What grinds your gears?

I think I’ve been very nice and friendly since I became a member here… but on the last site I had a forum membership for (I’ll leave it unnamed), I was actually banned permanently… they said it was for “trolling.”

Apparently they weren’t bemused by my sense of humor. Sometimes I can think trivial what others take too seriously.

I plan to send them a “happy trolliversary” email with simply that wish, signed “love, my old username” when about a year has passed since the banning. Predictably, I find both the reason for banning and the banning itself quite trivial and hilarious. Ah, I can’t help myself.

Am I really a troll? Or am I the one who was victim of trolls… Mind-freak…Or rather mind-grind. We’re talking about gear-grinding, after all.

Nope. I’ve detected no troll in you, but then again we’ve all been corrupted by @intheend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, you gotta follow the rules.


Yeah I guess it depends on the country

Still sucks :confused: Hope you can sort it all out.

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The mark up is a lot though…190 and 300 big difference!

It is yeah. I think some universities offer it for free though or have some type of classes to help you with it, something like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I found out that here IELTS costs about 140€

seriously? there´s a troll inside of all of us…it depends, how much space in reallife you give him, the tollinator part inside the personallity, and Dude :slight_smile:

#you are not a

For all the trolls out there, here is the anthem:


I didn’t take any classes… I took just the test! It’s insane!


I know :confused: I don’t know how much classes would cost for it here since I didn’t take any either. Then again, I don’t see the point in studying for this one at all lol

Exactly! I never studied for it!

I love that song!

Wait… I mean… I’ve never heard of that song.

Don’t deny your anthem now! Don’t do it! :stuck_out_tongue:

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How many times have I told you that kids are f*cking annoying? Well, I’m saying it again.

I hate jeans. Yesterday I spent my day with jeans and my house key jammed right into my thigh and I roasted and nearly broke my phone in half when I sat down because they’re so bloody tight and stiff and they’re regular ones. I didn’t want to put my stuff in my jacket because it was in my bag.

ever heard of baggy-trousers???