What grinds your gears?

Yeah, those too. Keep them contained. The only place a kid should be allowed to act out in public is a playground.
Then again, some people are so stupid when it comes to their kids, It’s beyond me why they even had them.

Just the other day I was on the bus and some girl was blasting crappy music from one of those portable speakers whilst on the phone loudly swearing and talking about smoking weed. And she was about 14! How do you raise your kid to become that? It was a packed bus and everyone was looking at her and she just kept going.

Things have changed so much, when I was 14 I wasn’t even allowed to go out by myself. Tweens and teens these days drive me nuts. They’re very rude and talk back at people too if you tell them to stop and respect everyone else.

She seemed to be on her way home from high school. Though now that I think of it, she didn’t have a uniform. Maybe she was just a really young looking college student (there’s a college right next to my uni) or she was indeed about 14 and was just going out.

I laughed so hard when I was in the train. These horrible teens were blasting their loud music and pole dancing in their skanky outfits. The straw was when they decided to light a cigarette in the train. Smoking in trains is not allowed here. The ticket controller came, gave them a fine and kicked them all out at the next stop. On their way out one of them fell flat faced on the platform. Served her right.


Being a wrestling fan doesn’t always come with the perks. There are marks, obsessed fans and idiotic people within the business. I mean the WWE, the people behind the scenes calling all the shots.

My issue. They have been suspending people from left to right. Today they suspended, again, my favorite Paige. And again for a stupid reason. It makes no sense when they won’t suspend someone for actually failed a test, TWICE! Outside the business or not.

They had another person who wasn’t a wrestler, he took enchantments and got fired for it. Yet, it wasn’t in the WWE, that man is gone! The other idiot, who gets paid lots of money, failed two back to back to get nothing.

Yet they can suspend four superstars back to back. Within the same month, within a couple of days, in the same week.

I love my superstars, I will always watch and spend money for them. But I do not. Like the WWE.

The reason she was suspended again, she had a doctors note and yet was suspended. She was threaten to be fired just because she was dating a superstar, like others in he business! She isn’t the only one who done it, does it, doing it, did it. So she got suspended again.

Don’t get offended, but I always thought WWE was like, a soap opera with beefy actors?

It’s like… Bold and the Beautiful, but instead they punch each other in the face. Which actually would be totally awesome if they actually did punch each other in the face in B&B.

Though this lady clearly has been punched in the face by her plastic surgeon:

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Who is she?

I never got why people got that stuff anyways. But meh.

And I’ve never heard it be called that before ;3 @gatsie

That lady is one of those Bold and the Beautiful sorry-excuse-for-an-actress :smiley:

Being punched with all Defense down

The customer that decided to go for another designer called me last night. Apparently the real reason why they went for another designer, was because this was a 14 yr old kid willing to make 1 design for free. Yet now it turns out that the design still needs tweaking and the 14 yr old kid was not willing to tweak anything. Thus the result is now that they are with a flyer that is still not complete. The customer dared to ask me if I would tweak the flyer, made by the kid.

I told them no.

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You should have been more rude. Tell them to burn in hell.

Give me their number, I’ll spam them >:3

I know I was way too nice. But now they’re stuck with a product they can’t use so I’m enjoying that thought a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

As of right now I am on the road with my mom, driving back to her place. I am now in the backseat because she decided to have a smoke. She knows I do not like when she smokes around me but she loves to do it anyways. The smoke has affects on me: it makes my head hurt and the smell is awful. It is because people in my family smokes that I cannot be around strong scents such as lavender, it makes my head hurt.

When I would tell my mom and my sister about lavander they would shrug it off as, ‘it’s all in my head’. It is not. I can’t be around it and the fact they do not care about my health as they should and choose to smoke around me really pisses me off. I have to tell my mom over and over not to do it and she does it anyways. And when she does she thinks it’s alright. I have a ‘no smoking’ sign on my door and yet my sister comes in and smokes. I am more of the outcast in my family, that’s alright. And they wonder why I stay in my room all day and not hang out with them.

Now I am not he type of person to complain, but now that I have put this out there. Do anyone go through the same stuff with family?

I cannot stand my mum’s smoking too! The brand she smokes is so strong and gross, the house has a constant cloud, it’s insane. No matter how many times dad and I tell her to try and cut down, she just shrugs.
I can’t say I’m really an outcast but I’m the weird one in the fam, maybe cause I’m the youngest, I don’t know.
I feel you though.

My dad used to smoke or at least he cut down loads, but never did it in the car or in the house, always in some secluded area where he wouldn’t annoy anyone.

Also, I’m the weird one in the family too :stuck_out_tongue: Just today I went to uni in a short sleeve shirt…when it was 6C outside.

@evooba @the_termin8r I’m the silly one. I can make them laugh and yeah I like different things then what they like. Like not smoking and drinking D;