What grinds your gears?

I hate it when people litter. Like what drives you to drop your mars bar wrapper on the floor instead of just sticking it in your pocket or bag and throwing it away when you get to a bin?


You’ve spent several hours a week into designing a flyer for online use for a fickle customer who desired tweaking every single time as well and with a certain deadline. You deliver the product before the deadline. And then the fickle customer comes back for more tweaking.

The customer finally claims to be satisfied. You’ve done everything they asked for. They share it on Facebook. BUT: You haven’t been paid yet. You would get your pay tomorrow.

Then you go online today, only to discover that the customer replaced your flyer with a DIFFERENT flyer [not designed by you]. All those hours WASTED for a friggin RATS ANUS.

Did you get paid in the end though?

Nope, they are not responding to my calls etc. I can’t sue them for it either because it’s something I do on the side, off the grid, so… I guess I can just forget about it :angry:

How rude -.- Some people are complete a*******.

I know right!

I used to like, design stuff for free as a hobby but then more people started asking me to design something for them and thus I figured to charge them a fee. I’m not even that expensive. People are like, surprised, when I tell them that.

Then some say “But I only want a simple design”. Sure, I still have to spend time to make that “simple design”. If it’s that simple and they want it for free they could just do it themselves. Seriously.

I design something for my sister one time. She never a knowledge my major or anything but asked me to design something for her (only when my family needs something is when they a knowledge my graphic design skills or writing skills). And when I did she tossed my ideas aside…and asked me to make a stupid and a cheap looking logo.

My thought…well excuse me for trying to make the logo look professional.

I never got paid for anything as well. I never got paid like I should have when I could babysit her demon kids…so I know how you feel. I think you should find them and egg their house.

You give rude people a rating of a* x7?

Yeah :stuck_out_tongue: I can’t curse here, I had to add * lol.

Sometimes FB’s On This Day is annoying cause it reminds me of random crap people have uploaded of me from years ago that shouldn’t be online.

I was trolling :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the reason why I’ve started charging people for my designs, in the hope that they would perhaps see the value in the time and work done to create something for them.

What I also totally get annoyed by is how people, who have no understanding of how a computer works or the software needed to either create flyers, slides, websites or whatever, don’t grasp how time consuming it actually is. They sometimes have the nerve to ask you to fix something in the split of a second. Some things just aren’t fixed that simple!

Those are the same people who claim to not know how a computer works, yet are able to flood Facebook with hundreds of selfies a day. Like WTF? Argh…

It reminds me of this awesome comic on Theoatmeal: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell

This also goes out to whoever says that creating music is easy and shouldn’t take time. These type of people always get on my nerves.


There are a lot of poopies in he world. They always want but will never want to give. Just ignore them and if your is less expensive and they still complain. Try showing them the difference of how much your stuff is compared to other big companies and whatnot.

Those rat anuses have no appreciation for anything a creative person makes, because they are indeed poopies that lack creativity themselves.

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OMG this one is hilarious too

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The bit in the first one about interfering with engineers is wrong. Engineers are brilliant people who can do a bunch of things and are naturally programmed to make something as good and efficient as possible. But your every day garden variety idiot doesn’t care about clever design and engineering witchcraft. So engineers are constantly forced to make things that are deliberately inefficient and cheap and crap because the mass populous asks for it and then they complain about it being crap. Well who asked for it to be crap?! :rage:

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Also there’s some marketing stuff like each time engineers get the task to make something cheaper and sell it for the same money or even more expensive than in previous year.

Compare Nokia cell phones from the end of 90’s early 00’. They used to live 8-12 years. Now you take a phone which will last 3 years (if you’re lucky). Then they make an update which lays the poor thing down… or the battery dies and the new one won’t help. I think, same with cars and other things.

Less quality more income. That’s sad.

Yup things not made to last = recurring customer = profit

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Why are some people allowed to have kids? A car drove by, the driver (dad) was holding a baby in his arms, while driving, no seatbelt. The mom next to him was holding another kid, no older than 2, in her lap, no seatbelt as well. Are these people serious???

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I can’t stand people who can’t control their children. Like when they mess around in shops lying on the ground and screaming. I’ve never once done anything even remotely close to it as a kid.