What grinds your gears?

Yes and I don’t like them, that’s why I wear 3/4s.

Also don’t like the stuff like that. Never had normal ones. Either too tight or too wide. Damn you, jeans! Mb it would be better to sew proper pants.

I had a god awful session today in uni. We were in a computer room with 50 running PCs, 50 people, no windows, no AC, no ventilation and sky lights that didn’t open but still let the sun in. Keeping the door open made no difference. It gives you an example of what it would be like to live in hell.

Welcome to my world. No windows. No AC. No air. +28 when outside is +23. +42 when outside was +34. Water cooler broken. 9 hours of hell each day.

Aren’t you allowed to bring like your own desk fan or something?

hey men. hope you manage to cool down right now, me does, plug? @the_termin8r @jabinquaken

@the_termin8r I hear you’ve been having warm days over there. Manchester is drowning though lol. Crazy old UK.

Yes! I had the same thing for my computer test which was yesterday! It was like 26 degrees outside!

We had it at 31 here :stuck_out_tongue:

I just want to skip this intro week and skip fresher’s week and just get straight to the studying. I’m fed up of having my time wasted with stuff I already know :confused:

Won’t help, blowing warm air here and there. It’s like hair fan. Even more. Last winter we had the door broken and it blew cold. There was 14,7 degrees there.

Hey, @theearlywalker ! Thanks. I’m not sure if I come to plug tonight.

Hey Dude, we will love to cya… :wink: won´t we @the_termin8r

My ideal room temp :stuck_out_tongue: (seriously).

I’d rather be freezing than boiling.


man I feel you, that sucks!
Luckily I don’t feel any of the heat inside my school building at all. My school has a great ventilation system

They said that the whole building with those rooms was getting knocked down.

On the topic of uni, how long is your longest lecture @Rick_van_Meijel ?

Ugh, we had the room temp issue at our computer lab too. We didn’t have heat in the winter either so we basically had lessons with our coats.

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my longest lectures are 1,5 hours max (2 lessons of 45 min each)

Lucky. I’m in for 3 hour stints (Tue and Fri), they’re in different rooms but doing the same module with the same lecturer so I count them as 1 as they are one after the other with no visible break (other than the room change and maybe one allowed by the lecturer).

this is my timetable

@the_termin8r you have pretty longs days

I’m sure that when you start those 3 hour classes will be 1,5 to 2 hours tops. Our schedule was the same and we never did the full 3 hours (with an exception of a lunatic tutor).

You’ve got a good Mon and a Thu off @Rick_van_Meijel . What course are you doing?