What grinds your gears?

I don’t get how y’all devices end up having bloated batteries. And seriously, how y’all find such cheaply priced 99€ tablets.(My mother’s tablet is more expensive than that)

Finding cheap devices is both luck and a curse at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if anyone’s Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has caught fire while they were using it to listen to the Prodigy song “Firestarter.” I would find that hilarious.

That would be quite ironic!

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I have an issue with shedding hairs in the shower which grinds my gears all the time:

Because my hairs are pretty long and naturally very curly, they easily wrap themselves around my hands while I’m washing my hair and don’t come off easily, even under a stream of water. Just last night there was one that was clinging around my hand and wrist like a tenticle I was like “Uhg, get OFF you annoying little f*cker!”

I did finally get it off.

My hairs are real a-holes, though. Don’t even get me started on the knots they get into.

I want my dewdrops back immediately.

I am depressed by dewdrop deprivation.

Ah yes, the curse of curly hair! I feel the pain.

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Yup, you also know the curse of the curls. Women have actually told me before “oh, I wish I had your curls.” But I think little do they know the curse of hair management which comes with them…

Have you considered a haircut? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not every hairdresser knows how to cut curly hair. And once you’ve found one who does, you cling onto them as if life depended on it.

Tried a shorter haircut. The curls tend to be a little less work then, but I do love my long hair :stuck_out_tongue:

And even a short curly haircut needs care [ie: good products]. A frizzy dry afro is not always fun to rock.

Well, that would be a simple solution. But as much trouble as it is, I just like having longer hair, aesthetically. It just feels like “me” for some reason. Haven’t had short hair for… about six~seven years now. One can get attached to it after growing it that long, as it’s a long-term committment of sorts.

On the topic of annoying shower and head related things. Showers wreak havoc on my scalp. They make it really itchy and dry and it pretty much snows tiny little white flakes that aren’t dandruff when I pass my hand through my hair. I’ve tried at least half a dozen shampoos all of which made no difference. I even tried my mum’s shampoo out of sheer desperation and it made no difference apart from making my hair puff up. :confused:

Oooh, the DRYNESS. That may be my biggest enemy where I live. You see, I live in the interior of Alaska, and the air here is extremely dry - especially in the winter. This creates some dryness issues for anyone concerned about hair management.

It’s funny, because the few times I’ve visited seaside places, I can literally feel the increased humidity immediately after stepping out of the airport and my hair absorbs all the moisture like a sponge, LOL.

This is just my possible hypothesis as a chemist, but is your water softened or possibly somewhat hard? Hard water has cations in it that can form insoluble (i.e., forms a precipitate rather than dissolving in water and washing away) salts with some of the anions in shampoos and soaps. The result is the formation of “soap scum” which can look like white residue I believe. It’s just a guess explanation…

@synathidy Dryness sucks! Coconut oil, olive oil and Argan creme are my friend, though. When it’s cold and dry out, those products keep my hair moisturized enought without having it become too jerry curl style. [Which isn’t always a good look for a woman to wear].

Humidity right now over here is 80% but my hair remains dry, though. Without product. But that’s 'cause I bleached it :see_no_evil:

Sounds like a dry and flaky scalp problem. Perhaps some olive oil can fix that. Yes, olive oil. [just a lil bit 2 times a week]. And not washing it with too hot water. Cold water is actually better for the scalp if it’s gone through too much.

No, it’s not from the shampoo, it’s def from my head. I did an experiment where I left my hair unwashed for 5 days and the flakes decreased a bit over the 5 days but there were still loads of them. And even when I wash my hair with just water I get the same effect. The water here is fairly hard though.

In that case, my best guess as a student of science is that you have an infestation of dandruff dwarves: stealthy little creatures about 4 cm tall who mischievously scatter little irritating white flakes in peoples’ hair in the dead of night as they sleep.

They aren’t well-studied and their motives are mysterious. I suggest mousetraps next to your pillow.


When you nap but know you’re not supposed to cause you won’t sleep at night. (Me right now)

OMG This! ^^ My sleeping pattern is all off. I’m glad to have a week off. Sleeping pills are supposed to help break the messed up sleep cycle. It doesn’t help though.

I think the light for the space-bar not working: