What grinds your gears?

Stupid watch one hour slow (it’s still daylight saving time dimwit)

end of summertime?! lol

if the dog you host, poops into the livingroom

I’m really hating the new main page look of the forums.


agree 100% bud… :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually like it, the look of the main page.

What grinds my gears the most is people who don’t respect that some people don’t have the same music taste as them. Also, people who think that all Android phones are inferior to iPhones when it is popular critic opinion that Android is better.

LOL what? Not all of them are, the S6 was better than the iPhone 6.

In the context of the statement I made, it doesn’t sound that harsh. I love Android phones and think they’re alot better, but I hate when people say all Android phones don’t hold up.

Well, most Android devices don’t tbh. They’re a piece of junk that works for about 6-8 months and then they’re a complete disaster.
But some phones, like the S6 (and a previous model I can’t remember the name of) is indeed better in so many ways than the iPhone, I give you that.

Well, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a good fire starter. That’s definitely something the iphone hasn’t been able to do yet!

And the Samsung Galaxy S 3 Mini is great at bloating up its own battery at least 3 times a year. I know, I’ve been replacing the battery for 3 years now [done all the stuff all the “experts” say I should do to prevent batteries from bloating]. My mom has the same phone and she too has the same problem.

But yeah, hooray for Android!


With all this crap going on with phones, they should be liable to give free batteries and whatnot to their buyers.

It could be worse. You could end up with an HP Touchpad that ONLY wants to be recharged by its ORIGINAL recharger. But the bastards sometimes “forget” to ship the original charger along with the touchpad and the customer ends up having to buy A NEW charger. Only to discover later on that the battery inside the HP touchpad DIED.

I felt so sorry for the lady who came up to me with that touchpad, hoping I could fix it for her…

Well, the fact that it only costs 99 bucks says a lot. Low prices on electronics is never a good thing.

For a lot of people 99 bucks is still a lot of money. HP used to make good stuff but those days are long gone I suppose. I have a Lenovo Tablet myself, [also available for 99 bucks now]. The Lenovo works like a charm, had it for nearly a year now.

It is a lot indeed but wasting it on a cheap electronic device is a bad call.
A lot of people recommended Lenovo when I was looking for a new laptop but I didn’t end up getting one.

My tablet grinds my gears. I just need to throw it out the window and be done with it, total waste of money.

So far no big complaints about the Lenovo, really. Clear screen, works fast, good sound.
The only thing that bothers me is that I can’t open the device to check the battery. Maybe I’ve overlooked it, though.

coungh my s3m cough

I only had 1 battery problem and that was after having it for over 3 years.

Why is that? A charger is basically a step down transformer and a full bridge rectifier. Is it a different plug?

ALL tablets boil my blood.

Whenever another charger is plugged into the HP Touchpad, it simply gives a notification on screen that it cannot charge with anything other than the original ac adapter and then shuts off again. I’ve tried using my lenovo charger, an acer charger and a samsung charger. These chargers are working fine… I am using them now for my own devices.

Don’t cough at me. You were the exception :stuck_out_tongue:

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LOL :laughing:

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