What grinds your gears?

:relieved::rage: French paymentsystem, had to pay 45 EUR , did it cause we were driving too fast, via bank, (god bless I have the proof of puchase, guess what? Today arrived a bill about 180,–EUR ! They argument: no chash arrived at the “Centre Encaissment”…wtf?:scream:
think I really need ya help in this case @samuel_the_leader

(Edit: can Imagine the slight ironical smile upon ya Face right this moment :joy:)

That’s the bank’s problem, not making the transaction fast enough and/or having problems doing it. Contact them, see what’s up and have them talk with French police to deal with the extra fine.

good idea, thx @evooba but no french language me…:frowning:

Centre Encaissement is basically a center for receiving cash payments.

This situation looks familiar. A few months ago, my mother wrote a cheque but wrote the wrong date, so she ended up handing in the cheque one day earlier than the date stated on the cheque.

Since she handed the cheque in less than one hour before closing time, the bank reassured her that since they are no longer processing cheques this late in the day, the cheque would be regarded as though it was sent in the next day.

What deception it was! The cheque was still regarded as banked in one day before it was supposedly sent out (Which is obviously against the law, a fraudulence). As expected, the bank had no sense of compassion and turned around and fined my mother! Yes, and other times, the opposite happens, whereby the payment ends up from being punctual to late, and then have to end up pay late charges. :frowning:

Sounds like what I expected… Help me?

The painstaking process of calling the bank:

(Internet very slow now)

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Call your bank, give them the info of your receipt, they’ll be able to see it too and check what’s up. You don’t have to call anyone in France or whatever… and if you did, you’d speak English not French.

I think she’ll be speaking German, cuz her and her bank is German. :stuck_out_tongue:

Obviously yeah!

Wrong - anyways…
la gentille Sophié de la Direction Generale des Frances Publiques helped me out, so…

Got an email saying an album I pre-ordered can’t be delivered before October 6th (it was supposed to be here by September 17th). I died a little inside. At least they were kind enough to dispatch another album I got sooner at no additional cost.

When somebody (especially somebody who claims to be interested in cars) pronounces the double L in ‘Gallardo’ (as in Lamborghini Gallardo) as an L and not an I. I just want to punch them in the face.

This happens dozens of times today :angry:

English translation (just a quick general one) ?

no connection as short translation

Wrong, encountered a problem and needs to restart kind of problem.

come over to the playground…

Why not use chrome?

What if I told you that the Chrome masquerading as Firefox still hasn’t been resolved?