them Agent Leader!

No, everytime you make a phone call to them to complain, they ask you a lot of questions right?

yes, in french lol wtf can I speak this? nope…

The doctor gave me sleeping pills to test out, to see if my sleeping pattern would get better. It’s actually more fucked up than it was before.

And my friends have canceled on me again tonight. I’m such a loser. Fuck everything right now…

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But that means you are available for the meet today. Yay for that. Till then you can watch these.

I’m gonna kill some stuff in Fallout for now. I’ll be at the meet yes.